aprildiamond42 Member


  • Instead of tomato sauce, I like to use low sodium V8 juice. It adds more flavor - and then, those same fresh ingredients many listed above, onions, peppers, basil, thyme, oregano, etc. Or if it's not thick enough for pizza, mix V8 with tomato sauce.
  • Thanks for the encouraging replies. Looks like both of you have had success despite the same problems I've been having. I'll try some of the suggestions and let you know. Thank you again.
  • I'm going to try this! Thanks for the post!
  • So I tried another diet (didn't get the name) for 30 days that was no starch, no bread, no sugar, and at first I was happy, the first week lost 2-1/2 pounds. Then nothing for the next 3 weeks, even went up one pound. My friends lost 80 and 120 pounds in 8 months on this one. Since it didn't work, I'm now looking only into…
  • I have been on Armour for about a year and my temp hasn't gone up - only right after exercising. I was previously treated with NatureThroid, got it through my naturopath (before I moved to an area with no naturopaths). So the meds aren't increasing my temp or my metabolism. But I finally lost one (ONE!) (1) pound! Hooray!
  • If I eat 1500 calories one day, the next day the scale shows 1-3 pounds added! Now that I know how few I burn without exercise, all I can do is exercise more to burn more and continue to eat the same.
  • Cold hands and feet, that's me, especially when trying to lose weight! Two things I do when I am too cold: wash the dishes by hand (using hot water), and exercise. Just about 15 minutes of jogging, walking fast or 100 jumping jacks warm me up for hours.
  • Keep up the good work! I have been struggling to lose weight and have only lost one pound in 6 months! This is with tracking my food, making sure I don't go over, exercising 5 days a week. Just this week I decided to add at least 20 minutes of exercise every day, and cut out all white sugar, bread, potatoes and corn (all…
  • I just heard about zig-zagging, just what you mentioned, seaglass2, going under calories one day then over one day. It just seems impossible (defying the laws of physics) to put on 3-4 pounds in one day with such a low calorie intake, and then not have it come off for several weeks! Who says 3500 calories is one pound? For…
  • I was diagnosed a few years ago and my naturopath doctor put me on Nature-Throid. A year ago I moved to an area where there are no naturopath doctors. The new doctor put me on Armour Thyroid and she says my levels are fine. Although I'm not tired and am usually energetic, I have not been able to lose weight in 2 years and…
  • I am new to Yoga. Anyone have a link to a good beginner's video?
  • Refined sugar is hard for the body to digest and it is actually addictive. Natural sugars from fruits and vegetables are easy to digest. Unless you are diabetic, don't worry about going over with natural sugars. Don't skip your orange juice - but a whole orange would be better for you. I am on a quest to eat NO refined…
  • I was diagnosed with hypothyroid about 4 years ago, after trying and trying to lose weight and gaining it instead. My family just thinks I eat too much. Thanks to MFP and logging my food and exercise, at least I have stopped the gaining. Between June and August, I lost 9 pounds, mostly due to more exercise and eating…
  • Sure! Feel free to add me, I also need all the encouragement I can get! I have just been happy to NOT GAIN anything during the holidays. Now, to start losing...