DivaMuscle Member


  • Hey ladies, thats my goal too... been off sick for ages but am working on competing in my first comp at the end of the year... but have a long way to go!
  • I've been doing Zumba since April 2010 - and relied on the MFP database to give me a rough idea of calorie burn. Let me tell you it's waaaaaaay off... Today was the first time I used a heart rate monitor in the class and I'm actually burning twice as many calories as I originally thought. For me at 140lb it was 550 cals!…
  • Just wanted to drop in and say good luck! Keep your mini goals realistic - and focus on each day rather than the big number. If you focus on one day at a time that should make things much easier. Go for it girl :)
  • Yep - there are jumping jacks on level 2 as well... just be careful! I'm having to swim now for cardio grr
  • Hi guys I'm off the 30 day shred now - managed to damage my calf doing all those jump ropes! Be warned!! :(
  • Today was the first time I'd tried level 2 - wow, fat chance of me managing all the planks - and boy does it make me sweat. All good stuff though.
  • I've been doing the 30 day shred for 6 days now in total - so thought I've give a bit of an update. Waist - I've lost 1/2 inch Hips - I've lost 1/2 inch Weight loss - 1.6lbs So all in all not bad at all - especially as I have overeaten a few days this week.... fingers crossed the 30 day shred continues to deliver! How's…
  • Yep, my calves feel like they're splitting! But that's hopefully a good thing! I'm still doing the girl pushups as well, but will try and do some proper ones today. Keep up the good work guys!
  • I started aiming my punches at Jillian today too :laugh: Finding level 1 a bit repetitive so I upped the weights today and was absolutely drenched! Who wouldve thought 20 mins could make you sweat so much!
  • Absolutely - on day 3 now of the shred - and I definitely feel like Im able to push harder - but it's still a tough old workout... cant wait to weigh myself this weekend:wink:
  • Ditto - I started yesterday. Too scared to look at level 2 in case Jillian scares me off completely! - Bit worried my knees are already hurting a bit though... anyone else got the same problem? I'm hoping it's because I did an hour of Zumba yesterday as well.
  • @SamiRose Good point re the plateau being a new beginning - I know last time I was at that weight I wasnt doing much exercise so I'm hoping that this time round I'll blast through it as I'm dancing a lot more now. Doesnt stop me worrying though as I've set myself an aggressive target this year!:smile:
  • Shame - does that mean you've been told you're never going to get a 6 pack?
  • I'm a weekly Zumba addict - my local gym does classes and if I cant get in (it's massively oversubscribed) then I break out the Zumba dvd's. Most if not all of my weight loss is down to Zumba - and I love it! When I'm down to my goal weight I'm thinking about teaching it as well... like I said addict :wink:
  • Are you looking at anything other than weight loss? If you're doing strength training 4-5 times a week, you could actually be building muscle. Are you hip/waist ratio's changing at all? If you're only consuming 900 calories a day, perhaps you should look at the types of foods you eat. Again for the strength training, you…