

  • Go. It won't make it worse, although it probably won't ease it either. Just don't do anything that causes pain! Maybe do a slightly lighter workout. Next time you do the intense one you probably won't get the sore muscles again, assuming you keep up your workouts inbetween.
  • seriously, people (women, mostly) apologise too readily! you haven't done anything to be sorry about. you can make her aware that you feel you were unintentionally irritating her, and that you will cease and desist etc, but apologise? i wouldn't go that far. you should be really clear about what you're apologising for. you…
  • i'm a similar shape. when i put on a few pounds i'm all butt. i cycle, do classes that involve a lot of lunges and squats (weigh training), do yoga, play tennis and run. unfortunately, when my butt is the right size, i'm quite small up top, but i just suck it up. i don't mind the curves - keep a few pounds on so you have…
  • hi, unless you are one of the very rare people that has a metabolism/thyroid/medical type thing that prevents you losing weight, you are eating more calories than you are burning. it's that simple. if you do MFP and keep the food diary, lots of experienced people on this site will help you with your food choices. i find it…
  • sure, butter tastes better, but it's not better for you. the 'it's natural' argument is nonsense. it's much higher in cholesterol and has a LOT MORE trans fatty acids. it's bad for you, folks.
  • not enough complex carbs (whole grains) or protein. quick protein fixes: salmon (grilled, smoked, whatever!), nuts, natural yoghurt, avocado, baked beans, eggs, cheese, hummus, tofu, tuna (those little tins are quick and easy), cottage cheese etc. here's a good list: your diet looks a…
  • for all those people out there who say they don't have time to exercise or can't afford to get fit, they should read your story! anything is possible. good for you. hard work pays off and the acheivement and reward are all yours.
  • gosh - that's some journey. well done, you. must have been tough, but looks like it's been worth it. you look ace!
  • hi, i'm off to europe in march, too. have to fit in my ski pants... eek! i had a look at your diary (is this what you mean by your diet?). i don't think you're eating enough. you have a lot of calories left over. from what others say on this site, you should try to eat your calories, or close to it, or you may find it hard…
  • usually between 300-400. it's either muesli and natural yoghurt, home made bircher muesli with natural yoghurt (made with water not juice) or a low fat, high fibre cereal called Hi Bran that you get here in Oz, with natural yoghurt. although on weekends it's a bit higher as i usually go for brunch. then it's more like…
  • L2D1 today - OUCH. those squats with arm raises are horrid. my weights are definitely too heavy as i can't get them anywhere near eye level. the rest was okay. determined to do this 10 days straight this time.
  • i have FINALLY finished level 1. tomorrow is first day of level two. looking forward to the change!
  • hi fellow aussie gal! i've had a look at your diary and here's my two cent's worth. you need to eat more wholegrains and less cheese and sugary / chocolatey things. for b'fast, think natural yoghurt with UNTOASTED muesli (not too much dried fruit in it!), porridge, an egg with wholegrain toast, avocado and tomato on…
  • sounds to me this is all about control. you're predictable when you're doing what you've always done. but when people change a part of their lifestyle, the other person often feels left behind. he can't predict what will happen as it's new territory. it's a pretty immature thing to do. but i know in myself, when my partner…
  • L1D8 done. i took six days off as i did a huge bikeride on sunday and needed rest up before it, and then needed a few days of rest afterwards. today was good. i still hate the side arm lunges but got through the rest pretty well. will move to L2 on sunday or monday. i looked at L2 and L3 and some things look punishing but…
  • i created a new exercise. i read it was around 180 calories, so to be on the safe side i log it as 150.
  • L1D8 DONE! I HATE SIDE LUNGES WITH ARM RAISES!!!!!!!!!! apart from that it was good.
  • well done for giving it a go. i'm pretty fit and find it a challenge (i'm on day 6 of level 1). i hate anything to do with upper body strength, so the arm raises and pushups are horrible for me. you got through 19 mins? that's pretty much the whole thing! i would persevere, but sounds like maybe you could ask a trainer at…
  • L1D7 is OVER. three more days and i'm on L2. i'm going to skip sat, sun and mon due to my charity bike ride on sunday (100 kms from Sydney to Wollongong, if anyone knows the area! i've raised almost $1100 for MS, which my company matches, so actually it's $2200 - felling pretty good about that!). so, i'll do L1D10 on tues,…
  • hi, i think people who know more than i do have made great suggestions for you already. i'm amazed at your commitment and wish i had your resolve for exercise! good for you! those sorts of habits will serve you well in later life - don't give up! maybe just a little change here and there and you'll be on the right path.…
  • hi, don't lose heart! just take some of the good advice if it suits you and try a few new things.
  • L1D6 completed and today i managed to get through the dreaded side lunge with arm raise without skipping any. still struggled on the second round. the legs are fine, it's the arm raises that are challenging. i have rubbish upper body strength! on the positive side, i did my regular yoga class yesterday and powered through…
  • my friend loads her pushchair up with phone books and her baby and walks around the neighbourhood finding as many hills as possible. you could also do exercise videos at home. i do one every day. it's 20 mins (called 30 Day Shred). what you eat is most important, and i guess if you reduce your calories enough you'll lose…
  • i'm a few days behind now, as i was out of town for the weekend and staying with friends so a bit hard to do this. BUT - day 5 done of level one. feel good for a bit of a rest but glad to be back in to it. i'll start level two next week.
  • i am in my late 30s and i truly believe you have to make healthy diet and exercise a priority in your life, for you whole life. otherwise your health will suffer and if you don't have your health when you're older, you ain't got nothing! so, my best advice would be to make exercise and eathing healthy 'what you do' not an…
  • i actually can't believe the difference! you look like two completely different people. good for you. look look very pretty in your latest shots - pretty and happy and slim. what's not to like!?
  • i have just started the 30 day shred (am on day 4). i do a lot of regular exercise (cycling, tennis, running and yoga), but the 30DS really woke my body up. it's only 20 mins a day, but you work a tonne of different muscles and you sweat! heart rate goes up and you get stronger in the process. other than that - i read…
  • you are way better off cooking for yourself. in the time it takes to heat one of those ready meals, you could have made a quick salad and grilled a piece of fish or steak. it has fewer calories, so you could easily finish off with some yoghut and honey for pudding or something. or you could cut up a few vegetables and some…
  • it says on the internet that it burns around 180 calories per session, so to be on the safe side i log it as 150 calories. i just added an exercise manually and allocated 150 cals.
  • day 3, level 1 done! (i'm on oz time so a few hours ahead of you all). still finding it challenging to lift those weights, but am sticking with it. did a HARD spin class yesterday which was all strength (so heavy resistance) and combined with the 30DS, my legs are SORE today. but pain is weakness leaving the body! good…