30 Day Shred Start 10/25/2011



  • eep610
    eep610 Posts: 29 Member
    Where do you go to put the green writing that you have. The SW and CW. I see a lot of people have them but I only have the ticker, not sure where to go for it. Thanks!

    Look above the messages on this page and you'll see the headline "Message Boards>>Fitness and Exercise". Below that are the words "Home, Recent Posts, My Topics, Signature and Search" Click on Signature and you can just copy and paste someone else's "green writing" then replace with your stats...at least that's what I did.
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    Where do you go to put the green writing that you have. The SW and CW. I see a lot of people have them but I only have the ticker, not sure where to go for it. Thanks!

    Look above the messages on this page and you'll see the headline "Message Boards>>Fitness and Exercise". Below that are the words "Home, Recent Posts, My Topics, Signature and Search" Click on Signature and you can just copy and paste someone else's "green writing" then replace with your stats...at least that's what I did.

    Thanks! And good job today! keep it up!
  • becca3211
    becca3211 Posts: 98 Member
    I lost inches doing just round 1. iam done but iam going to fit in in a couple days in my regular workout. its a good video.
  • I have no time to go to the gym. That's why I decided to try this 30DS because if I can't fit in 22 minutes I'd be seriously pathetic. So I am just calorie counting and doing the 30DS. I have to wake up at about 5:30 to do it, get the kids ready for school and go to work. And I am ignoring ashbergums comment for now, about the insanity starting over again when I go up the next level. :cry:

    If it didn't get harder it wouldn't do what it's meant to do! :) The first 3 days of each level are the hardest, but you can do it!! It's so worth it!!

    I know. Just picking. I woke up this a.m. to do day 3 level 1 and it wasn't as hard today as it was to do it yesterday. However, I still suck at pushups.
  • Also, when I put in 22 minutes of circuit traning, general it says 261 cals burned. Is that about right? So far I haven't been eating my extra calories burned bur I just wanted to check. Thanks ladies.
  • Also, when I put in 22 minutes of circuit traning, general it says 261 cals burned. Is that about right? So far I haven't been eating my extra calories burned bur I just wanted to check. Thanks ladies.
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    Level1 Day6 done this morning and it was a good workout I seem to be getting the hang of things really goo now except the jumping rope thing! lol and push up's are a killer!!!!! How is everyone else doing?
  • fallenangelloves
    fallenangelloves Posts: 601 Member
    If its ok with with everyone I'd like to join in with y'all. This is actually my day D8L1 but I convinced my husband to do this with me and it's his D3L1 so I'm giving myself a couple extra days at Level 1 (which is ok cause I still can't do it all without modifying alot)
  • eep610
    eep610 Posts: 29 Member
    Day 7 of Level 1 Done! Tough to fit it in today but did it while dinner was in the oven! Definitely getting easier. May consider doing Level 2 tomorrow just for a change. I did this program several years ago and remember that I thought Level 2 was harder than Level 3. But, if I feel like it tomorrow I may try Level 2 then go back to Level 1 for a kind of break then see how I feel the next day. Just a little variety.

    Tomorrow I will have been on MFP for one week and I will weigh myself. I'm not expecting to loose much, not because I haven't been careful with eating but because I have been exercising way more than usual and therefore I think some of my fat has turned into muscle. Hopefully I will be able to see difference in clothing soon to keep me motivated.

    Good luck to all and I don't see any reason that late comers can't join, but it's not my thread.
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    L1D4 done
    felt real strong today
  • i'm a few days behind now, as i was out of town for the weekend and staying with friends so a bit hard to do this.

    BUT - day 5 done of level one. feel good for a bit of a rest but glad to be back in to it. i'll start level two next week.
  • Just finished day one and i'm shaking. This video is a major step up from my other videos. I don't know how this video couldn't work.
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    Hey everyone! Glad to see you'r all doing good! I'm not sure Im gonna get day 7 in today. My body is telling me to chill out! But I might see how I feel tonight.....If not this will be my rest day for level 1
  • eep610
    eep610 Posts: 29 Member
    Just finished Level 2 Day 1 which means I have completed 8 days of the 30 Day Shred. I know most people do 10 days at a level before moving on but I did this program several years ago and I remember Level 2 was harder for me than Level 3 so I wanted to do Level 2 early and if I feel like dropping back to Level 1 tomorrow I will and if not I'll plan to do 7 days of Level 2, 7 days of Level 3 and then the remaining 7 days I'll rotate between levels, just for variety sake.

    Level 2 was as I remember, very hard...but I did it! Anita is my friend!
  • Sucy1
    Sucy1 Posts: 52
    Just started L2 Day 1 of 30D

    Looking for more motivation to keep going. Also doing Turbo Jam so I normally take the weekend off or do a lite jog.
  • Day 2 of l1. I'm feeling more confident about being able to move onto level two in 8 days. Although i woke up with sore legs, i was a bit concerned about working the same group two days in a row but i powered through. Anyone out there resting inbetween days?
  • L1D6 completed and today i managed to get through the dreaded side lunge with arm raise without skipping any. still struggled on the second round. the legs are fine, it's the arm raises that are challenging. i have rubbish upper body strength!

    on the positive side, i did my regular yoga class yesterday and powered through the pushups, so something's working!

    good luck y'all today, from sunny oz!
  • LRH64
    LRH64 Posts: 199 Member
    L1D4 done,,,,missed yesterday because schedule was so busy, so I got up early this morning to do it. Have a good day everyone. :happy:
  • L1D6 completed and today i managed to get through the dreaded side lunge with arm raise without skipping any. still struggled on the second round. the legs are fine, it's the arm raises that are challenging. i have rubbish upper body strength!

    on the positive side, i did my regular yoga class yesterday and powered through the pushups, so something's working!

    good luck y'all today, from sunny oz!

    The side lunge arm raise is what's still killing me too. I did L1D5 this morning. The first two days my body killed me all day all night after. Now the past 3 days, my body doesn't hurt afterwards, but during the video some parts are still hard for me. I was contemplating moving to level 2 but I really think I am going to stick to 10 days on each level.
  • eep610
    eep610 Posts: 29 Member
    Just completed my 9th day. I did Level 1 Day 8. Tomorrow I'll do my second day of Level 2.