30 Day Shred Start 10/25/2011

Anyone wanna start the 30DS with me? I started today....Think it be nice to have others doing it with me keep everyone motivated!!!


  • I just started today too! I will send you a request :)
  • I would like to do it. What does it consist of? I'm new to my fitness pal (just started today) and want to get the most out of this program.
  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 635 Member
    I would like to do it. What does it consist of? I'm new to my fitness pal (just started today) and want to get the most out of this program.

    It's an exercise video by Jillian Micheals with 3 different levels, supposed to do it 30 days, hence 30day shred. About 30min. Pretty good workout.

    Good luck to all that start it. :)
  • star9401
    star9401 Posts: 34 Member
    I just finished doing 30 days of the Shred for the first time.. (Skipped 4 Saturdays). I plan on doing another it another 30 days. I am looking a *bit* forward to going back to level 1 and I remember I thought I was going to die doing level 1 the first time around. Never thought I would be able to do Levels 2 and 3, but I did it. I look forward to going back and trying to do less of the modified moves the second time around. :)
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    I just finished doing 30 days of the Shred for the first time.. (Skipped 4 Saturdays). I plan on doing another it another 30 days. I am looking a *bit* forward to going back to level 1 and I remember I thought I was going to die doing level 1 the first time around. Never thought I would be able to do Levels 2 and 3, but I did it. I look forward to going back and trying to do less of the modified moves the second time around. :)

    HAha after I was done today I wrote how I felt and the one thing I wrote was I felt like I was gonna die!!! Lol Did you lose anything weight or inches doing it round 1?
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    boys allowed? I planned on starting tonight also.

  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    I'm on day 25 of the Shred (nonstop) and I love it. I'm also doing Killer Bun & Thighs. =D Good luck everyone!
  • i started last night and did my second session this morning! i have HIGH expectations of this. have not done my measurements but will do tonight so i can check progress.

    good luck! i didn't find it too bad. some of the weights strength were pretty challenging (especially the side lunges with arm raises, and the squats with arm raises). i am only using 2.5kg weights, but that is plenty heavy for now.

  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    So is everyone doing 30 days straight or are you going to take a day each week or each level off? I was thinking of tryint to go the first 10 days then breaking a day then start the 2nd level. Also what else are you doing beside this? I am trying to get back to the gym next week life is hectic right now for me but I am finding time to workout everyday! I also have some walking dvd's if the weather is bad I do them and I have E A Sports Active for my wii I like it a lot but it's the older one without the hrm....
  • i'm going to do the 30 days straight, although i do need to take a mini break in the first weekend of november as i'm doing a 100km charity bike ride and need to rest up before it and after it. so i will probably skip four days in a row there.

    other than 30DS, here's my usual exercise pattern (my base calories are 1230. i weigh 146 pounds and am 5"7. aiming to lose another eight pounds or so):

    four days a week i cycle to and from work (9kms each way, and it's hilly)
    two days a week - 20 mins of weights but they are quite light and targeted at strenghtening some of my muscles for tennis.

    mondays i either do lunchtime yoga or a short run (4kms)
    tuesdays - either a 4k run or pilates
    weds - spin for 50 mins
    thurs - i've been doing training rides for the charity cycle - around 25-30kms around a flat-ish route)
    fri - advanced pilates and maybe tennis in the evening
    sat - yoga
    sun - usually tennis
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I'll give it a try I know that I wont do it daily but I'll shoot for three times a week. I have a bum left shoulder so I wont be doing level 3.
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    L1D1 done! felt good.

  • L1D2 done...it took me till 10:00 to finalllly get to it...but hey..its DONE :)
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    Day 2 level 1 done :) I really was thinking this morning around 3:30 that I wasnt gonna keep doing it my body is so sore and hurts but I said the hell with it Im not quiting this time! I feel great! And Im soaked with sweat and hot as hell right now! Think I'll jump right in to a 30 minute jog.....Good Luck everyone!! :tongue:
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    L1D2 done...it took me till 10:00 to finalllly get to it...but hey..its DONE :)

    Wtg! All that matter's is that it's done! You did it! By the way you look amazing in your pic's :happy:
  • L1D2 done...it took me till 10:00 to finalllly get to it...but hey..its DONE :)

    Wtg! All that matter's is that it's done! You did it! By the way you look amazing in your pic's :happy:

    Awe thanks!! Im hoping the shred will get me into gear and get me toned for good!
  • day 3, level 1 done! (i'm on oz time so a few hours ahead of you all).

    still finding it challenging to lift those weights, but am sticking with it.

    did a HARD spin class yesterday which was all strength (so heavy resistance) and combined with the 30DS, my legs are SORE today. but pain is weakness leaving the body!

    good luck today!
  • I ordered it today!!! I would love to start with everyone in a week or so when i get it
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    Well after my workout I was getting ready and noticed I dont have my jogging stroller here So I just went on a nice long brisk walk and it was a good one! Good job to everyone that did their workout today keep up the good work!
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    day 3, level 1 done! (i'm on oz time so a few hours ahead of you all).

    still finding it challenging to lift those weights, but am sticking with it.

    did a HARD spin class yesterday which was all strength (so heavy resistance) and combined with the 30DS, my legs are SORE today. but pain is weakness leaving the body!

    good luck today!

    Wtg! Im also sore my legs I can deal with it's my side muscles that are killing me bad! But you know what after I started I was ok the pain seemed to go away and not tonight it's back fullforce! Today was a down day for me and I kinda ate almost all my exercise calories back but tomorrow is looking better!
    I love it Pain is weakness leaving the body :)