

  • Hi!!! Welcome to MFP!!! I have found this to be really useful. It has helped me stay more accountable to my food intake since I started using it. I like that I can track my exercise and my water intake as well. If you have a smartphone you can get this as an app too so you can track your foods no matter where you are. The…
  • Pacific Islander
  • What is Calorie Cycling??
  • Also, make sure you are eating atleast 1200 calories everyday no matter what. Less than that is bad for your body.
  • I am going through a plateau as well, and got some good advice from on here. Today I was talking to some people at the nutrition center I go to sometimes and what they said made sense and made me feel a lot better... I had a great weight loss---20 lbs over about 8 weeks. Then I just stopped. Haven't gained it back, but…
  • Thanks everyone for the ideas! I probably do need to drink more water, and maybe I will try increasing my calories a bit here and there by eating something extra but still healthy. Hopefully those two things will work. Its good to be able to ask people who have been there!!
  • I am trying to watch my carbs too. It can be realy challenging. I have done this before and this time seems to be the easiest for me. I think because I have realized which carbs are ok and changed or deleted the carbs I was eating. My biggest enemy was sugar. Watching my sugar carbs has REALLY helped. I was a big drinker…
  • I like the Chobani and the yoplait. The sugar content is better than some. I got an Activia greek yogurt the other day thinking I would be helping my gut too, and it was good, but I should have looked at the sugar content before I ate it. The Chobani depends on which one you get but I think they are all less than 20g. I…
  • She is right. MFP really helps. It keeps you motivated. I get on here about as much as I get on Facebook! I love being able to track my foods and it really helps to keep me on target. I actually look forward to putting in my foods and exercise and seeing where I am at for the day. Plus, there is so much support on here and…
  • I would recommend discussing your meds with your doctor. Not all BCPs cause weight gain and some cause more than others. Maybe there is another they can switch you too. I also was on Zoloft, which helped my I didn't feel sad or anything, I just didn't feel good, either. tired alot, and no motivation. So my…
  • oh, and they say peppermint too, though, depending on who you ask, it can sooth your stomach when you have indigestion, but I think its on the 'avoid list' for ulcers.
  • you are welcome. Hopefully you won't have to give up chocolate for too long! Thats always tough. :-)
  • basically you should be on a bland diet, or what he may have referred to as the BRAT diet... which is bananas , rice, applesauce, and toast. (also used after nausea/vomiting). Basically you want to eat bland starchy foods.. plain baked or boiled chicken or turkey, rice, potatoes, plain pasta, milk, crackers, some veggies,…
  • I have tried numerous protein shakes with various results. Some of them gave me headaches, some of them didn't keep me full, some of them left me hungry, and some of them upset my stomach. I always had to stop them. Over the last month I have been using Herbal Life, which is available in Australia. I really like these and…
  • High-protein low-carb shakes, tofu, edamame, and hummus and carrots are some of my favorites. Also, just a few small pieces of chicken will do too (like those pre-cooked strips).