Iamslimandfit Member


  • I am feeling HOPEFUL once again about my weight loss journey. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism and insulin resistance. Due to both conditions, I have been incredibly weight loss RESISTANT for a long time. I found a wonderful endocrinologist who is going to be very helpful to me on my weight loss journey. I also…
  • My Non Scale Victory (NSV) lately has been that I am not beating myself up when I have a slip up with food or exercise. Negative self-talk only hurts me, so I am proud of myself for kicking it to the curb more often lately!
  • Did the treadmill for 30 minutes last night and worked out with my trainer this morning! Back on board after the Thanksgiving holiday! My birthday is Thursday and I am determined to be much healthier by this time next year!!! :)
  • My endocrinologist kept my Synthroid dose the same and added a T3 medicine (Cytomel). She also started me on Metformin to address the Insulin Resistance. I need to wean onto the Metformin very slowly to avoid GI upset. So far, so good, but I need to reign in my eating after this Thanksgiving holiday with family. Tomorrow…
  • Just finished working out with my personal trainer. She kicked my butt, especially on the stair stepper machine, which she calls "the monster!" Feeling great now, though!!! :D
  • BTW, I want/need to lose about 75 pounds to get to a healthy BMI once again! It has been WAAAAAY too long since I've been thin and healthy!
  • Still traveling a lot for work?!? That must make healthy eating and exercising very difficult. BUT: YOU CAN DO IT!!! My wheels fell off the last 3 days (Weds - Fri), but I am back on board today! Lost 6 pounds the first week but only .4 this week do to my slip-ups at the end of the week. I need to buckle down again and do…
  • Something needed to give, so I started following the DASH Diet for Weight Loss on 2/24/14. IN the first week, I lost 6 pounds. I don't expect that big of a loss every week, but it is the first time in about 5 years since my weight has budged DOWN at all!!! So I am a happy camper!!! It is now 3/5, and I have continued to…
  • Weighed myself last week and the scale hadn't budged down A BIT!!! :sad: Had a little tantrum because of this and went off plan all weekend, which makes no sense, I know. I am back on board today. Just worked out with my trainer and feel recommitted to eating right and exercising consistently FOR MY HEALTH first. I am…
  • Hi! I am doing much better with consistent exercise and better eating. Not sure if it is paying off yet with weight loss, but I know I am heading in the right direction for better health. That is my main focus, but I sure hope the weight loss will follow. I haven't logged calories in MFP for a long time, but started…
  • Today has been a rough day. Shopped for clothes and left feeling like a big fat person. :cry: Some other stuff happened, too, to challenge my positive thinking. I am working hard to drown out the negative thoughts with positive thinking. Some moments are better than others. I hope you are doing well! Write when you can!
  • Thank you for the birthday wishes! I had a great day. Worked out with my new personal trainer and it felt great! I decided that this is going to be a great year and the year in which I get healthy again. And I can't wait! I have been much more consistent with exercise lately, but need to keep it up for....... well,…
  • Hope you enjoy your week off!!! :bigsmile: I am making some serious progress on my internal journey toward weight loss. Now if I can get the outside to follow, I'd be on my way! I have faith that I will get it done a little at a time, starting today! It is almost 11pm, but I am going to go walk on the treadmill one last…
  • We had a great Thanksgiving, but I ate way too much food. :frown: I am still fighting to get back on board. So far, today has been good food-wise. And I just finished a 30-minute workout on the recumbent cycle, so that helps! On Wednesday, my little family of 4 had Thanksgiving dinner at our lake house. My husband cooked…
  • Way to go, aubsgg!!! That is so good that you went to bed hungry since no calories left, and did zumba for an hour with no desire to eat your calories!!! Working out, like most everything else I do, usually makes me hungry. But at least I get extra calories when I work out. I am still committed, but not keeping track of my…
  • Thank you for your encouragment, aubsgg!!! I have now decided that I need to lose about 75 pounds to get down to a healthy BMI. I lowered my goal weight and ~ unfortunately ~ my highest weight keeps creeping up. THIS IS IT!!! No higher!!! I need to do whatever it takes to make that scale budge DOWNWARD!!! I feel committed…
  • PM'd you my reply now that we're MFP friends! :smile:
  • I am just about in the same boat. :frown: I keep thinking/saying that I am going to start over and eat healthier and exercise consistently.......and then I don't follow through. It is so much easier to eat what I want (though I am usually conscious of my choices) and NOT exercise as the days fly by. This adds to my shame…
  • I have heard that you can add spinach to fruit smoothies without noticing the flavor. Is that true? Do you use spinach leaves or what? I have been doing some weight training for upper body. Need to pick up the frequency, though. My foot actually feels much better just in the past couple days. Thank God!!! I was really…
  • Soooooooooo happy to hear from you!!!!! I thought you disappeared, too!!! I am okay, but exercise is still on hold since foot surgery 5 weeks ago. I hope to get the okay for exercise at my 7 week follow-up appointment. I have been on my feet a lot more and doing some walking, but it gets sore easily still. So trainer is on…
  • Thing went well with the trainer! I took my handicapped daughter, too (scheduled), so he worked with her as well. It was nice to catch my breath while he worked with her. Usually, he takes me quickly from one thing to the next, which leaves me breathless! That's the idea, right?!? My food and exercise have not been at all…
  • Nope, I haven't abandoned ship, but I haven't been doing well food and exercise speaking since returning from Ireland. I work out with a new trainer in the morning and he is going to kick my butt!!! I need it, though!!! Gotta get back in the right frame of mind! Glad you are still around!!! :bigsmile:
  • Hello Aubsgg!!! I was in Ireland on vacation from June 19th to July 1st, so just saw your post to me. I did not focus much on "dieting" while in Ireland, but did get a lot of walking in. Need to regroup and start planning food and exercise again and get over my jet lag! Had a wonderful vacation with my mom and sisters, but…
  • Sorry to hear that your trip isn't working well for you. I hope you enjoyed your visit with your hubby and maybe even got some exercise in. Hang in there and focus on any positive you can find to help you through this trying time. You can do it!!!
  • Wow, not only are you working these long hours, but you are away from home, too?!? You have it rough right now. A holding pattern is probably smart in that situation. I hear you on having a simple goal (lunges and squats) and forgetting to do it. I do that all the time! I really need to make exercise a priority and show it…
  • Still walking at least 15 minutes every day!!! YIPPEE!!! :bigsmile:
  • So happy to hear from you!!! I am glad you are still here and checking in. Sorry you are working such long hours!!! That sounds crazy!!! No wonder you don't feel like working out when you finally get free time. Try to squeeze in even 15 minutes...... just to devote some time to yourself and keep/reinforce a habit. YOU CAN…
  • Since my scale doesn't seem to know how to go down, I will focus on my non-scale victories for now. I have walked 15+ minutes every day since Saturday! Trying to develop a positive habit and exercise self-discipline. So far, so good!!! :bigsmile:
  • aubsgg: GREAT advice!!! I will explore your ideas and work hard to make changes. Thank you for caring and for your input (and for still being here)!!! :flowerforyou:
  • My non-scale victory today is that I am finally getting a grip on my overeating for the moment. There is no question that I am addicted to food, so this is a major accomplishment. I am really focusing on the fact that I need to make changes if I am going to get a different/better result. That has helped when I am tempted…