ladyashen Member


  • Motivation? Why, yes, please!
  • I'm in too!
  • You can do this! Don't give up. You'll have good days and very bad days, you might even fall off the band wagon, we've all been there but you can do this!
  • I could use some motivation as well. You motivate me, I'll motivate you! lol
  • I'm in my 20s but b moved to California from Kentucky, recently. I'll add ya though.
  • Welcome!! And kudos for losing that much weight on your own! Adding ya!
    in New here Comment by ladyashen April 2012
  • I don't think you can ever get enough friends and encouragement on here. I'm gonna add me, feel free to add back. It's good to have support :)
  • I totally share your pain. I'm recently trying to get back on the band wagon after gaining all the weight I lost over vacation thanks to my sweet tooth and over zealous family dinners. I need support as well. :(
  • I think this is so much easier when you have people encouraging you. I'll add ya :)
  • Hey! Welcome! I'll add ya
  • I'm the most terrible night time eater!! God, it's awful. I can be fine all day, healthy, under my caloric goal and then night o'clock rolls around and I turn into the cookie monster! No good!
  • Welcome to MFP! We're all beyond super cool and amazingly supportive here. I think the best aspect of this site is the community. I've been on and off here for months and I recently acquired some friends and they keep me coming back every day coz I love it when they praise me for all the little weight loss steps I take.…
  • Heck yeah! One day at a time, one smaller meal at a time, one mile at a time, we can do this!
  • I agree. It's a very supportive group here. I'll add ya.
    in new Comment by ladyashen January 2011
  • Though I know very little about the diet implications regarding chron's and arthritis, I do know that calories are the main way to lose weight. By counting calories, I lost 14 lbs before joining MFP. I was doing it in an unhealthy way, however, so I joined this site in order to better manage the protein/fiber etc content…
  • A degree in surfing?!?! What?! That's hilarious!! We have degrees in landscaping here, I didn't know one needed to go to school for four years to learn how to landscape. What's next? A degree in kite flying? And you're absolutely right about the prices being insane. You speak about 9000 Pounds Sterling which may be $18000…
  • Welcome to MFP! I've noticed that calorie control is the biggest key to losing weight. Before joining MFP, I lost 14 lbs by counting calories. Unfortunately, I wasn't doing it the healthy way so I joined MFP so it help me keep track of my protein and fiber etc content. Weight loss is doable..just hard and annoying! Keeping…
  • Ah I see. I think people can do that here as well but I'm really not sure because I never looked into it. I just know that my last dentist completed his course in 3 years so he must've done something prior to getting into dental school. And I also know that a colleague of mine took some dental courses during her Masters…
  • I've been here for a while but this is my first round around forums. The site keeps saying I should get friends so, hey! Let's be friends! lol I'm a 23 years old first-year dental student in Louisville, KY. I love music, travel, reading, writing, electronics all around nerd, really. I'm probably one of the very few…
  • Ours normal course is 4 years. Some universities offer 3 year accelerated courses and they keep threatening us to make it five years but thus far, US dental schools are all four years. That's pretty amazing that you get to complete it in 3! I love it so far. First two years are predominantly science-heavy and a lot of book…
  • Heya, I'm 23 years old, probably the only single gal in this thread. lol I'm studying Dentistry in Louisville, Kentucky, it's my second semester. I noticed you are going to do dentistry in London! That's awesome! Before moving to America some 11 years ago, we used to live in Ireland so we frequented London often. Hobbies:…
  • Heya. This is my first time using fitness pal. I was using LoseIt on iPod and lost 17 lbs using that but fitnesspal is way better when it comes to food database. Good luck to you though. I noticed that low caloric intake is the key instead of working out too much. I worked out twice a week for two years and lost nothing.…
    in new here Comment by ladyashen June 2010