Hello everyone, im new at this

Hey everyone im new on here as of today, im trying desperately to lose weight after having my son 6 months ago but with little success.


  • ladyashen
    ladyashen Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    I've noticed that calorie control is the biggest key to losing weight. Before joining MFP, I lost 14 lbs by counting calories. Unfortunately, I wasn't doing it the healthy way so I joined MFP so it help me keep track of my protein and fiber etc content. Weight loss is doable..just hard and annoying! Keeping at it when the weight goes up is the toughest thing but if you can pull through it, you can do anything else life throws at you!
  • blondie2285
    Hi! I am in the same boat! I had my son 3 months ago and am still not to my pre-pregnancy weight!! I will add you if you would like to be motivation buddies!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Welcome to MFP.