New here-looking for friends

blondie2285 Posts: 40
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Like the title says, Im rather new to the site. I just learned about it after Christmas. I am looking for some friends to help me stay motivated, and also so I can help them out too! Not sure how to add people, and how it all works, but would love to meet some new people!
Thanks! :smile:


  • ladyashen
    ladyashen Posts: 22 Member
    I've been here for a while but this is my first round around forums. The site keeps saying I should get friends so, hey! Let's be friends! lol

    I'm a 23 years old first-year dental student in Louisville, KY. I love music, travel, reading, writing, electronics all around nerd, really. I'm probably one of the very few on this site that are single and have no children!

    So hi!
  • I will add you :) I have been on for 40 days and I love it here :)
  • Hi-

    New here to and just began today- Found this site the other day from a magazine. Hoping that it will keep me motivated and I can find some motivation from people who are trying to get healthy and lose weight as well. Looking for friends and support just like you.
  • Awesome thanks ladies! Im 25, and now have a 3 month old son-trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight! Then the diet is really going to kick in lol!
  • Hi I have been on this site for about a month and love it. I am 25 and just trying to lose a little weight and get healthy. I think i am ready to have a baby soon and want to stay healthly through that!
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