Tired of being tired

restigoucherose Posts: 9
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there. I am a 39 year old mom to 2 great kids! I want to loose between 50-70 lbs. My son is autistic and can be very physical and demanding. I want to get healthier to take better care of my kids. Some days i think today is the day and then...wham...i always have some excuse to not exercise or eat properly. I also have health issues like chron's and arthritis and just want to get off some medication and feel GOOD for a change! I really need some help and motivation and look forward to having new friends on this site to help me out and give my butt a kick if i start with excuses again. So please add me :)


  • ladyashen
    ladyashen Posts: 22 Member
    Though I know very little about the diet implications regarding chron's and arthritis, I do know that calories are the main way to lose weight. By counting calories, I lost 14 lbs before joining MFP. I was doing it in an unhealthy way, however, so I joined this site in order to better manage the protein/fiber etc content of my food.

    I have a distant step-relative with a son who has autism. Whenever she visits, I notice she barely gets a moment to sit with company and speak to them, she's constantly busy with her son. I can't even imagine the toll it takes on you each day, every day. But you can do this! Buy healthy so all you have at home to eat is healthy.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome to MFP! First, you have to be trully willing to make changes, it's important so that you will stick with your new eating plan. Second, you have done a good thing by joining this site, you will find much support and inspiration here and the members are very helpful and caring. To start off on the right foot, make small changes and set mini goals, don't over do it to fast and too hard or you will just want to give up. Small changes will make a big difference and that we can all handle. Change will not come overnight as we all wish, but if you set your mind too it, you can and will succeed! Just keep coming back and logging in everyday and satying accountable and yes, today is the day...No more excuses! Add me as a friend if you like, I have a long journey ahead of me.
  • I know how you feel. I am 44 years old. I have one child and have been dealing with cancer in my family for quite some time. My husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor about 2.5 years ago. He is doing well now and hopefully will stay that way. I also want to get healthier for my son's sake as well as my own. I always use the excuse of having too much to do or being too tired to exercise. I got started again this week and so far so good. Hope you do well with your diet and exercise!

    A tip on exercise. A friend of mine recently made me realize that it is exercise I need when I am feeling tired. She said it actually gives her energy. Hmmm, a new concept. I am going to give it a shot! Good Luck!
  • I'm a teacher and I'm so tired after work. I've noticed a huge difference in the amount of energy that I have just in the last couple of weeks that I've started exercising. Try to push yourself a little. It may just do the trick! I have exercise TV on demand and I've just been doing some of those workouts.
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    I also want to add that I realize you have a demanding situation at home and some health challanges, I have arthritis as well and chronic pain, but if you don't take care of you, who will? And like you said, if you are in tip top shape, you can be able to be better at taking care of your kids!
  • thanks for your kind words!
  • you are so right...if i don't start taking care of myself who will??? thanks!
  • i was walking before xmas and was starting to feel good and then wham!!! with the holidays and my whole family got some sort of flu bug...i just haven't been able to get my butt back out there even though i KNOW it helps me!!! Right now we just had another snow storm so i will have to look at working out at home....
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