What does everyone do?



  • ladyashen
    ladyashen Posts: 22 Member
    I'm still doing my biomedical science degree at the moment which is soooo dull but its a good course to do if you're wanting to do medicine/dentistry as the course get reduced by about 1/2 years because you already have a grounding in medical knowledge...so you go straight into the clinical stuff rather than having to do the book work again.

    I have exams in like 4 weeks so i'm studying at the moment.
    So to do dentistry in american do you have to have another degree first? ie you had dental hygiene

    Ah I see. I think people can do that here as well but I'm really not sure because I never looked into it. I just know that my last dentist completed his course in 3 years so he must've done something prior to getting into dental school. And I also know that a colleague of mine took some dental courses during her Masters program and she doesn't have to take some of our classes, but she'll graduate the same as the rest of us so it's really not getting shortened.

    And yes, before getting into dental school here, you need to have a bachelors degree in something and to have done the dental school pre-reqs. Education is a business in USA, unfortunately, but at the same time, all knowledge is worth having so I'm really not complaining too much about the extra four years I had to spend. lol Normally, people do bachelors in bio science before getting into medical or dental school here, I did dental hygiene so that, in case I didn't get into dental school, I would have a back up plan.

    P.S: I'm going to add ya now. lol
  • Summerscoming
    I'm still doing my biomedical science degree at the moment which is soooo dull but its a good course to do if you're wanting to do medicine/dentistry as the course get reduced by about 1/2 years because you already have a grounding in medical knowledge...so you go straight into the clinical stuff rather than having to do the book work again.

    I have exams in like 4 weeks so i'm studying at the moment.
    So to do dentistry in american do you have to have another degree first? ie you had dental hygiene

    Ah I see. I think people can do that here as well but I'm really not sure because I never looked into it. I just know that my last dentist completed his course in 3 years so he must've done something prior to getting into dental school. And I also know that a colleague of mine took some dental courses during her Masters program and she doesn't have to take some of our classes, but she'll graduate the same as the rest of us so it's really not getting shortened.

    And yes, before getting into dental school here, you need to have a bachelors degree in something and to have done the dental school pre-reqs. Education is a business in USA, unfortunately, but at the same time, all knowledge is worth having so I'm really not complaining too much about the extra four years I had to spend. lol Normally, people do bachelors in bio science before getting into medical or dental school here, I did dental hygiene so that, in case I didn't get into dental school, I would have a back up plan.

    P.S: I'm going to add ya now. lol

    Lol thank you!

    yeah although its not a requirement here to do a degree before dental school its becoming more and more popular as the places for dental school and medical school are ridiculously competitive now .(about 40 applicants for every place at uni) so atleast the grad programs are exclusively for the graduates and you dont have compete with the school leavers as they can only apply for the 5 year courses. Part of me wishes i had applied straight out of school, but i hadnt made up my mind so i suppose i cant begrudge spending three years doing biomed as I didnt know what i wanted to do in the first place!

    Unfortunately University is becoming more and more like a bussiness here with our new government. At first university was free and paid for by the state, then it was £1500 per year (cheap) now im paying £3300 per year and next year its going up to £9000 a year, i dont know how students will be able to afford it. its crazy. Especially when we have some really pointless degrees, if the gov't got rid of those they would have more money and wouldnt have to increase the fees. Seems obvious to me...who needs a degree in surfing anyway? lol seriously...there is a british uni that offers a degree in surfing!
  • ladyashen
    ladyashen Posts: 22 Member
    Lol thank you!

    yeah although its not a requirement here to do a degree before dental school its becoming more and more popular as the places for dental school and medical school are ridiculously competitive now .(about 40 applicants for every place at uni) so atleast the grad programs are exclusively for the graduates and you dont have compete with the school leavers as they can only apply for the 5 year courses. Part of me wishes i had applied straight out of school, but i hadnt made up my mind so i suppose i cant begrudge spending three years doing biomed as I didnt know what i wanted to do in the first place!

    Unfortunately University is becoming more and more like a bussiness here with our new government. At first university was free and paid for by the state, then it was £1500 per year (cheap) now im paying £3300 per year and next year its going up to £9000 a year, i dont know how students will be able to afford it. its crazy. Especially when we have some really pointless degrees, if the gov't got rid of those they would have more money and wouldnt have to increase the fees. Seems obvious to me...who needs a degree in surfing anyway? lol seriously...there is a british uni that offers a degree in surfing!

    A degree in surfing?!?! What?! That's hilarious!! We have degrees in landscaping here, I didn't know one needed to go to school for four years to learn how to landscape. What's next? A degree in kite flying?

    And you're absolutely right about the prices being insane. You speak about 9000 Pounds Sterling which may be $18000 or less. Per anum, I have to pay $61,000 for school here which doesn't include cost of living or books. And this is one of the government funded, state schools. Another university that I interviewed at was asking for $80,000. Can you imagine? The debt upon the average student is about the price of a 4-bedroom house in a pretty nice neighborhood close to a big city + a new toyota or something; that's just simply ridiculous, don't you think?

    And competition is rather insane here as well, especially for dental school. When I applied through the online application site, it showed 54 dental schools in all of USA...we have 50 states total. The state of Utah has no dental school period. For my class, there were 120 seats available and 3,500 applicants. The competition is mind-boggling.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Welcome! I'm 31 years old and am a high school English teacher, engaged to married this June. I try to get to the gym 3-5 days a week and monitor my calories on MFP daily. I started at 190 and I'm down to 173 since September. My goal is 125-135 in time for the wedding. I've been really amping it up these last few weeks with my own weight training routine at the gym, and I also do a half hour of cardio usually alternating on different machines because I get bored. ONce in a while I'll mix in an aerobics class for an hour long cardio burn. To stay motivated (and since I'm not a morning workout person), I throw my workout clothes in the back of my car and go to the gym immediately after school. If I exceed three days of working out, I'm allowed to get a cup of Dunkin Donuts or STarbucks coffee with lowfat milk. It's an inexpensive treat that doesn't have a ton of calories! Also, every six months I splurge on a new pair of workout sneakers, which for some reason really motivates me to go to the gym.:-)

  • Summerscoming

    A degree in surfing?!?! What?! That's hilarious!! We have degrees in landscaping here, I didn't know one needed to go to school for four years to learn how to landscape. What's next? A degree in kite flying?

    And you're absolutely right about the prices being insane. You speak about 9000 Pounds Sterling which may be $18000 or less. Per anum, I have to pay $61,000 for school here which doesn't include cost of living or books. And this is one of the government funded, state schools. Another university that I interviewed at was asking for $80,000. Can you imagine? The debt upon the average student is about the price of a 4-bedroom house in a pretty nice neighborhood close to a big city + a new toyota or something; that's just simply ridiculous, don't you think?

    And competition is rather insane here as well, especially for dental school. When I applied through the online application site, it showed 54 dental schools in all of USA...we have 50 states total. The state of Utah has no dental school period. For my class, there were 120 seats available and 3,500 applicants. The competition is mind-boggling.

    lol yeah surfing and a degree in meat! haha! yeah prices in america are crazy! i dont understand how you even get to go to university. do you get loans and such? we get gov't loans for the first degree so atleast theres no interest to pay back except that of inflation. i find it odd we only have i think 9 dental schools in the uk and three of those are in london, i think there maybe a couple of new ones opening shortly, just for graduates but not sure. Do you like your course then? think you made the right choice? for your application did you have to have alot of work experience? we have to have a ton of it, just to even be considered :( its hard to find tho, most practices wont take students because of lack of insurance etc.

    Sweet13_princess: nice to meet you! nice way of losing weight with the treat thing.... i might do that! gym 3-5 times a week!!! thats dedication!!! i havent even joined a gym :-/ im allergic to exercise! lol but i do walk about 2.6 miles a day or more to and from university. and i've started walking around london instead of using the tube! i worked out the other day, because i was running around london i walked about 10.2 miles because i got lost in hyde park!! haha
  • addie807
    I'm 24 years old and currently work at McDonald's. I'm going back to school. My goal is to be a teacher. Mostly I want to be a reading teacher since I have a passion for reading and book and I think everyone should read more often, including kids.
  • Summerscoming
    Thats cool! have to admit, i dont read books, well fiction anyway, got about 100000000000 science books though, does that count? lol

    Good luck with your weightloss journey! we're all here to support!
  • juliandcharlie
    Hiya. I'm a 42 year old nursery manager from the East Midlands and I want to lose at least 3 stone this year. I'm married to Kez (Also a member one here) and have a gorgeous talented 15 year old and a mad labrador dog. I lost 5 stone 10 years ago through weight watchers and living on apples, coffee and cigarettes but gradually put it all back on. I have fibromyalgia which affects my muscles so haven't been able to exercise for a long time. However, I have now started swimming and swim half a mile 5 times a week. Fingers crossed that we all reach our goals. Juli xx :smokin:
  • llbonn
    llbonn Posts: 12 Member
    Good for you!!! I love the fact that you are treating yourself and still being middful. You gave one of the hardest jobs in the world. Thank you for being a teacher.
  • Summerscoming
    nice to meet you all! sorry i havent replied until now, there was no internet in my house! back online tho!
  • justpeachy74
    I am a married mom of 3 girls and have two cats that are like my kids. I work in home health care as an administrative assistant, have been doing this for over 3 years now. Jack of all trades i call myself right now. :happy:
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I'm 31 and live in the East Midlands as well. I work for a travel agency but I went back to uni as a mature student and graduated with a History degree last year. I'd like to teach eventually, but our economy is ridiculous as the minute so many people applied to do PGCE's and History is already an over subscribed subject, so I ended up going full time at the company I was working part time at while I was at uni, no point in leaving a job with great perks until everything stabilises again!

    I love travelling, reading and music, love going to gigs and festivals. I also am a member of a local theatre group which is fun!

    Nice to meet you all :)
  • VintageBeauty
    I am 34, mother of two boys ages 13 and 7. I am currently getting divorced. I am a teacher's aide (special ed).. I love it!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm fortunate to have a job I LOVE: high school English teacher!! (Even though, as previously mentioned by another teacher, there are bureaucratic tasks that make teaching a pain, most days are wonderful and I look forward to Monday mornings. This hasn't always been the case, but I think I may have hit my stride after 16 years.)