Need a weight loss buddy

My husband moved me out to a small town full of retired elderly people, which is very lonely for someone in their 20's, especially since his work schedule has him out of town every other two weeks. I'm in need of some girl friends and weight buddies to help with my diet. By the way I live in the cumberland plateau, in the middle of Tennessee.


  • ZiggySquish
    ZiggySquish Posts: 87 Member
    never underestimate old people, they are full of crazy awesome stories!
  • hncary
    hncary Posts: 176 Member
    Hey, I'm from Kentucky and also in my 20s. Feel free to add me
  • Secrninja
    yeah but whenever I go do stuff in the community, they ask if I'm visiting my grandmother. They apologize when I tell them I live here.
  • ladyashen
    ladyashen Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in my 20s but b moved to California from Kentucky, recently. I'll add ya though.
  • Secrninja
    Moving is so hard. I had a ton of friends before I moved but now I having trouble meeting people my own age. Theres not really anywhere you can go either to find people, even my gym is all older folk.
  • meandthewho
    meandthewho Posts: 5 Member
    Hey I will be your buddy ! I have just started my weight loss journey and am looking to loose 20 pounds :D would love to have someone to keep me motivated !
  • Secrninja