MelsaEstel Member


  • I also mix salsa with sour cream. Delicious! Another store bought idea is there are yogurt based dressings in the produce section of the grocery store. I found a really great honey mustard dressing there for about 30 cal per 2 Tbsp.
  • Weekly Goal: 1800 Mon: rest day Tues: 251 burned (C25K W2D1) Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total: 251 Left to go: 1549 Joining late! Training for a 5K, so that will be my main calories burned. Would like to burn at least 300 cal daily. Set goal at 1800 since I did not workout on Monday.
  • That is just the average weight for that product. It is not always going to be the same weight as the next item. As long as you are still very close, it will be fine. Just make sure that you log the actual measurement, not the packaging. :) I have a little kitchen scale (nothing nice like you have, mine was like $5 at the…
  • Starting Weight at MFP: 216.6 Starting Challenge: 207.4 Last Weeks weight: 202.8 Today's weigh in: 202.0 (down 0.8 more, 5.4 total) Next mini goal: 201.0 Goal for challenge: 190.0 by May 7th So...this is my weight from yesterday. Yesterday was my birthday, so it was a planned cheat dinner. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and am…
  • Quick question... Does anyone know what is going on with missyannb85? Her account is deactivated. I see that she did not post anything about it here. Hope she's doing well, and coming back soon! As of today, I am up 0.2 from last wednesday, hoping to see a loss come tomorrow morning. Good luck!
  • They have a "walking, carrying an infant or 15 lb load" option in the exercise. Did you buy enough to warrant 15 lbs of stuff? I would love to shop with you if you did! :)
  • Almost 2 years ago, I lost about 37 lbs. I only dropped one pant size. Yes, you could really tell I had lost weight in my face, and my waist shrunk, but the tush and thighs barely budged. It's a guessing game of where the weight will come from. I did have the ring thing too. My engagement ring was 7.75, and I was sized at…
  • MFP start weight: 207.4 Last week's WI: 203.4 Today's weight: 202.4 Goal set last week: 202.0 End of summer goal: 175 I set a final goal of 32.4 lbs, just under a pound a week for this challenge. 5 lbs down! Woo Hoo! I have been doing well, would have been perhaps a pound lighter today, but our weekend got a bit out of…
  • Starting Weight at MFP: 216.6 Starting Challenge: 207.4 Last Weeks weight: 203.6 Today's weigh in: 202.8 (down 0.8 more, 4.6 total in 4 weeks) Goal for challenge: 175 Just a quick post. Busy day today! Good luck everyone!
  • I agree with the others. I would say couple of days is too often. Maybe put it on once a month and take a photo of you wearing it. Then you will have a timeline of your changes. Maybe even hold a card with the date and your current weight for each picture. I might do something like this myself. I have a pair of pants I…
  • Since the water thing is covered... I am all about low cal breakfasts. I have been having oatmeal lately. 1/2 cup oats, 1 cup water, nuke it for 2 minutes. Then I add 1/8 cup of light syrup and some splenda, and a couple sprays of butter. It is just around 200 calories. Sometimes I add a bit of walnuts or cranberries or…
  • I walked the mall (5 laps, 4 miles) on Friday so that I could have my small Shamrock Shake. It has to be a planned event for me. I LOVE them, and although I would love to have them year round, I love that they are only available for a short time. It makes it special. I think that I am going to do the same thing tomorrow.…
  • Another week down! How crazy! Just updating really quick. I have had a great GREAT day today. The sun in shining bright, I got some great walking in this morning, groceries put away and ready to cook, and things done around the house. And it's only 4pm! :) We have a great mall near us, it is just a big oval. So I walked 4…
  • Prepare your own food for use. Buy veggies in their whole state. I buy bags of carrots and peel and chop them. Yes, it takes time, but it saves a lot. The bag of "rough" carrots costs less than half the "baby cut" carrots. Same with salads, cheese (grate it or chop into smaller pieces), whatever you can buy in bigger…
  • It has been a good week. Started out with a ton of exercise on SAturday (helping hubby set up and run a program from 9:30 am until 11pm). I lost over a pound after that, even though I ate pizza all day (7 pieces total for lunch and dinner and a snack). My weight stayed the same all week, and finally dropped again this…
  • MsFitnesse- I am right there with you. I have been the same weight since Sunday. I have been keeping track (mostly, yes, i was slack on a couple of things the last few days), so I know that today will be really strict, so I can see a loss tomorrow. Keep working, and that stubborn weight will say goodbye! :)
  • Good morning ladies! Well, barely afternoon, I guess. I have been having a good week. I am already down 1.4 lbs since Friday. Worked with my husband for 14 hours straight on Saturday, and even though I ate 7 slice of pizza (it was lunch and dinner and snack), it still worked out. We were on our feet all day 9:30 am until 7…
  • Hi there! We use venison a lot. I substitute ground venison for burger whenever I can. It changes the flavor a bit, but it is still great, and of course lower in fat and calories since it is so lean. I use it in Hamburger helper (I normally don't use the full pound it calls for, the venison is stronger flavor, and tends to…
  • I am bouncing around with weight. I lost 1.2, gained 0.8, and am down 0.2 this morning. I am used to the fluctuation, so I am not letting it bother me. Yes, I would prefer to see only smaller numbers everyday, but I am still down 0.6 lbs. Busy weekend coming up around here. I am helping my husband with work tomorrow, so we…
  • Welcome Mrunyon06 and Maewest! As long as you just stick with the plan here, you will see results. But you do have to be completely honest, or it's a waste of time. Glad to see you here!
  • Believe me! My calves were screaming at me towards the end. And they are still pretty tight. When I would sit down, they would tighten up so much, I would hobble around for a few steps before I could walk somewhat normal again. I won't be doing that for 5 straight minutes again, at least not right away. That needs to be…
  • Welcome! Congrats on finding us! I am a recent returner, and had great success before. My advise...throw away everything you expect or have learned. Just follow the guidelines here. Log everything. And be strict about it. You will find that even without adding in exercise, you will see results if you just stick to it. I…
  • It is awesome to see all the couch to 5K chat around here. I have looked into it. Right now, I don't have a gym membership or access to a treadmill, and it is too cold to get outside right now. I have big time trouble breathing in the cold. But I do plan on doing this program. It has been a long time dream of mine to run a…
  • I am totally in on this challenge. I am an old MFP user, recently back after a not so good absence. My stats: highest weigh 216.6 current weight: 207.4 Goal weight: 199.9 (7.5 lbs in 6 weeks)
  • I am hoping you have room for another late comer! I am Melissa, 27, married almost a year and a half. I was never small, but I wasn't fat in high school. Fairly flat stomach, but I have always had a tush and thighs. Then college rolled around, and I gained at least 40 pounds over the 5 years. After graduating, I found a…
  • I got that way too. I have a lot more to lose than you do. But I found a picture of me 2.5 years ago before I really started losing weight. I couldn't believe that it was me! I am 25 lbs lighter now than I was then, and the changes are huge, especially in my face. Maybe you need to find some visual motivation. My lack of…
  • I agree with the! When I was seeing my best weight loss results, I had a pretty set routine. BFast around 7:30 Snack around 10:30 Lunch around 1:00 Snack around 3 Dinner around 5:30 sometimes snack around 8 It keeps you full, and I knew that in xx minutes I would be having my snack or meal. And I drank lots of…
  • There are a ton of 100 cal snack packs in the dangerous cookie aisle. I found some Mr. Salty chocolate covered pretzels, grasshopper cookies, among others. That little bag makes it easy to keep track and honest! Jello has so many sugar free pudding cups that are 60-80 calories per cup, and taste delicious. Add a little…
  • I don't know about the rest of them, but McDonalds has a great website for checking nutrition. They have an option (I think it's called create a McMeal) where you choose the items you want to order, then it gives you the nutrition breakdown of each individual option and the meal as a whole. You can then play around and…