New to fitness pal

vmichels Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Good Morning! I'm new to fitness pal and again I am struggling big time with my weight. Every since I had kids (which is 19 years ago) I have weighed more than I did when I was pregnant. I have done Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, nutrasystem. I can't seem to stay with a program and be successful.
I so much want to lose weight. I have over a 100 pounds to lose and I struggle with life, due to my weight. Everything is difficult. Walking, exercising, house and yard work. Anything that takes physical effort is difficult.
I guess I am just laying it out on the line to see if anyone out there can relate and maybe with your help I can tame this ugly beast and lose the weight.


  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    welcome to mfp!!! good luck with your weight loss!!
  • MelsaEstel
    MelsaEstel Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome! Congrats on finding us! I am a recent returner, and had great success before.

    My advise...throw away everything you expect or have learned. Just follow the guidelines here. Log everything. And be strict about it. You will find that even without adding in exercise, you will see results if you just stick to it.

    I look at it as a game. How can I "spend" my calories and get the most from it. I don't want to have 3 items all day long and have them take up all of my calories. I want to eat a lot, so I am forced to find lower calorie items. Instead of creamy soup, I find light, broth soups. Instead of 3 slices of pizza, I have one slice and some veggies.

    You can still eat whatever you want. This just forces you to be honest about what it is and how much we are eating.

    Good luck! I can't wait to hear about the success you WILL find here! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm right there with you ... I had 180 to start with at the beginning of February. Through logging EVERY calorie on MyFitnessPal, I've lost 12 lbs. Due to my body being so heavy it seems overwhelming to do any form of exercise but I'm committed to trying. Currently I walk on a treadmill for 3 minutes at a time. It's not alot but it's more than I've done in many years.
    I've been chubby all my life & tried everything from the Cambridge Diet back in the 80's to all the modern day gimmick diet plans. None worked because I didn't COUNT the "EXTRA" crap I put into my mouth/stomach.
    I'm 40 years old now and finally realize that I am the one & only person that can control what goes into my body. I'm a non-smoker, non-drinker so those 2 things were not an issue therefore FOOD was my issue. I wish I could explain the switch in my head that made me realize that "food is not the enemy, it is the fuel that my bodies require to maintain life". So now I count the calories every day right here :)
    I wish you the very best on your healthy quest. Write me anytime :flowerforyou:
  • I am new to this. I am 5'5 and close to 170 lbs. I had lost some weight but seem to have put it back on. I have started taking OxyElite Pro and going to the gym 5 days a week. I figure maybe if I log everything I will make myself more accountable. I do cardio and weight for about an hour and a half when I am at the gym. I would like to lose 10 lbs by the end of March, and the other weight by July.
  • OK... here I go. Gonna try this one out to see.Not sure what happen in the last few years besides "menapause and age" but I'm just about tired of being tired. I'm 54 and exhausted all the time. Lost my mojo along with my waistline. I cant believe that i was able to lose 30 pounds on my own by simply walking and bike riding and drinking lots of water and then went ahead and gained it all back and then some. I promised I would never gain it again and then" life got in the way" seeing a bunch of docs who all say the same, you "HAVE TO LOSE THE WEIGHT" i asked a coworker what she is doing and told me about this site. i am. My first day logging in ...Not sure what I'm doin, g but hopefully it will show me what I'm doing wrong....Wish me Luck!
  • MelsaEstel
    MelsaEstel Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome Mrunyon06 and Maewest!
    As long as you just stick with the plan here, you will see results. But you do have to be completely honest, or it's a waste of time.

    Glad to see you here!
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