Who the heck comes up with this stuff?! lol
I didn't notice until I compared my Day 1 and Day 30 photos. THEN I saw the difference. It's hard to tell when you see your body each day and the changes are so slow. I still have a long way to go, but taking pictures once a month helps you see the difference better than just looking in the mirror.
Very cool! Thanks for sharing :)
I just decided to go gluten free after reading the book Wheat Belly (recommended by a friend). The author's argument about today's "wheat" having been so altered from it's natural form that it really isn't healthy for humans anymore made plenty of sense. I don't have any medical concerns that can be linked with a gluten…
I don't think the OP was suggesting that everyone should avoid wheat. She was just looking for other people who do and would like to support each other in that choice, swap recipes, etc.
I actually happened to read the Wheat Belly book yesterday (a friend recommended it). I already eat very little wheat so (after reading the book) decided to go ahead and go wheat-free. We'll see how it goes!
I'm doing Combat right now and I LOVE it. It is super fun. I also did TurboFire before that. The programs are definitely very different but I feel like I had an advantage in that I already had pretty good form with punches/kicks. I'm only on day 31 but in the first month I lost 11 pounds, so I'm pretty psyched about that.…
I basically made my own hybrid. I did the CE workouts 3x/week then did various TF workouts 3 different days. I also tried to make the TF workouts 1-2 HIITs per week in the Burn and Lean phases (the other 1-2 were Fire workouts) but no HIITs during the Push phase. I say do what works for you :)
You certainly don't have to eat salad to be healthy. Just stick to your calories, and start making healthier substitutions. Swap white rice for brown rice, 80% ground beef to 90% lean or switch to a lean ground turkey or chicken instead. Trade out snacks like pretzles or chips for say an apple and some almonds. For…
Make sure you grind them first. I've heard that if you eat them whole they just pass right through your digestive track without their nutrients being properly absorbed. :)
Your coach may not realize that you were assigned to him/her, especially if you just signed up. I'd suggest sending that person a message and seeing if they respond. I am a coach, and there are certainly plenty other coaches on here, but I'd start with that person. Team Beachbody also have several message boards/forums on…
MFP over estimates cardio by almost double (based on wearing a bodybugg and comparing those numbers to MFP numbers). If you're tracking food and eating back all your running calories, you'll end up over eating since the burn is falsely high. Also, as others have mentioned, unless you ate more than 17K cals over maintenance…
Depends on your goals. If you're looking to increase your strength/build lean muscle mass, do weights first. If your goal is to increase your cardio endurance, start with that. I don't usually do both at the same time (I usually alternate days) but when I do, I always do weights first.
I weigh-in once a week (and occasionally I'll do a mid-week "check"). The big reason I prefer to only WI once/week is because I like to see the bigger numbers. Losing 2 pounds at a time feels way more fun than losing 0.2-0.4/day even if it added up to be the same total for the week.
I'm a big fan of Greek yogurt. I have one every day around 2:30-3:30, it's about $0.90 and 140 cals (depending on the brand). Super easy and yummy :) I also sometimes do an apple with some almonds (If I just eat the apple alone it makes me hungrier but if I pair it with nuts it holds me to dinner).
Too good! A good reminders for those of us who have been on this ride for awhile, too. :wink:
haha love this one!
What a frustrating situation! Have you tried talking to her and asking her to respect your decision to be healthier? You don't even have to justify it as losing weight but just doing things that are healthier for you. If you've been best friends for awhile she should respect your decision. However, there are people out…
I haven't been to a live class but I have the at-home version from Beachbody called Les Mills Pump. I love it and I think you're right, you really have to make sure you're lifting heavy enough and not getting complacent, but when you are lifting heavy enough it's an awesome workout. And I love being able to do it in my own…
Also, even once you get to goal weight, it's a good idea to weigh-in once a week since it's easier to fix things when you notice a 1-2 pound gain rather than a 5-8. Just my 2 cents :)
I'm doing Combat as well! You should really focus on your nutrition, since that is what will make the biggest difference. Also, Shakeology makes a great breakfast, and for me, having that first thing keeps me wanting to eat right all day. In my first week of Combat I lost 5.6 pounds doing their metabolism kickstart (1200…
The first things will probably be new jeans or work clothes. But the things I want to reward myself with include: spa day, photo shoot (with an emphasis on looking fit rather than sexy), and I'd also love to do a photo shoot with the bf as we have NO pictures together since we're rarely anywhere where people are snapping…
I typically workout before I eat. I get up as 6, drink some water, and then workout from 6:30-7:30 after which I immediately (within 10 minutes) have breakfast. However, if you're getting up at 6 and not working out til 9, you really should have something. Even a small banana would be good. Actually, *they* say it's…
This is going to sound totally lame (or hilarious or both) but the first picture that popped into my head when I read this was someone literally lying on their stomach and trying to put laundry into the washer...I was all "why is that a goal?!" And then I realized you meant you'd have washboard abs. :laugh: For me it will…
I never go to the gym; I just use weights or resistance bands (and recently got a light barbell set to do with my Les Mills Pump DVDs). If you're new to weight training, I suggest buying an at-home workout program (one of my favorites is ChaLean Extreme from Beachbody). In that program, the trainer shows you how you can do…
Something that I have found helpful is to have my weigh-in day be Sunday. That way, I'm more motivated to eat well on Saturday since I know I have a weigh-in the next day. Plus, if Sunday isn't great, that's one day and not two. Furthermore, don't think of it as a diet, try to think of it as a lifestyle change. No food is…
I drink an IsaLean Pro shake from Isagenix after my workouts (super high protein and counts as a full meal) and I drink Shakeology for dessert every night for all the fruit/veggie nutrition it supplies. That said, I eat 6 times a day so the other four meals are "real" food. I also sell both products so I get them at a…
In any given week, you should aim to lose 1-2 pounds. Any more than that is not sustainable long term and often leads to gaining it back. Take it slow and steady and you'll keep it off. I know it's more fun when it comes off fast, but slow and steady is the healthy way to do it. And make sure you eat at least 1200 cals,…
Bachelor's of Music in Music Composition Finishing up a Master's of Science in Higher Education (I will graduate in May). Some day will go back for my PhD (after I've worked full time for 5-10 years first).