lbrown73 Member


  • I came across your message when I did a search for Zoloft. Welcome! I've been on Zoloft only since December, but it has worked wonders for me! I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out well for you, but I hope you've found something that works better. How is your weight loss journey going?
  • I used EAS Lean 15 protein powder and loved it. However, EAS recently discontinued the Lean 15 powder and replaced it with the AdvantEDGE powder. It's disgusting and is not a replacement at all.
  • @janejellyroll yes, I put 1/3 cup of seeds in 2 cups of water and let it soak overnight to make the gel. Then I add two tablespoons of that gel into my smoothie.
  • I'm seeing that a lot of these recipes say to cook for 6-8 hours. Does anyone have any recipes that can cook for at least 10 hours? That's how long I'm gone during the work day. Would appreciate any suggestions!
  • I just finished Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. Loved it until the very end, but still worth it!
  • I agree with taking some photos of yourself now, and compare them with old photos. Being overweight can cause problems mentally and emotionally, not just physically. We all know that! I have a friend who is very overweight, and her weight fluctuates a lot. She doesn't accept compliments from anyone, because she simply…
  • That's simply not true. Eating clean to maintain weight is NOT a requirement.
  • Thanks for the info!!
  • My doors do have moulding, so maybe I'll check this out. Thanks for the recommendation!
  • Read this interview. She dances around each question she's being asked.
  • Rachel looked unhealthy to me. I looked up her height and her final weight, and she is underweight according to the BMI Calculator. I'm scared for her!
  • Thanks! I decided to go back and look at my settings and it was indeed set to lose 1 lb. per week. I changed it to .5 lbs per week, and it adjusted me to 1550 calories. I've also been mixing up my exercise this week; I had gotten into the same routine and figured it would help to change it up.
  • Toshiba, all the way. I love my Toshiba laptop. I've had it for 3 years, and still no problems.
  • Thanks for the responses! Here are some answers to the questions you guys have asked: -I measure my food, but I don't weigh it. If that makes sense. However, I try to overestimate my calories if I'm not sure, and underestimate calories burned during workouts. -I've been less stressed out lately than I was earlier in the…
  • I don't like a lot of veggies, but here are a few things that work for me: -Broccoli sautéed in olive oil & garlic -Raw carrot sticks dipped in Bolthouse Farms Ranch Dressing. This is a yogurt-based dressing that has WAY less calories and fat than regular ranch dressing. -Fresh green beans. These taste much better than…
  • If you ever decide you want to do some weight training, Walmart has dumbbells that are less than $5. You don't have to join a gym or buy expensive equipment in order to do weight lifting.
  • This. It's Standard Time now.
  • I eat a Fiber One bar for breakfast, and I find that it keeps me full until my mid-morning snack of greek yogurt. But I have the same problems here as everyone else. What else can I eat for my breakfast that is similar to this?
  • I'm dying laughing. This is great!
  • Hi guys! If you want to try a healthy store-bought ranch dressing, Bolthouse Farms makes a great one! It's yogurt-based, and you can find it in the refrigerated section near the produce in most grocery stores. Only 45 calories and 3 grams of fat per serving. And it tastes great!
  • I'm doing the one in Atlanta! I did it last year too, and I walked the entire time. A lot of people walk it because 1) it's not a timed race, and 2) the color stations get backed up, and you have to stop. But I enjoyed it for those reasons. It's a FUN 5K with no pressure!
    in color run Comment by lbrown73 March 2013
  • Good for you! My last soda was on January 11th, and I have never looked back. It hasn't always been easy, but it's worth it! Cherry Coke was my weakness :-)
  • Yes, I've been having a very tough time with this! I work full-time, and I'm in grad school full-time. Juggling all of this and trying to be healthy at the same time (along with whatever life decides to throw my way) is really tough. It's a daily struggle for me, and I would be lying if I said I never succumbed to "bad"…
  • Yes, I've been doing a lot of research online about nutritional facts for various fast food restaurants. One of the least damaging options is Chick-Fil-A's chargrilled sandwich with a cup of fruit on the side. That's usually what I try to get if I'm not able to fix something to eat ahead of time. I drink water with it…