Thanks guys! I have added all of you :) Let's do this!!
Feel free to add me :) looking to lose about 25 pounds!
a human head :smiley:
@unhgoose - Haha, well good luck with the new machine ... hide it well :) I weighed myself... still at 144 but my clothes are getting a little lose so yay!
@unhgoose - Nice :) @breathless575 - Welcome!!!
Yep still tracking to reach the goals! I have changed my workouts and diet quite a bit ... so not losing at the same pace but I am still hopeful in terms of inches.
I have increased my workout sessions as well as my carb intake (as I was taking in very small amounts of carbs before) .... and I gained about 2-3 pounds in a week :/ I don't know if its water weight, weight because of the carbs or just something else. But I am gonna trust the fact that I am doing things right and…
@greysa1 - Awesome!! How has it been so far? I realized my knees start acting up when I do lunges, need to work on my form/posture.
@Iknewyouweretrouble - done :) I didn't lose any pounds this week but I am happy that I am getting my to my routine :)
Gotcha .. this helps!!! Thanks so much @FitFunFabulousNicole :) Need to push myself a little more next week!
@Kristiannag_ and @FitFunFabulousNicole - I am on BBG PreTraining Week 1 - Wednesday..... and super sore :smile: One question though ... so essentially I did 4x7 minute rounds. Only issue is during each 7 minute duration I couldn't repeat the set of 4 exercises - was just too exhausted (Kayla's guide mentions to do as many…
@snorklr - added and congrats on the loss :) Sorry for being MIA - was traveling and just got back. I gained about .8 pounds thanks to all the traveling and bloating :p But that's okay, I have been really good about my workouts and eating healthy for the past 2 days since I got back. How is everyone's week going?
I also started the pre-training week 1 today i.e 4/6 :) Couldn't do more than the basic numbers of reps in 7 minutes ... it is hard but hopefully I will build more stamina in the coming weeks :)
Just started today! Pre-training week 1 :)
I just started today - Pre-training week 1!! Feel free to add me :)
I just started the Pre-training week 1 today ... super excited after seeing all the amazing transformations! Do you stick to the doing 1 set of reps in 7 minutes or repeat them? Today I was completely out of breath ... doing the minimum set of reps in the guide!
You guys can just add your details here in the forum for motivation - shouldn't matter where the info is as long as it is helping you stay on track :)
Hey @kristiannag_ thanks for the information. I start my pre-training week 1 on April 6. Have been eating pretty clean but was mainly on low carb. Will need to include more calories to sustain the workouts! I agree with you on the nutrition guide... it is good but not amazing or eye opening. How do you find the workouts?…
Happy Monday everyone!! I've realized all the discipline and good routine I maintain over the week goes down the drain when I end up eating unhealthy stuff especially on Friday and Saturday :( No self control whatsoever ... sigh. Need to get better at this. How do you guys stay on track over the weekends?
It should work but I would recommend using a laptop anyway :)
Congratulations!!! Truly inspirational!
Welcome guys! Anyone is free to join, just start adding your stats here -
@snorklr - added your update :) Well, what is important is you have been eating healthy so I don't think the one pound gain is anything to be blah about. Would definitely recommend using the measuring tape and before/after pictures methods to see if there is improvement in those areas.
It is great to see soo many people who have joined the challenge! Don't forget to add your numbers for Friday :) I just added mine ... and yay my total loss is up from 0.4 to 2.8 :)
@LogicalDaydreamer - All the best for the challenge. And a great way to look at a challenging day ... I am sure you will have much better days coming up ahead! Yep, it's not too late at all! Everyone is free to join whenever they want to, as long as it is before the Memorial Day :)
@unhgoose - That's awesome! I am glad this challenge is helping you .... what kind of workouts are you doing, just out of curiosity :) Also, I don't know if I mentioned this before but my plan for this challenge is to measure my progress in 3 ways: - Measure using a measure tape (for inches lost) - once a month at least -…
@michellemybelll -Absolutely you can join in!
Friendly reminder to all ... tomorrow is our check-in day :) How was everyone's week? Please share your ups and downs! I had a good week - lot of exercise in the form of walking and just setting up the new place. Nutrition wise I am very proud of myself this week as I stuck to a healthy diet and just had 1 hershey…
Welcome @LogicalDaydreamer , @amymcd!! - feel free to update the spreadsheet here -
Hello ... how was everyone's weekend? I am almost done with my moving so gonna get back to weekday workouts starting tomorrow. I hope I am able to lose about a pounds this week!