

  • I workout down in Columbus at Tipton Lakes Athletic Club, mainly because it's where I work and it convenient to go directly after work before I go home and get lazy. :)
  • Ran the Seymour Mini on the same day but am looking forward to running the Indy Mini next year. It was my first mini and I was happy with my finish. Hoping to train for a marathon this September! Congratulations to all the finishers this weekend!
  • Fantastic! Thank you for sharing, truly inspiring and a great testament to "Yes, I can". Thank you and Congratulations!
  • That is so frustrating because your cousin, for one, knows no better and is being influenced entirely by what your Aunt is putting her through. That is not a healthy way to lose weight, no matter how "effective" it may be. I hope that she realizes that soon and stops doing this to herself and especially to her daughter.
  • Try to eat things that are high in protein for snacks. I like greek yogurts or even veggies are great to curve that craving and keep you full for a while. You are also likely so hungry today bc your metabolism could be increasing based on your intake and your workout routine. You'll be fine, just keep up the great efforts!
  • Hey Michelle! Welcome and feel free to add me if you'd like. This has been a great site for support during everyone's transformations!
  • That looks delicious! bump!
  • Amazing transformation!!! That is awesome and very inspirational!!! Thank you for sharing! (Your pictures still seem too big, can only see the two on the left...)
  • I would take measurements to see where you body is at, but looking through your food diary I would also say it looks like you are not eating enough (as ironic as that is). Since you are using your HRM and logging all your food, it looks like you are starving your body with all the workouts you get in. But what is your…
  • Hello and welcome! Good luck to you! This site has been great to help get encouragement all the time. =)
  • Best option to accurately monitor calorie use during workouts is to get a heart rate monitor and use that to upload calories burned. Other than that, what you are selecting probably the best option for what you are doing, but may not reflect your calorie burn accurately Hope this helps.
  • First, you are very brave to share your story with everyone, take this as a starting step to become that person we all know you are capable of becoming. Your story really brings back some memories about myself while I was going through high school. I was never overweight when I was in high school, but always considered…
  • Good luck to you, and congrats on your upcoming marriage. Sent you a request :)
  • These sound amazing!!! Going to have to try it tonight, thanks for sharing!
  • Feel free to add me! =)
  • I am in the exact same scenario. I work a desk job 9-10 hours per day and commute 40 mins to work. What I have done to keep myself on track is to force myself to do workouts in the mornings before work. I found a gym in the same city that I work and go there every morning at 6am to get a 40-45 min workout in and then…
  • I agree with the other two. It is a tough situation, but I think the biggest thing is to emphasize how important this is to YOU and make that apparent in your decisions. I was in a very similar situation over a year (not currently with that gf anymore), but I wanted to make these changes to better my life and improve…
  • Thank you! He did look JUST like Gizmo when I got him, but I definitely like Mogwai as a name better!
  • My furry child, Mogwai, is literally my fitness pal! He loves to go on runs with me and even made me push myself the other day. I was running with him on the leash and had to stop to catch my breath and when I did he walked to the farthest point of the leash, looked back at me and I swear told me, "PICK UP THE PACE, LET'S…
  • I am proud of myself for making the change in my lifestyle to better who I am, and with this finally feeling comfortable in my own body!
  • I think about how I feel after I complete a really good exercise and have pushed myself to go to the gym when I have been in that similar situation in past relationships. I do completely understand where you are coming from and it does feel impossible to work up the energy in that situation to even think about going to the…
  • Right there with you as well! There are only a few of my friends here near me that actually workout and stay conscious about things they eat and do, which can make it difficult, so I use everyone on here to help keep me on track and stay motivated and I really appreciate every single one of them! Feel free to add me if you…
  • Sent a request if you are interested in adding me. Would love to help you stay motivated while getting back into things. It is always nice and easier when we have the support of others going through the same things as us! Keep your head up and you will get where you want to be!
  • I wake up at about 4:30am to get an early workout, then go to bed around 11 or so. Find it odd that if I do get more sleep than that, I am more tired than when I stick to my routine now.
  • You look amazing! What a transformation in one year! I'm not even trying to hate on your BF's shirt being the same 2 years in a row, I would do the same thing! haha
  • I would love to help. I know how important it is to have that person who would be willing to keep in contact with and ensure you actually did what you had planned. I can be "semi-mean" (in a nice way) about the fact that you did something you shouldn't have. :happy: Feel free to add me if you'd like
  • Nothing is hopeless, if you want it and surround yourself with people who will be supportive and also help motivate you to break your habit you can make it happen. (i.e. pretty much anyone here on MFP :smile: ). I used to be the exact same way and hated myself for it. Never believed I could ever actually get on the right…
  • Nothing is hopeless, if you want it and surround yourself with people who will be supportive and also help motivate you to break your habit you can make it happen. (i.e. pretty much anyone here on MFP :smile: ). I used to be the exact same way and hated myself for it. Never believed I could ever actually get on the right…
  • Perfecto - After my grandfather.
  • That is essentially my morning breakfast every time I workout to get my protein in after my workout and then for a good breakfast that will last me a while through the day. I do cook the eggs though and add spinach.