PhabPhilo Member


  • Don't give up!!! I have the mindset that calories are currency. So I decide if the treat is worth the extra workout, eating less at another meal, or a setback. My weight always seems to drop just before my weigh-in day. So give yourself time, forgiveness and encouragement. Sometimes family and friends tell me I deserve to…
  • Just start doing something, anything!!! Walk, cut out high calorie sodas and sweetners. Anything that is a step in the right direction. Good luck!!!
  • Welcome back Beth! I am also from Ohio, the Cleveland area. I have also lost as much as 20 pounds here and 30 pounds there over the past 10 years. My goal is to loose and learn to maintain a healthy weight! So I say try-try again until you reach...and maintain your fitness goals:smile:
  • Okay!!!! I survived the week without gaining weight!!!! I had two chocolate cream pie martinis at the Chocolate Bar resturant. Who knows how many calories they contain???!!! I guess they figure you shouldn't be in there is you care about nutrition. But the good news is I didn't gain any weight, while I did loose .2…
  • Okay! I'll get my workouts in, not binge, and stay on the low end of my calorie allowance, and then...ENJOY!!! I want to be prepared and actually give my food intake thought. I've lost weight before but the keeping it off has been an issue. So, I'm trying to do things that I'll be able to contine when it's maintenance…
  • I'm not looking to totally binge but I know that there is a possibilty that I will go over my normal 1200 calorires. I do plan to up exercise this week as much as I can. The 2-3 day banking options sounds like that combined with exercise may be the way for me to go. It's a good friends birthday celebration and I just want…
  • I'm 5'9 and my daughter is 5'11. I bought some things at Walmart in tall proportion and ****s. But I also shop online at Long Elegant Legs
  • I was wondering what the logic was about being under. Great information. Thanks!
  • Hi there! I only eat when I'm hungry and usually come in under on my calories. I've never gotten a starvation mode warning. Is there a setting that turns that on?
  • You make a great point. Looks like you put in major consistency already. Be encouraged!:flowerforyou: I have a bumb back and finding different ways to workout and strenthen my back all the time.
  • I wasn't aware. Thanks
  • That is wonderful!!!! Congratulations! Keep up the great work :drinker:
  • Different things work for different people, but when I reduce the carbs, and eat them early in the day so I'm not sleeping on them, helps me burn more fat. And don't eat after 8pm.
  • Since I read that MDs has one of the healthiest fast food breakfasts, the egg mcmuffin, I decided to look up their nutrition. They have a handy little tool where you can choose a menu item and then elimimate the items you don't eat. For example I created a food item on MFP for my english muffin and fish sandwich made the…
  • I am also new to MFP, day 2. I got a Wii system as a gift and plan to purchase the fitness games/accessoriies. Any advise before going shopping???
  • Thank you for the welcome. I'm interested to see what my 7-day stats will show.