Need Help!

Hey everyone...I need some motivation please!! I have gained about 25 lbs in 9 months. There are many reasons why...but I'll basically say it was a stressful time, and I'm an emotional eater. Also, I could not work out due to health reasons. Im unhappy with myself...but not enough to restrict myself! It's as if I've lost all will power. I lost 70 lbs...years ago....I'm noit sure where to get that motivation I really have to hit rock bottom?! thanks


  • lisacherrone
    lisacherrone Posts: 11 Member
    try zumba classes, they are fun, and a good workout. take a friend! i know how hard it is to lose a good amount of weight, then gained it back, and all over again!!! its hard to get motivated again. just remember how good you felt when you lost the weight before. you can do it!!!!
  • PhabPhilo
    PhabPhilo Posts: 30 Member
    Just start doing something, anything!!! Walk, cut out high calorie sodas and sweetners. Anything that is a step in the right direction. Good luck!!!
  • Binki
    Binki Posts: 13
    Maybe start by setting smaller goals and work your way up to a bigger goal. I started doing Julianna Micheals videos. I started with the 30 day shred (20min), then later I bought her 40 min videos. Just do what you can to start and push yourself as you go. Once you start, you'll feel better.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    you know Bink...that reminded me of the biggest loser dvd I have...wors SO GOOD! I love it! I should but more..maybe as a reward for losing..but new workout stuff, because I really do like working out. Its the eating thats out of control...I think I need to get another outlet to get my emotions and frustrations out.
  • SylvieJacques
    SylvieJacques Posts: 113 Member
    Just take one thing at a time or one small goal. Don't try to do everything at one. How about going for walks as part of your day ?

    If you need encouragement, feel free to add me.
  • lock0134
    lock0134 Posts: 19
    i gotta say you really gotta work on yourself in the inside first before you work on the outside. You say your unhappy with yourself. Grab a piece of paper wright down what you are unhappy with and why and what you can do to fix it. You only live once in this something on your list worth worrying about? Do you want to fix it because YOU are unhappy with yourself or because you are worried about what other people think? Now make a list of all the good qualities you have. We seem to only focus on the negative and never remember the good things. You need to tackle the part of you inside first before you try to tackle the outside image. The goal for everyone regardless of weight should be if you are happy or not. Your weight does not define who you are as a person.

    For me what got me on the right track is I wrote down the things that I needed to be happy. This is my list(i also have a slight social phobia that I am working on)

    Accept who I am right now and be open to change and improvement
    Find a career I'm passionate about and stick to it
    Work on weight because I want the outside to match who I am in the inside
    Become closer to family and allow myself to let my guard down
    Find a man who loves and accepts me for who I am right now.

    You really have to want to change and willing to make the effort to get what you want in life. Things don't just change over night, they gradually change and every person will be different.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    small goals is right...but sticking to this 1200 calorie plan is huge to me...I eat a lot more than that! Maybe I should do like 2500 for now, and slowly decrease. are right. If you read my profile, you'll see I have lost a lot in the past and kept it off for ten years...and it started with my inside. A teacher said to me once , "there are no victims" and as controversial as that is, I took it to heart, and somehow, changes everything! With in a year, I was going to college, no more jerk boyfriend, and dropped 70 lbs. I was a new person. I am trying to get that back so bad. I need that 19 yr old girl to come back!!
    I will def. try your method, and Im gonna try to be more social on this site...because its too hard to do this alone. thanks everyone!