

  • jen jen house on line ships all over and can custom make to your measurements, my daughters bridesmaid dresses are $160 each custom made. they also do mother of the bride etc and shoes too.
  • I'm embarking on zumba with my Daughter this week, downloaded from the net and doing it in my games room, no money and plenty of laughs :smile:
  • A big Hello, I wish you luck and best wishes for your travels to your weight loss goal. Add me as a friend if you would like some company. :flowerforyou:
  • I see my family quite regular, except for one who lives quite a way off, so I am going to wear my clothes that are too big and when I want to do the big reveal I'm going to buy some clothes that fit well, not over the top skin tight, but well fitted. I'm pretty sure it will be noticed then. The words I think I would like…
  • In my head I am the size I strive to be, ( I'm beautiful lol ) But I also see my actual size in pictures, but also in my mirror and those shop doors that don't slide open quick enough, hate those with a vengence. . A long time ago I stopped looking in the mirrors, the shop doors, head down as I approach. I have become some…
  • I am lucky because my Mum is on MFP too. She has done really well. I have about 4 contacts on my friends list and that also helps taking away that lonly feeling. I have the run of the kitchen here so no one has noticed the 'light' margarine or the 'low fat' cheeses that has been sneeking into my fridge. My Mum has…
  • Plan your meal and log it before you eat it. Shows me if I need to leave out that dressing that I thought was harmless, or reduce my portion size before I eat it. It beats regretting what I have just eaten and beating myself up over it, because trust me when I feel like that I am more inclined to "pig out'. :smile:
  • you look great and beast of all the happiness can be seen in your eyes, keep sparkling
  • well done for getting going again. I got on here quite a while ago but dropped it until, I think, about a month ago. Back there now. My Mum had a good idea, she enters a meal before she eats it so she knows how many cals. she's going to eat before eating it. I found nothing worse than entering my food and getting a shock…
  • simple blood test picked up and am now on meds to bring me up to a normal levels. With meds my thyroid functions as regular as the next person. no more excuses by saying I have an underactive thyroid for me. worth getting treated, I also take vitamin B complex for a little extra oomph.
  • Well done for coming back to mfp. You seem to have a hectic life so I can only imagine how difficult it could be for you. Only new back myself so feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Feel welcome to add me. Havn't got anyone on friends list yet because I have just come back recently, Coming back to mfp is definately a step in the right direction as it has worked for me in the past and once again now. Keep your chin up and be your own cheerleader for getting back on track. Well done.
  • The best Ive found so far is the music I listened to is the music I listened to when life was a little stress free, for me a teenager in the 80's. Really works for me, give it a try.
  • Stress could be a true factor but if its persistant it is worth seeing a Doctor, I have these symtoms due to stress but found I have the same when I eat certain things due to an ulcer. You could actually be contributing to your stress worrying about this so that in itself is worth seeing a Doctor. Feel better soon.