how to find support and motivation from friends

ok, one in the morning and I was just given a vanilla slice even though they know I'm eating healthy now and sometimes battle with it. I could be mad at them, but thats not right is it. I accepted it, I ate it and now I hold myself accountable not the vanilla slice giver. Guess I'm growing through this process FINALLY. I think why I said yes, and I think it was because they were being generous in sharing. I didn't want to hurt their feelings and insult them, but in the process I think I hurt my own feelings. I know too well what happens when I feel that way, I eat. How insulted do people really get? Am I thinking the worst of people or would they really understand how I feel. Thankful but strong in my convictions. (ok, not so strong all the time) Can any one tell me the kindest way to let them know I am grateful but could use support where ever I can get it.


  • Stogie40
    Stogie40 Posts: 164 Member
    I was going thru this too. My beautiful daughters love to share their treats. I hated of the thought of saying no to them when they were being so generous. Finally I said, “Oh, Sweetheart, Daddy can’t have that anymore.” They asked why, and I said, it’s not good for Daddy, and they weren’t upset at all. As for my friends, they are fine with it. I didn’t want to tell them I was eating healthy, I guess I was embarrassed. As if they couldn’t see I that I was way overweight. But now they don’t even bring it up. They even have asked me if I can eat this or that now. I have a couple of them that are my guinea pigs for my new healthy dishes. One part does suck, I know only one friend who is on the same path and she’s pretty busy, so it feels like I’m the only one in the world sometime. But it’s my journey not theirs. I say let them know, you are only cheating yourself. You can do it.
  • mylee69
    mylee69 Posts: 15
    I am lucky because my Mum is on MFP too. She has done really well. I have about 4 contacts on my friends list and that also helps taking away that lonly feeling. I have the run of the kitchen here so no one has noticed the 'light' margarine or the 'low fat' cheeses that has been sneeking into my fridge. My Mum has suggested before I am tempted to eat that vanilla slice I should look up the calories and fat content etc. and that should help to say no. Getting a couple more friends on MFP would be great because they know exactly what you are going through. Has helped me greatly. Good going so far and keep up the great work.
  • jenfoxjercha
    jenfoxjercha Posts: 51 Member
    I have talked to my friends and sometimes I have to remind them that I have made a lifestyle change in my eating habits. You are the one that has to do the extra work to take the weight off. Just say Thank you but no thanks. If they are offended then they are not on your team that will help you along your path to your weight loss goal. If you need additional friends on here for support you can add me.