

  • so i got a question for someone, i do Insanity and load trucks for 4 hours a day is juicing good for someone like me that does physical work like this? I weigh 170 and i am 5'3 so i know i need to lose my belly that is where all my weight is i have toned legs and arms. Insanity and p90x helped me out a lot. What should i…
  • A whole cheesecake! Jk Oikos plain yogurt with sliced almonds and low sugar syrup. A caramelized pear with low sugar blueberries! Nom Nom!
  • Sodium in deli meats, they might be less fat but damn , I usually go for the boar head or less sodium brands.
  • NO wonder why girls have no confidence today, the clothes keep getting smaller and the sizes keep getting bigger on the tag I think it's because these stores want us to feel like fat *kitten* and we are all suppose to look like coked up supermodels. I recently just got into a 12 jeans damn it's no 2 but it feels great,…
  • Good luck with your insanity journey yourself, it feels so great at the end of every workout.
  • Thanks ladies for the advice, I am not going to get frustrated I just have to clean up the eating and keeping pushing play =) .
  • Lots of circuit training will help, like plyometrics jump training maybe you should increase to 5x a week at the gym.
  • Old Navy had good work out bras that shape to your cup size I am a C they work for me.
  • Hi This is my second week of turbo jam I tried to see how calories under exercise it burns but all i can find is turbo jam kick boxing. I did Cardio Party today I would say 400 cal burned? my heart rate monitor said I only burned 60 cal that is wrong but I have to figure out to use the darn thing . =)
  • They say dark chocolate is better for you, my weakness is dark chocolate almonds , a serving of ten but i eat them everyday and I know i need to stop this but they are so good and that takes up 200 of my calories.
  • Sugar free jelly mixed with cottage cheese!
  • Sounds like you need new friends , no support from them!
  • Low sodium foods are better for you most labels will tell you and whole grains are better too . Watch out for products that are enriched white flour as well. Hope that helps good luck.