Replacing 2 meals a day with fresh juice



  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    After reading a few more posts about how you plan to do this, it looks like you are doing a modified version of PSMF but you are doing it in a way that could result you being in the hospital. You need to eat mostly protein if you want to be on a 800 calorie diet or you will lose lots of muscle mass which includes your heart. When your body starts to consume your heart, you will have heart palpitation.
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    I make a point to never bash what someone else is doing and will just say I like to eat, period so you all do not have to worry about me replacing a meal with liquid only, EVER. I just believe you have to eat for long term health and success that's the bottom line. In the end you do you, why do you need validation from others especially when you know most of it will be negative anyway?
  • maybethistime70
    i didn't read all the posts...but you should watch 'fat sick and nearly dead' if you are seriously interested in juicing as a weight loss alternative. and for 4 grand....i'd go without food . yes we do sometimes do idiotic things for weight loss, but it's our body to do with as we choose.good luck!
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    Personally, I wouldn't feel satisfied having fruit juice for two meals as I need to feel like I've eaten a meal. Have you thought about having the fruit in a fruit salad or home made veg soup or even a simple undressed salad? I'm sure you could keep to a low calorie diet by doing this but maybe get more nutrients and fibre into your diet.

    If you're happy having fruit juice though, I'm no expert to advise you, just make sure you listen to your body xxx
  • Naughtybiscuit
    Naughtybiscuit Posts: 71 Member
    I think the 4 grand reward is there to motivate you to lose the weight - if it was me, I would be very dedicated and stick to my "diet" but I wouldn't go mental and start doing things I can't sustain. How annoyed would you be if you stick to this 800 calorie juice thing but some other nutter has been even more extreme and beaten you?

    Just lose the weight in a sensible way. If you win that's great but if you don't, you've still lost loads of weight! It's a win-win challenge!
  • magan1975
    I have been on the juicing fast for 14 days now. Haters are gonna hate... period.

    This is what I would suggest;

    Because juicing does in fact lose the fiber in the fruits and veggies; add psyllium and flax to your diet! Duh people!!

    I have 80-90 oz of juice a day along with a big cup of psyllium and water! Keeps you full as well as able to produce a bowel movement.
  • spee30
    spee30 Posts: 1 Member
    As long as you're whole food juicing with something like a vitamix, you're getting a lot of nutrients. By the way, people have been replacing meals with slim fast, which can't be as beneficial as juicing..right? I'd say you're on the right track.

    Here’s a list of several raw sources of protein you can juice:

    • Asparagus
    • Beet Greens
    • Broccoli
    • Cabbage
    • Cauliflower
    • Collard Greens
    • Kale
    • Mustard Greens
    • Spinach
    • Swiss Chard
  • purpleflowers2013
    I didnt necessarily read all the post, but I read quite a few.

    Here are my suggestions;

    -Instead of dinner, eat a wholesome breakfast with the right amount of carbs, proteins, and healthy fats. This way you have ample energy for your day instead of eating dinner and going to sleep.
    -When making your juice, be sure to limit the fruit you put in. I make my juice with spinach, kale, romain lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, and one green apple. (or whatever I have)
    -If I make my juice in batches to be consumed over the coarse of 3 days I add ascorbic acid (powder) to prevent oxidation. And a squirt of lemon juice for the same reason and for flavor. Store in airtight container or bottle with little air space.
    - Eat small snacks throughout the day. Just replacing meals will not give you enough calories. I like to eat nuts (any and all kinds) and at least one banana. Just find something healthy and make it a snack.
    -Drink plenty of water

    I could go on with all kinds of ways to change your eating habits. It must be a lifestyle change for it to be effective long term. Do little changes here and there, not all at once. Otherwise you will get overwhelmed.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Most of the things you can juice are basically pure carbs. You're getting very little fat or protein which is not good.
  • bonniecarbs
    bonniecarbs Posts: 446 Member
  • Nicolio6
    Nicolio6 Posts: 1
    You can safely juice your meals!!
  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    I personally find that I am just hungrier when I do stuff like this - thus turning me in to a cranky b*tch and binging when I finally do eat but hey, if it is short term and your thing - good luck!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I figured I'd add a little input.

    I am one of those that saw the documentary and had my interest piqued. I bought a decent juicer, a ton of vegetables and started a 3 day juice only cycle. It was easy. The juices are delicious, fresh, and my energy was up. This was just enough time to break me out of this cycle where I was drinking a lot of beer and eating poorly, but couldn't stop.

    Afterwards I went to a process where I'm juicing my breakfast/lunch and then eating normally for dinner. When I work out, I have a protein shake. I naturally detest eating prior to about 1pm, so juicing in the morning is actually a lot nicer than drinking coffee. My juices tend to be:

    Carrot, kale, ginger, parsley or cilantro, a lime, an apple (sometimes)

    Or I'll go with a variant:
    Carrot, kale, ginger, cucumber, parsley or cilantro, red bell pepper, broccoli

    It's just fresh and delicious. I go into the gym, have a lot more energy than normal to crush it, then I go home and take two or three scoops of protein.

    One thing I did do on day 4 of my 3 day juicing project, I added hot sauce and olive oil to my juice in order to increase caloric density as well as add some nice flavor. Was good, I'll probably do a 5 day for kicks later.
  • deedog007
    deedog007 Posts: 89 Member
    I started juicing again, due to poor diet and no energy after intense workouts and i feel great after 3 days . I use the ninja and use a paint strainer to remove the pulp ( fiber)

    I feel amazing... I a life style that is very adaptable !!! Thanks to this moving .....INSPIRATION:
  • deedog007
    deedog007 Posts: 89 Member
    Wonderful and inspirational .... Inspired me too
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I absolutely don't understand juicing. Why not eat the whole fruit/plant/veggie instead? You'll get more fiber and will fill full longer. And 800/1200 calories a day is nowhere near enough, unless you want to crash diet to lose some weight fast and don't mind gaining it all back as soon as you stop.
  • Katfor508
    Katfor508 Posts: 14
    so i got a question for someone, i do Insanity and load trucks for 4 hours a day is juicing good for someone like me that does physical work like this? I weigh 170 and i am 5'3 so i know i need to lose my belly that is where all my weight is i have toned legs and arms. Insanity and p90x helped me out a lot. What should i do just stick to eating low cal? I hear that juicing seperates the fiber and i hear so many different things. good not good. Please input
  • vesta82
    vesta82 Posts: 13
    I started juicing a few weeks ago and have lost 16 pounds. I tend to have an extra hard time losing weight, I'll diet and exercise with no results. Sadly, I usually give up. Juicing is the first thing I've ever done and am really seeing results now! I am planning the one-meal-a-day-juice-fast-the-rest diet. I cannot stand eating heavy when I wake up so this is perfect for me. I still have such a long way to go that when I think about it, it's a bit disheartening. I have herniated disc in my back so I can't workout like I would like to so diet is very important. Good luck to everyone!
  • jnnfrch
    jnnfrch Posts: 65 Member
    Pretty controversial esp here but juicing works
  • Alphonse
    I just started juicing. It seems that the juice isn't enough calories to lose weight. I still eat low carb and good fats with lean protein. I guess it depends on you...Good luck!