

  • i hear fish oil is great ( i cant take it because im prone to acne and this just flares it up something aweful ) but I also like calcium ( i'm afraid of being a hunch back in my old age )
  • Thank you everyone - your input has made me feel so much better - as a newbie here i am trying to keep my numbers below what is shown and jeez two hard boiled eggs and one chicken breast later and im like 23 over my protein goal - that got my heart racing thinking jeez what CAN I eat?
  • thank you for asking this question - I feel I can better prepare myself for this event by shopping in advance and going no where near a grocery store because i will no doubt cave when confronted with ALL that i'm craving....
  • feel free to add me and maybe you would be so kind as to share the quit smoking site, im struggling.
  • find a way to incorporate lavender scents into your daily or nightly rituals. I dont really care for the smell of lavendar myself but i keep a lavendar defuser by my bed - it really helps me relax and i heard another woman tell me she takes a quick before bed shower with lavendar scented body soap and she finds it very…
  • and to me it smells like bananas - i love it too
  • You have to start somewhere. I too just started this tool and think it is great - feel free to add me and we can encourage eachother
  • I buy bags of frozen chicken breast and defrost one a day in a ziplock baggie and i pour about a teaspoon of marinade to give it some flavor (ive found that many marinages only have about 20 calories per teaspoon) keep up the good work
  • Indeed and thank you! I'm tired of riding the sofa.....LOL
  • hastnt happed for me yet - but, funny thing is - I look back to when I was a size 12 ( oh how i miss that number now ) and I remember thinking back then that I was "fat" - funny to think about it now.........
  • keep up the good work! I am just starting out and have also moved around the scale by about 80 lbs - I too am tired of feeling like I dont have any control.