New Member

Hi all. This is my first post on this site. I have committed myself to try hard to get healthier. I used a site like this five years ago when I SUCESSFULLY (finally) quit smoking. The people were wonderful. I virtually sat on the site for three days. I found encouragement, people in my same situation and a real sense of belonging and optimism.

So this is DAY 1. I have downloaded the app to my IPad and finished inputting my food so far. It will take me a bit to find my way around it. Just came back from a long walk. Used a pedometer and did 6,700 steps. Wish there was a way that I could diary my step history too.

To all of you out there in cyberspace, good luck with your venture. If I can help in anyway, let me know. You are already helping me just by being there.

Tomorrow. JustForMe999


  • javalyd
    javalyd Posts: 27 Member
    Feel free to add me and welcome this site is Awesome!!!!!!
  • feel free to add me and maybe you would be so kind as to share the quit smoking site, im struggling.
  • JustForMe999
    JustForMe999 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there tyedyelady. Sorry I took so long to reply. Just learning to maneuvour around this site and happened on your note. Good for you trying to quit smoking. I tried to quit about a zillion times and spent a small fortune trying to. I don't know what happened the last time, but I guess I was just ready to do it once and for all. Just to let you know that I used a prescription drug from my doctor to help me quit. Champix up here in Canada. Believe is called Chandix??? in US. It is somewhat contraversial as there can be some nasty side effects (depression, suicide thoughts, etc) but I had no problem with it. I actually found it quite easy to quit that time. It has been five years. However, why I am on this site now is somewhat a result of quitting smoking. My weight went 50 lbs.

    But ready to tackle that now. The site is I virtually stayed on that site for about 3-4 days rambling on, talking to others.

    If you want, I would be glad to be your friend for both. Let me know. Elaine
  • patiencez2
    patiencez2 Posts: 160 Member
    hey Girls, feel free to add me. I Just quit smoking, and I am about your age justfor me.
    So maybe we can keep each other motivated.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Hi. And welcome. I am about your age too(54). I have gained and lost weight a few times. Just last year lost 25lbs for sons wedding and started gaining some back Someone metioned this site on another site. So I decided to give it a shot. Have been about 3 weeks and it is working pretty well. The diary is been a great tool for me. I think more about my eating habits and my excercise. I use my wii and my dog for excercise. This seems to work for my dog too. You can add me as a friend if you like. Good luck