
Hi everyone,

I have struggled for a while with my weight and had basically given up until a friend recommended this site. I am working towards the goals that has been set and am now more consicious of what I eat and my daily activities.
Any encouragement would be greatly appreciated.


  • First, I think just making the commitment to start is a huge achievment!
  • Welcome! I hope that MFP helps you...there are definitely many types of motivation that you can seek on this site. My favorite example being when you enter in your food calories and it says 'if every day was like today you would be _____lbs in 5 weeks' Keeps me going!
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 698 Member
    Welcome! I hope that MFP helps you...there are definitely many types of motivation that you can seek on this site. My favorite example being when you enter in your food calories and it says 'if every day was like today you would be _____lbs in 5 weeks' Keeps me going!

    I like that one as well.

    Congrats on joining, I will send you a friend request.
  • You have to start somewhere. I too just started this tool and think it is great - feel free to add me and we can encourage eachother
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Welcome and congrats on making the decision to join! This is a great site with encouraging people on the same journey as you. Feel free to add me for additional support and encouragement!
  • Ready to try this out! Gained 15 lbs over the summer that I took off in the spring. Need to lose way more than that. Need all encouragement that I can get!:heart:
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Congratulations on just trying to start. That is the first hard step. I would encourage you to demand from yourself to follow whatever plan you put in place as perfectly as possible for 2 weeks, no matter how hard it is. You will see results, and this will provide a boost of motivation. In the meantime, learn what you can. Just eat food that the earth provides (there is no a sauce plant or gravy tree) and find ways to move more. It really is not as hard as we make it out to be. Habit is everything. Even if you only make one little change, do it consistently for a while. Log everything. If we're not honest with ourselves, it's impossible to change ourselves.
  • FitForeverAgain
    FitForeverAgain Posts: 330 Member

    A bit of advice I've given others, that may help. You'll get a billion pieces of advice, the real keys are consistency, and getting back on the horse. Here are a few specifics that I've shared with people in much more detail. Take in a few, then a couple more, then a couple more. And if you need more detail in the why's or how's of any of them, let me know.

    ---Don't get too caught up in the little stuff and details - yet. Just work out regularly, habitualize it.

    ---Weigh yourself today, then hide your scale for 30 days. Make your first goal to work out according to your schedule for 30 days. Then weigh yourself again, and use that as your new benchmark. (You'll avoid the "WWW" this way. - That's my new term for Water Weight Woes that I respond to about every 8 seconds.

    ---Don't get your "highs" from your scale, get it from succeeding after a workout, or NOT eating that tempting dessert.

    ---Be consistent. Put a string of workouts together. Make a check on your calendar - see how many in a row you can get.
    Expect SLOW results. This is what you'll get if you do it right.

    ---Stop eating bread, pasta and anything that comes sealed in a cellophane wrapper and a box.

    ---Eat IN much more often.

    ---Find something you like for breakfast, which is healthy and balanced. Then eat it EVERY morning.

    ---Work out BEFORE work. Yes, you can get up earlier.

    ---Don't whine, be proud of the soreness.

    ---Turn off the TV.

    ---Go outside and move - even if your workout for the day is done.

    ---Walk EVERY addition to your workout or rest day.

    ---KEEP GOING no matter how many times you screw up - which you will, which we all have and will continue to do. It's the guy / gal that gets right back on the horse that you see making it all the way to a maintenance weight. Look at my pics - I did, you can, too.

    ---Now go workout. Hungry and you shouldn't be eating? Go for a walk.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Welcome, welcome and congratulations for wanting a new life. This site is awesome, you will find lots of support here(will send a friend request to you). FitForeverAgain has some great pointers. That's what MFP is all about. Enjoy your journey.