monetsf Member


  • I weight daily just to make sure I am not gaining etc- I didn't gain as I worked out and kept it to eating 1300 calories, more than I normally do, but well within my net goal. This is a lifestyle, thus holidays shouldn't impact one too much, just need to approach them differently.
  • At the end of the day, it's not a matter of it being good or not; did you stay within your calorie goal or not? Food in themselves are not bad, it's the amount you digest that can be the problem.
  • I don't think it's obsessed; I think more people perhaps should take the time to think about what they are eating. This is our health we are talking about and really it deserves a lot of our time and attention. I do the same as it helps to plan my meals as well and really makes it easier for me and like you if I do get…
  • Thanks - at least I know I am not alone.
  • I was going to suggest a decaf coffee or tea; works for me; can also go for a large glass of water or diet 7up. Your body will adjust to the lower calories; just remember you will survive and this is all part of the process. Soon, you will be satisfied at 1300 calories. :)
  • I say be nice to yourself and don't fret about it; you are also going to get a bit hungrier as your metabolism raises to account for this time of the month. I find that when I am eating light and exercising that my weight doesn't change which to me is more frustrating than not seeing a change, well not as bad. I find that…
  • Everyone is different and you should do what is comfortable for you. Just remember that to maintain the loss you really won't be able to eat more than about 200-300 calories over what you are doing now. I personally find that eating between 1100-1200 a day works as long as I work out. At the end of your day, listen to your…
  • I jump on the scale everyday, however I don't record the weight till I see it two days in a row. There have been reports that show that the more often you weigh yourself the higher the likelihood you will lose or maintain the loss. You also may find that it will keep you motivated and will prevent you getting scale phobia.
  • Look at the progress you are making and stick to one scale. Weigh only one time of the time and be consistent. There was a recent study that stated that regular weigh ins greatly improved one's chances of losing and maintain weight loss. I didn't weigh myself for fear of validating my weight gain; if I did it sooner I may…
  • I can't agree more with you! You have to own what YOU decide to eat. There's nothing wrong with having a small portion. Granted it can be hard to resist and not helpful when you are starting out, so as she is your mom be honest with her. Tell her that right now you are a bit weaker and need some help; the form of help can…
  • I can't agree more with you! You have to own what YOU decide to eat. There's nothing wrong with having a small portion. Granted it can be hard to resist and not helpful when you are starting out, so as she is your mom be honest with her. Tell her that right now you are a bit weaker and need some help; the form of help can…
  • When someone says oh wow you don't look that weight, one shouldn't be surprised. Do you really expect them to say say "yeah I can see that you look such and such weight". I personally can't look at someone and guess their weight, if I did I would work at the carnival. Its a matter of being polite and let's face it, it's…
  • I think everything is relative to your own body; I find that the goal of eating 1250 is too much for me as I don't tend to lose till I am eating less than that. You really need to see what works best for you. Keep in mind that once you have reached your goal, you will still need to eat a similiar amount of calories for…