scared to get back on scales!

Last month when I first dropped from 12st 7 to 11st 10... i was delighted then monthlies came and 6lb water went back on... after they ended was when I founded I could get in my size 16's and had lost 8" off tummy and 4 " off waist so I felt sure that I must be even less than 11st 10 now the water had gone off.... when I eagerly got on the scales I was disappointed to find I was still 12st and had only lost 2lbs of water despite putting 6lbs on.

I spent all last month trying to get back down to 11st 10 but only made it to 11st 12 before this months TOTM started and the water went back on again.

Now.... throughout this time.. my tummy hasn't really bloated and gone firm, but has stayed soft throughout, its still soft and squidgy/doughy.. I did wonder if it was cos I had lost some fat which had been replaced by water but then gone as my body got rid of my water retention (quite a lot the second day with help of water tablets).

I've managed to get in a size 14-16 tummy support thing as it seemed i had accidentally ordered the wrong size off ebay (or they've sent me the wrong size.. should have been 16-18), but was amazed to find I could get it over my hips and around my tummy. its difficult to measure tummy as its quite floppy but sure I must have lost something... but after last month I daren't get back on the scales in case they still say I'm 12st!

Another part of me needs to know the number so I can see how much I've lost after a month on gluten free/low carb and have an accurate comparison between now and next month. :embarassed:

Someone on here mentioned weighing after a long lie in to find they were lighter than weighing earlier (but can't find the comment again).. should I wait until a week after my monthlies end or try it tomorrow after a lie-in?

p. s I forgot to say I went on body fat scales last night at 7.20pm and they said 11st... when I first got those (June this year) I was getting numbers between 12st and 12st 5 (when I was 12st 7 on the digital ones) .. however last time there was an whole stone difference between the scales so I could still be 12st on the digital ones! :sad:


  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Firstly don't make the scales your enemy! Think of them as an encouraging friend who always tells you the truth (as any real friend should). OK so you have plateaued but you are fixating on one cause alone. Exercise helps with all PMS symptons and that includes water retention so I would be inclined to up the anti and do more exercise at TTOTM. I certainly found it helped me (I'm now post-hysterectomy so I no longer have these problems!), particularly as I suffered with a lot of pain. You might need to also look more closely at your diet and eliminate salt which does attract water and therefore cause you to retain. If it is a regular fluctuation you may need to just accept it. However, the plateau suggests that you are not sticking to your regime? Get the tape measure out because it will show you definitively if you have lost weight or not. Finally stick to one set of scales? None are ever quite the same so comparing between them won't help. Stay positive - look at your diet and exercise and be honest with yourself. You'll get there!
  • Jayce212
    Jayce212 Posts: 1 Member
    To me, it sounds like you are adding some nice muscle, and that doesn't show on the scale! I so understand wanting to know the number but maybe today is the day to *not* weigh yourself. Sometimes you have to tell your emotions who is in charge, otherwise the number on the scale ends up deciding what mood you will be in. "The scale told me I lost weight so I get to have a good day", that sort of thing.

    Even though you want the number don't lose sight of the big picture - getting into a tummy thing a whole size smaller is a really big accomplishment! I'd be very proud of that!

    (big hug of congradulations)
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    Yes you should step on the scale- I know it's hard and it can be unsettling, but you do need to use it as a tool to help you make necessary changes, work harder if need be, or to feel encouraged. Take it as a measure of the whole part of this process.

    I have not lost a lot of lbs this past month- barely any actually, but I fit into my size 8 capris last night- which during the summer, I never ever thought I would wear again- sometimes the scale tells us a different truth than what is actually happening.

    If you are working out, you must be losing inches and getting stronger- building muscle. Sometimes our bodies getting smaller but not lighter has to be enough for that time.

    Stick with it- and step on that scale. Don't be afraid- just look at the number and move on no matter what it says.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Thanks, I'll try it tomorrow morning when I'll be lightest.. I usually weigh in morning after bathroom anyway.

    I don't get though how our bodies can get smaller but not lighter at same time as you would think one would happen automatically when the other occured!
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    Yes I know- it doesn't seem to make much sense- but muscle is much more dense than fat and takes up a much much smaller space on our bodies. 1 lb or fat is the same weight as 1 lb of muscle, but the 1 lb of muscle takes up about half the space.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I finally braved the scales this morning and found I have lost 3lbs according to the digital scales.. though on the wii fit quick weigh in it showed me on the 11 and half mark and said I had lost 5lbs.... then in the proper body test I had to use -4lbs clothes to get the same result and then it said my weight had stayed the same... but I'd achieved my goal (ie lost weight since last time)... lol! so.. not sure whats going on with that!!! ... another game that weighs in kg showed me 74.4.. so i switched my new digital scales to kg and they said 74.9! ... first time the wii has showed me lighter than the scales!... so I've recorded it as 11st 9 (163lbs) as I wasn't sure on the accuracy of wii fit, after it couldn't make up its mind whether I had met my goal or not.. lol!

    But I'm glad to have finally lost some pounds the gluten free thing must be working for me but what I'm amazed with is I only finished my TOTM yesterday and last month I was still 12st at this point and it took a week for the water to come off and drop 2lbs and this month I'm 3lb lighter the day after!

    so great start to October!!! :happy:
  • RuchikaPal
    RuchikaPal Posts: 313 Member
    i was so scared to always check my weight...i always avoided... belive me i went more than an year wdout actually checking my weight...aahh...i was petrified..... but then finally one day i decided is hould buy one n keeep it personal... i saw i had gained almost 10 kgs since the last time i checked......:embarassed:

    im not saying become a slave to the scale....but you must keeep a check on yourselff...... its an eye opener.....!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    Going gluten free/low carb seems to have helped the water retention I got on scales this evening to see how much water I'd put on and I was only 1lb heavier at 11st 10... usually I have put on about 5lbs by end of day and eaten loads all day and not been to bathroom yet so was amazed there was only 1 lb difference!

    I'm sticking to this till xmas I think and see how much weight I can get off now I've found something that seems to work for me... finally!!
  • monetsf
    monetsf Posts: 14 Member
    Look at the progress you are making and stick to one scale. Weigh only one time of the time and be consistent. There was a recent study that stated that regular weigh ins greatly improved one's chances of losing and maintain weight loss. I didn't weigh myself for fear of validating my weight gain; if I did it sooner I may have made life easier for myself as rather than 35pds it may have only been 10.