msgsarah Member


  • Hi there :) I'm from Nottinghamshire, so if you want to add an East Midlands neighbour, I'd be very pleased to have any UK pals on here
  • I want other girls to look at me and think 'I wonder what her secret is!' Little do they know it will be hard work and denial. I'm married now, so I don't mind what guys think of me, but I do care about other women!
  • I met my (now husband) when I was 18. I would never have guessed he'd be the man I ended up marrying, as I wasn't looking for anything serious. But somehow, over time, we grew and changed together, went through things and he was always there for me. He was the only good decision I ever made as a teenager!
  • Clearly, its because you making an effort shines a light on their own lives. They know they should be doing something similar (especially if your friend, as you mention, is overweight) but because they can't or won't choose to do anything about it for themselves, they resent you. You make them feel they should be doing…
  • Hi, where have you found the programme? I'd like to try it out too! I agree, see how you feel with it all, you don't want to burn out. I guess it depends how much exersize you do normally. Just see how you go. I know it's intense but if its only 20 minutes in the morning or whatever, you might well be able to manage half…
  • wow. Consider my jaw officially dropped. You look brilliant, and I'm so pleased for you, that you've gotten the body you deserve for all your hard work. You are truly an inspiration. I don't have the excuse of children etc, so you've shamed me into action. Also, thank you for posting exactly what you did, that is really…
  • Please don't rush into getting married. It will be the worst decision you ever make, and there will be so much heartache and practicalities to untangle. I think if you even have slight misgivings, you need to slow down and re-evaluate the situation. What is the rush to get down the aisle anyway? Why not wait until you are…
  • Hi there Some great suggestions on this thread. I just wanted to share my step process that I use when I get the urge to eat because I am bored or just want the sensation of eating something. I follow this to stop myself getting chocolate cravings! 1) First of all, make sure you don't have any snack food in the house. I…
  • Firstly, I just want to say that my heart goes out to everyone on this thread. As part of the human race, I am ashamed that other people can be so thoughtless and cruel. Thank you all so much for sharing as it shows your strength and good progress now, relative to when those awful comments were made. I was especially…
  • 'What Can You Do For Me' Bassline Smith vs Utah Saints. Check it out. It's insane and just what's needed if you're seriously flagging! I have it as my 'Powersong' on Nike+! Great thread, I love hearing what people listen to and get suggestions!
  • Hi! I'm from Nottingham as well (West Bridgford) but I work and run in Annesley, so that's really close to you! I've sent you a friend request, I think its great to see more local people on here!
  • Hi! I thought I'd reply because I did my first Parkrun last week! I can safely say there were people of all ages and abilities there, from running clubs and 'serious runners' to older people and people running with their kids. Everyone was so nice, friendly and supportive, regardless of ability. I completed it in 32:06,…
    in 5k times? Comment by msgsarah April 2012
  • Hi there and welcome! I've sent you a friend request. I think we could all do with all the support we can get! I'm trying to get back on track after a long period of not watching what I was eating at all! Plus its always good to know UK people, as there are a lot of Americans on here and the food etc is not quite the same!…
  • Hey there :) Firstly, I really feel your pain! It can be so hard to make these changes, especially as when (as you say) you have young children and a husband that isnt interested in healthy changes. But once you start you'll get on a roll and there will be no stopping you! I can't add much new, only that I totally agree…
  • Not sure if you have these shops in the US but Reiss is absolutely amazing. It's fairly expensive but still high street. Also, Mango and Zara is beautiful stuff and affordable too. Second the lady that said Banana Republic. And Vero Moda is very good also, if you can order it in the states. I like all these brands because…
  • IamKim73.... you are VERY naturally beautiful! So, I should hate you (joking!) only the wide smile tells me you'd also be a fun friend to have, so I can't hate lol. You have lovely cheekbones!
  • I LOVE Innocent Veg pots. They're pre-prepared little bots of veg and sauce in different combinations (Mexican, Thai, Indian) that you pick up in the chiller aisle. They're under 400 kcal and actually very tasty as well. Trouble is they're far too expensive for what they are, so I have to wait until they're on special…
  • That my hairdresser accidentally messed up my highlights and dyed my hair bright blonde, so I had to do a home dye job to get it darker and ended up with the weird reddish-brown colour in the picture! Its okay though I didn't freak out!
  • I sooooo love Johnathan Rhys Meyers (Match Point, The Tudors) but he seems like a bit of a loose cannon with a lot of issues, so I'm not sure I'd actually want to marry the guy! So it would have to be Ryan Reynolds. He's insanely hot but when he was on Top Gear he was really funny as well, that was the point I started…
  • look a LOT like Miranda Kerr! That was my first thought on seeing your picture! A little like RHW too! You are truly beautiful!
  • I LOVE Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, her figure is perfect. Or any of the Angels really! I love that really lean look, not too muscly because that's not what I think looks nice on women. But still with some curves, not straight up and down. I respect women with a six-pack but there's no way I'd want one myself, it's too…
  • Nottingham, UK - Shout out to all the English people on here :)
  • Rosie Huntington-Whiteley! She looks amazing, really lean. Or any Victoria's Secret girl really, they're all amazing. Having read what they have to do to get a 'show physique' though, I doubt I am dedicated enough to ever make that happen!
  • Hi there! Thanks for posting! I am from West Bridgford, Nottingham and always happy to give lots of support- feel free to add me. Sarah
  • I think if you don't have much weight to lose- which you don't look like you have from your profile pic- then you can't eat them back. Your body doesn't *want* to lose weight as you aren't overweight, so you have to be strict to see any changes, I'm guessing. I try to have a metabolism shock day- for six days stick to your…
  • I do a mixture of morning and evening workouts! I try to vary my routine between running (outdoors), a gym set, boot camp classes (outdoors) and toning classes (indoors). If it's just the gym, I much prefer getting it out of the way in the moming, like you. I work long hours and by the time I get home, the temptation is…
  • You spend a hell of a lot of time at the gym! :) Good on you!
  • seekingthepat... wow, do you really need to drop any weight at all? You look gorgeous I want to look when I finish my diet!! And you also have gorgeous long hair :)
  • Very pretty part of the country!
  • Hi All. I'm from Nottingham, UK - would love to make friends with other UK girls looking to drop some pounds! Feel free to add me