How do you stop wanting to eat?



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member

    I am new to this site, just started it a couple of days ago so I need all the support I can get. My biggest thing is that I LOVE to eat. I don't eat out of hunger, I eat because I love food. And not "good for you" food either. I am a person with depression so food is a temporary escape for me. I don't know how to get away from that "wanting to eat" feeling.

    - think of things to do instead of eating, especially if it's absent mindedly eating. go for a walk, call a friend, write ina journal, read a book, play with your cat, etc
    - dont keep junk food in your house or any other food that's easy to eat without thinking. this works well for me. like now i really want to eat something since i'm kind of bored but all i have is "real food" and i dont really feel like heating up a bowl of soup. but if i had chips OH BABY, it would be on.

    hope this helps
  • mrs_march
    mrs_march Posts: 2 Member
    I always find if you eat little and often of good foods and drink water it keeps you full. The other good trick is if you want to eat brush your teeth then you go off the idea of food and if you are like me and want food often you end up with cracking teeth! lol Good luck xxx
  • clareeast
    clareeast Posts: 64
    another thing that helps me is I almost always brush my teeth right after I finish eating anything! I don't know about anybody else, but I HATE eating right after I brush my teeth...

    This. It works for me - and distraction, doing something else. I like needlecrafts and list-writing and computer games, but you have to find what works for you.

    The emotional eating thing is a tough nut to crack - yes, you think eating this will make you feel better, and oh it tastes good, but then you've swallowed it and it's gone, what will make you feel better now? And then, did you really want that, it's all calories and fat and no good nutrition, you shouldn't have eaten that, you feel terrible, what can you have to make you feel better?

    If you've never had to deal with this, you're lucky - and you're in no position to judge!

    Good luck, I hope you manage to tackle your demons. They'll always be there, somewhere (this I know!), but you just have to teach them to "know their place."
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    1) Log food before you eat it. This helps insert rational thought between the feeling of wanting and the actual act of eating.
    2) Ask yourself whether you're genuinely hungry, or whether you're seeking comfort.
    3) Ask yourself whether food will actually fix the problem that's depressing or worrying you. (Or might it even make things worse?)
    4) With comfort eating you've basically got crossed wires around how to 'look after yourself'. You're nurturing yourself, quite literally, with food. You need to find alternative self-care strategies. Different ways of caring for yourself. For me (I know this sounds awfully worthy!) that's become exercise. It's a far better way of caring for me than stuffing my face with chocolate, and it makes me feel good in just the same way.

    Good Advice!
  • lollaler
    lollaler Posts: 69 Member
    love the nail painting comment thanks for that. i am much the same as tam tam and new to this...
    thats an awesome idea. that will keep nails nice all the time, - i always say i have no time to paint my nails, remove the polish and redo..
    so now everytime i feel like a bad snack i'll give myself a manicure :):smile:
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    All of these are great ideas.

    I struggle with the same thing. I love food, love to cook. Also, I have tons of emotional stuff around eating (surprise, surprise).

    I find, when I first start tracking my food again to get back within healthy eating, that is the worst. I feel the most anxious about eating and wanting to eat when not hungry in the first 2-3 weeks.

    Number one best thing that helps when that, "I want to eat SOMEthing" feeling grabs a hold: do something physical. Take a short walk outside, get up and just walk the stairs a few times, stretch. I think it helps to disperse the nervous energy.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    love the nail painting comment thanks for that. i am much the same as tam tam and new to this...
    thats an awesome idea. that will keep nails nice all the time, - i always say i have no time to paint my nails, remove the polish and redo..
    so now everytime i feel like a bad snack i'll give myself a manicure :):smile:

    Your welcome :) I used to have a horrible nail-biting habit and I've found that painting them pretty colours has also put a stop to that, so it has even more benefits hehe.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I'm the same way.... I see something and REAAAAAAAAAALLLY want it. If its available to me, I'll eat it.

    Self control is hard. It takes practice. Its taken me a year to lose 40lbs... and I'm still having to control myself.
  • msgsarah
    msgsarah Posts: 53 Member
    Hi there

    Some great suggestions on this thread. I just wanted to share my step process that I use when I get the urge to eat because I am bored or just want the sensation of eating something. I follow this to stop myself getting chocolate cravings!

    1) First of all, make sure you don't have any snack food in the house. I never buy in biscuits, crisps, chocolate etc in the weekly shop. I tell myself I can stil have them, but I have to walk to the shop to go and get them! If they're not easily to hand, 9 times out of ten I will get over the craving!
    2) If I'm still hungry, like others have said, I down a couple of glasses of water. You may be thirsty instead and interpreting it as hunger. Also, water is so good for your body and mental health, it can't hurt.
    3) If I STILL feel like I want something, I will sometimes try a cup of green tea. It speeds your metabolism up and it's warm which can make you feel fuller.
    4) If I'm STILL hungry, I'll try having a healthy snack - like an apple or some carrot sticks. I tell myself if I'm genuinely hungry, this will be what my body needs..
    5) If all else fails, and I'm STILL hungry, I will go for a walk and get the damn chocolate. At least I have tried my best to resist, and walking to get it will help burn off some of the calories!

    Hope this helps a little! x
  • amibeachcomber
    Natural endorphins are released when you exercise which should help with your depression. Extra Sugarless Gum has dessert flavors with only 5 calories per stick....Key Lime Pie, Strawberry Shortcake, Apple Pie, Mint Chocolate Chip and Orange Creamsicle. Might help. Also, drink alot of water.......I put lemon wedges in mine. Good luck. :smile:
  • skin_and_b0nes
    every time you are hungry when you shouldn't be eating have some water. if you do if for long enough you'll replace food with water by habit
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    took me about a second, hence the first response.. but hey on a more serrious note try drinking lots of water because most times when you feel you are hungry the body is actually thirsty and will be more than satisfied if you drink a tall glass of water or two... so before you eat try that and i bet half the time it will fill you up

    100% right your brain confuses thirst for hunger, so drink water then if hungry after about 20/30 mins eat, don't starve yourself. BTW if you love food (I do) try to walk and use the calories to counter poor food choices, works for me.
  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    Comfort and reward with things and experiences instead of food. Also hobbies that use your hands are good, I sew and I have made a lot of things since I started eating better :p

    You will get used to not eating and cutting out junk, don't worry :)
  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    HBBrown78@ nice respons!
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    Seems that you need coping strategies to deal with the underlying emotional issues. Sometimes this is only needing to find something else that you do when you feel the need to eat. There are a lot of resources out there so keep looking.