How do you stop wanting to eat?



  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    another thing that helps me is I almost always brush my teeth right after I finish eating anything! I don't know about anybody else, but I HATE eating right after I brush my teeth...
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Do something that occupies your mind so you won't be thinking about food. Reading works well for me. Drinking lots of water and chewing gum also help a lot! :)
  • hauntedwebby
    I am in the same boat, but since I'm a technology junkie I have been using the app quite a bit. Today it helps me spread my calories out through out the day, instead of eating them all in one sitting.

    I'm starting a new goal today, for the next 4 months :) I use small goals instead of large goals, this has helped motivate me through my life style change.
  • chickenmcv
    Stop it.
  • TamTamW
    TamTamW Posts: 27
    Thanks guys for all the information! This is really going to be a fight for me but I am willing to do it. Good luck to all of you.
  • txcraftr
    txcraftr Posts: 133 Member
    I have that problemsquite often and am trying to overcome it like you. I also have depression and what she said about the serotonin is true. I find that exercise makes my appetite go away, even if its easy like walking with Leslie Sansone. It makes you work a little bit but makes you feel a whole lot better. Another thing I do is walk right out the door and take a stroll and look at nature. Usually by the time I get back my nervous feeling will be a lot better and then I do something else like crochet or knit or take a shower. Its hard to eat in the shower.:laugh:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Watch your sugar, both sugar and artificial sweeteners increase your cravings and appetite.
    If I have a diet coke it's all over for the day I can never stay under my calories.

    I found once I started eating more "nutrient dense" foods the less I focused on eating...
    oddly enough I enjoy food more now... I won't waste calories on something I don't enjoy.
    I haven't banished any snack foods or treats.
    I just don't over indulge like I used to and enjoy it more because it is a "treat" and eat it less often.

    I keep an eye out for my trigger foods. (Any size package of Oreo's are a single serving in my opinion... So I spend more per cookie and get the snack pack of 6... because I'll have enjoyed them, but they'll be gone. If I get the regular size box and think I'll only have a couple at a time and save the rest for later, I'm only kidding myself.)

    Really watch for added sugar in things marketed as "real foods"
    like tomato sauce and yogurt.

    I'd much rather eat my sugar in the form of a snack that consuming it where I don't even notice it.

    The jarred tomato sauce I'd been using had 9 g of sugar per 1/2 cup serving...( Now my favorite cookies(Trader Joe's chocolate cats) are 9g of sugar for 15 cookies...) I've found a few brands of prepared sauce that have about 3 g of sugar per 1/2 cup serving... but I've gone back to buying plain old canned sauce and adding my own spices. 1g of sugar.

    Bottom Line track your sugar for a while and see if there is any cause and effect on how you feel.

    (also if depression is an issue up your "happy fats" plant & fish based fats. Fats are calories dense, but it doesn't take a lot to feel satisfied.)

    Good Luck
  • trinitrate
    trinitrate Posts: 219 Member
    1) water

    2) I was similar and chose to start out very low-carb. Even though it seems counter-intuitive, the change in -what- you eat does lessen your cravings. Some people on here do not like low-carbing so do your own research. When you low-carb, you fill up on lean meats and a huge amount of green fiberous veggies.... No room left for junk and you'll still be under your calorie goal. When you have a big salad, a good size chicken breast and a huge side of steamed broccoli for lunch, you wont be looking to snack too much!

    Don't do this for too long. As your body and diet change, your cravings will too and you can start reintroducing -healthy- carbs.

    3) drink more water
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Eat good wholesome unprocessed foods.

    Protein and Healthy Fat will make you feel a lot more satisfied than a bowl of cereal or cheese on toast.

    Scrambled Eggs with cheese and veggies as breakfast does me until mid-afternoon if not dinner.

    You say you love food, but is it just because your blood sugar is all over the place from eating refined stuff that can barely be called food?

    Get the blood sugar stable first and then discover if you still have the urge would be my best advice. I used to snack all time, I understand the feeling and it's not one easy to ignore because your body is, on a cellular level, starving for nutrients.

    Personally, cutting out all wheat has helped enormously but I can understand why some people still think we need it given the brainwashing by food pyramids, 'healthy whole grains' and whatnot.
  • TamTamW
    TamTamW Posts: 27
    The good thing is that I don't eat a lot of sweets. I find that if I didn't eat three meals today and I am just getting out of work at 11pm, I want to eat. Even if I am not hungry. I am definitely working on the water thing. I am not a fan of drinking water but now i am keeping cold filtered water that is easy access in my fridge and I find that I drink it more.
  • tstawicki
    tstawicki Posts: 61 Member
    All of the suggestions are good. Also see if you are avoiding something else in your life or don't want to do something, sometimes that behavior leads us to look at food as comfort.
  • TamTamW
    TamTamW Posts: 27
    Thank you everyone! I appreciate your help! :happy:
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    My trick that usually does it is to drink a ton of water. I mean a lot. say I am at my calorie goal for the day and i dont want to push myself over, I will drink water until I can't take it any more.

    Just don't do it before very long car trips :D
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    I was a big "eat when I want to, instead of when I need to" kind of person. Honestly this site helps alot... IF YOU USE IT, and really log EVERYTHING. Keep your food diary private, esp the 1st week or however long you need to...and reallllllly log every single bite. So you can see what you reallllllllly consume compared to what you "think" you consume.
    Also, instead of buying nothing but carrots and celery and expecting to live off that (which you wont...bc lets face it, you never have. Just like I never have lol hence why we are here lol) just try finding the "healthier alternative to the things you love. For instance, I eat carrots, with Ranch. But I make Ranch dip with light sour cream, I make homemade pizza with spinach, tomatoes and turkey pepperoni or a margarita pizza with some olive oil and tomatoes... I get to control the cheese and I leave out all the butter and meats a normal pizza place load on. I switched hamburger with Turkey burgers.. I buy baked Cheetos instead of the real ones (and they taste the same!) and baked tostitos with salsa, again..they taste the same. I buy Ken's lite caesar dressing instead of the real thing..takes off loads of cals and fat... Do whatever you have to do to lessen your calories but still eat relatively the same things you were eating. By doing this I have noticed that I can still have what I want... just in a better way.
    I have gotten to the point that I never go over 1200 cals per day, and I am still eating the things I like, not just salad with no dressing, or never having a chip ever again lol But I am still staying within healthy portions and with lower calorie and fat type foods. I have gotten to the point where I feel good enough about my diet, that I am starting P90X in 2 days! I am scared, but excited, and I think once you learn to control one thing, you are your way to controlling all of it :)
    Also, I know its bad, but I love my coffee... I have that too! And like others have said, water 1st.... then eat after.. that way your tummy is full before you even start. :)
    Good luck!!!!!!!!! You can do it ;)
  • zzzeldazz
    zzzeldazz Posts: 19
    I agree it's not a food issue.......It's hard for me too. I love food.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Water, like most people are saying, and try to brush your teeth more often. Most foods taste gross after you brush your teeth so it might help keep you from snacking.
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member

    I love food too...i love to cook....i love using heavy cream, lots of butter, lots of cheese and I also ate fast food alot. I have learned..with the help of people on this site to look for lower calorie items.
    For example: I used to eat bread that was 110 calories a slice....i now eat bread that is 40 calories a slice.
    Making choices like this as often as i can lets me eat more food and still stay within calorie limits.
    I still don't always make perfect choices ...but i am learning and getting better at it!
    As far as fast food...i made a list of the things i liked to order from different places and just look at the awful amt of calories in has helped me to make the decision to go home and fix something a bit more healthier.
    We used to deep fry alot.....i now pan fry with cooking spray or olive oil as much as possible.
    Just using the MFP app to keep track of my food helps me quite a bit. Most days i do really well....if i go over a day...i don't beat myself up over it....i start fresh the next meal! Good luck!
    San :)
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member

    I love food too...i love to cook....i love using heavy cream, lots of butter, lots of cheese and I also ate fast food alot. I have learned..with the help of people on this site to look for lower calorie items.
    For example: I used to eat bread that was 110 calories a slice....i now eat bread that is 40 calories a slice.
    Making choices like this as often as i can lets me eat more food and still stay within calorie limits.
    I still don't always make perfect choices ...but i am learning and getting better at it!
    As far as fast food...i made a list of the things i liked to order from different places and just look at the awful amt of calories in has helped me to make the decision to go home and fix something a bit more healthier.
    We used to deep fry alot.....i now pan fry with cooking spray or olive oil as much as possible.
    Just using the MFP app to keep track of my food helps me quite a bit. Most days i do really well....if i go over a day...i don't beat myself up over it....i start fresh the next meal! Good luck!
    San :)

    Exactly :)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    1) Log food before you eat it. This helps insert rational thought between the feeling of wanting and the actual act of eating.
    2) Ask yourself whether you're genuinely hungry, or whether you're seeking comfort.
    3) Ask yourself whether food will actually fix the problem that's depressing or worrying you. (Or might it even make things worse?)
    4) With comfort eating you've basically got crossed wires around how to 'look after yourself'. You're nurturing yourself, quite literally, with food. You need to find alternative self-care strategies. Different ways of caring for yourself. For me (I know this sounds awfully worthy!) that's become exercise. It's a far better way of caring for me than stuffing my face with chocolate, and it makes me feel good in just the same way.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Make sure you're always hydrated, as a lot of the time when you think you want a snack, you could well just be really healthy. Up your water intake and if you feel yourself wanting to eat needlessly, drink a cold glass of water and wait to see how you feel after it. Chewing gum, like others have suggested, is a good idea too.

    One thing I've always found useful is to do something that keeps your hands busy. Do you knit or sew? I find reading helps too. If I start to want to snack, but know I don't really need it, I paint my nails. It keeps my hands busy, I can't do anything with them while they're still wet and the smell usually makes me not feel so hungry anymore.