dbrownson Member


  • Usually within the hour which you wake up.
  • The best advice you will EVER hear if you want to eat clean is: "Keep your house clean." If it's in your house, you WILL eat it.
  • Protein is a must have for your daily diet, so a protein shake/drink is one of the best methods of getting this intake. What you really want is WPI (whey protein isolate, which is the purest form of protein). There are a bunch of great priced options out there for you, depending on what quality you want to purchase. I have…
  • There really are no nutrition importance in the meal (sure there is some protein but there are much better ways to get your daily dose). And of course, all flour products turn into sugars once you digest them. Not good.
  • You should always eat. It's best to eat multiple small meals throughout the day (4-6 meals). Eating regularly keeps your blood sugar stable, if not then you get spikes/crashes.
  • I think most people should make their profiles public, good way to get ideas. That and I have nothing to hide, basically just a calorie counter for me.
  • Whatever you do, do not eat that PB&J sandwich. Some way to get fruits/vegetables (it's hard because they usually need to be "chilled") in the stadium?
  • It must be what you are eating. It's quite possible for somebody to eat "junk" but yet be lower than the advisable calories/day.
  • True, but you don't get the nice breakdown of everything you had eaten that particular day.
  • Obviously by now you should have a general idea of what to stay away from, but will you!? ... Hopefully they will have an assortment of fruits or vegetables that you can use as your "base". Perhaps they might offer a lean protein (such as turkey or chicken [without skin of course]). Be smart and always be picky. Only drink…
  • I get Dynamatize Elite Whey Protein Isolate, I find it great tasting and rather inexpensive. I use to get All The Whey Protein but that was more expensive. I mix mine with water, usually just get a 24 pack of bottled water and it's easy and ready to go in no time!
  • That's exactly what I'm saying. Protein a necessity, just as carbohydrates (slow burning) and essential fats, so you have to make sure that you have the right amount of intake. Also you should be eating 4 - 6 meals per day (I do 5), which will help you get that much needed protein. It's actually easier than you think to…
  • Most people do not get the necessary amount of protein per day anyways, so you are probably fine. You should be getting 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight per day.