gaining weight when eating suggested number of calories

schnarfo Posts: 764 Member

Whenever I eat the suggested number of calories by MFP I gain weight, it's only a few pounds but I confused as to why. If I eat under my goal by a hundred or so calories then I do tend to lose weight again. Anyone else got this problem?

edit: sorry I have just realised this post has been put in the wrong section of the forum. :)


  • dbrownson
    dbrownson Posts: 14 Member
    It must be what you are eating. It's quite possible for somebody to eat "junk" but yet be lower than the advisable calories/day.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    MFP is not an exact science. Are you exercising more/less than you are logging? Are you eating more/less than you are logging? If so, time to make some changes...revise your goals and create a bigger calorie deficit. Try it out for a week or two and see what happens.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Nope I log everything accurately in regards to food intake and exercise.

    Must be what I eat to have those cals thats causing the problem

    I rarely eat my exercise calories because Im just not hungry enough to eat them, I have roughly 900-1000 calories a day... If i up this to 1200 I gain.