mopovich Member


  • Yes, squats are awesome. Lunges, dead lifts, and glute busters (rest your upper body on an ottoman/weight bench/or just lay on the floor and put a weight on your pelvis and...thrust up slowly and hold tight for a few seconds.)! Yes, a little kinky but it does the trick. :)
  • If your back is hurting, then you probably need to strengthen your core. Keep doing what you're doing but make sure you're keeping your abdomen tight and don't let it sag down, that will hurt your lower back!
  • If I can't give a workout 100%, I don't do it. If you're already weak and dragging, running isn't going to help. BUT, if you feel good enough to jump rope, why not run?
  • My first was 25 best is 21 minutes. Goal is 18 minutes! NEED TO GET BACK TO RUNNING (stress fracture)! Way to go!! Keep it up, girl!
  • Awesome! I knew there had to be a couple of you! :) I should clarify, I am still working out (5-6 days a week), but only upper body and abs! I tried to jump rope on my good leg but it was pretty much a massive FAIL! LOL I was eating A LOT of calories before my injury (because I was running so much) so I'm still trying to…
  • Way to go!! I've heard of getting botox in your sweat glands!? No?! LOL You sound like my husband - he always says he has a "sweating disorder!"
  • I do tricep dips using two bar stools! I cross my feet and put them up on one stool and support my body weight on the other. Works perfect.
  • And I've made two sandbags. One with sand, a garbage bag, re-usable target bag and duct tape. And you can also buy sandbags on Amazon and fill them with sand have a sandbag. :) Costs next to nothing!
  • I take one rest day every week or I will burnout . That doesn't mean I sit and eat bon-bons on my rest day. I still try to go for a walk with my daughter, play outside with her, etc. It's just low-intensity. ;)
  • I don't know how to quote but thank you! :)
  • That is light weight! Well, you must just build awesome muscle!! I say embrace it, girl! :)
  • You just made me measure and mine are 11.75 flexed! Guess I have man arms too! LOL
  • I wanna see a picture!! ;) Are you lifting heavy weights? Doing a ton of bicep curls?! My biceps are pretty large for my frame so I've backed off biceps a bit!
  • I thought you were trying a new diet or eating pot! LOL If you're talking about pulling weeds, I'd just look under gardening.
  • Do you mean Clean? Otherwise I'm not sure what you mean by lean! ;) I do eat about 80-90% clean!
  • Yep! You look slimmer! One thing I would suggest is try to take your comparison pics at the same distance and same angle (and same clothes if you can). You will be able to tell a lot more! But you look great! Keep it up! :)
  • I'd probably do a deadlift, bicep curl, shoulder press. I do super-sets too! :)
  • Grilled pineapple Put all in a food processor: Almonds Walnuts (or other nuts) almond butter unsweetened coconut chopped dates spread out in pan and smooth with coconut oil. - It's a great little dessert and post-workout snack
  • I'm 5'8 and went from 155 to 130. I realize 155 is not a bad weight but I have a small frame and was always an athlete. After back surgery and my dad's death, I gained the weight. It took eating (mostly) clean and working out 5-6 days a week but I lost it in about 3 months and have kept it off and gained muscle. I started…
  • I would recommend measuring your arms, bust, waist, hips, thighs, calves and go by you measurements, not your weight. You're weight can fluctuate drastically depending on if you've went to the bathroom, the time of day, etc. If you focus more on inches, you will be more successful! That's what worked for me anyway. If you…