jamielyn1369 Member


  • I don't personally add my calories (I am a trauma nurse at a busy trauma hospital)... but I will tell you that MFP doesn't account very well for what your activity is. I have been wearing a bodybugg for 3 months now and my caloric intake is consistantly at a 1200-1400 deficit. So I just use MFP as my food diary (their…
  • Mmmmmmmmmmm... I may have to try this one! I LOVE chicken parm! :love:
  • Hey!!! Pittsburgh (Robinson Twp) here!!! :wink:
  • AMEN!!!!! I ran the 100 yard dash in high school and was pretty fast, but that was 15 years ago. Not so fast anymore... but still faster than most!!! I love that someone else trains with the zombie apocalypse on their mind! Hahahahahaha!!!!!!
  • Some people are a bit nuts on here, but it's a lifestyle change, not a diet! You should never deny yourself anything, just watch your intake. If you want a mixed drink, make sure it's with a low calorie soda or juice, or even better soda water! Choose a lower calorie beer or a lower calorie wine. And stick to 1-2 glasses.…
  • That sounds amazing! And we love the broccoli slaw from Walmart, especially in the microwavable bag! Great recipe!!!! Thanks and can't wait to try it!
  • Welcome and great weight loss already!!!!! This is a great forum to meet people that are on the same journey. You will, of course, encounter some bad people that make you feel bad about any "cheat" food, but I love my friends and they help me be accountable! I joined to make myself accountable for what I eat, and…
  • Wow, I paid over $120 for mine! It is intense! I only did it for 2 weeks before I started my new shift at the hospital and couldn't fit 1.5 hours in on the days I work. But for those 2 weeks, I did lose almost 10 lbs and was able to do 5 pullups and about 25 pushups just after 2 weeks!!!!!!!!! Good luck and if you need any…
  • I have only been on here one week and have said the same thing! For the most part, everyone is very positive and supportive, but there are a few! My problem is the criticism. Obviously, we are all on here to get support and lose weight (some a little, some a lot). But some people think their way is the only way and are…
  • I agree with everyone. It's not the same. You miss out on the fiber. That being said, I love to juice. I have my own juicer and use it regularly. One 8 oz glass ends up having 8-10 fruits/veggies. I miss the fiber, but there is no added sugar and I get alot of vitamins/nutrients from it. I wouldn't get juice from the store…
  • Annglenn! Way to go on your weight loss already! You are doing great and keep up the good work! Your doctor is only half right... you should be between 125 and 140. That's my goal... I am 5'4 and I am trying to get around 140. When I was in the military, I was 153 lbs but I was wearing a size 2. If I get to 140, that will…
  • Welcome and Good Luck!!! You are going to do great! :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome! This site is what you make of it. It can be a bunch of cheerleaders or it can just be your own personal site to count your calories. As far as advice, just pay attention to what you are eating. I never liked veggies, but am utilizing my fiance (who is a chef) to make good tasting veggies. I have eaten more veggies…
  • Welcome! My fiance and I are getting married in 19 days and I feel you there! I have had 2 years to get into shape and really haven't done as much as I should have! I have always done the exercises but never ate well. Now, thanks to my fiance, I eat well and healthy, but not exercising as much! I have to combine both the…
  • Thanks everyone! I do have my activity level set at moderate I think. I wasn't going to count the calories burned, but we did several rounds of CPR on several different people. My coworkers that know I am counting calories were telling me to make sure to count these. Alaw1119, I hear ya... I average about 12-13 miles…
  • I have and have used P90X for about 2 weeks before I quit (there wasn't enough time for me, it requires appx 1.5 hours daily). But in those 2 weeks, I lost 10 lbs and was able to do 3 pullups and 20 pushups. It is an amazing program if you have time. I plan on going back on it as soon as I can.