drinking and weight loss

I know its frowned upon (and by some people on the "do not consume" list) when trying to lose weight, but i've seen quite a few people who post about having wine, drinking whiskey, whatever. I'm just curious who drinks alcohol, how often, etc. Not looking to start a debate about it or anything, just interested


  • HugznKiki
    HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    i'll have a few beers or wine....most of the time it's on the weekends....it's rare that i will on a weeknight. I've still been mildly successful and doing it healthy. I know there are those that say nothing at all and have been successful and that's great, but don't completely cut out something you enjoy.
  • jamielyn1369
    jamielyn1369 Posts: 19 Member
    Some people are a bit nuts on here, but it's a lifestyle change, not a diet! You should never deny yourself anything, just watch your intake. If you want a mixed drink, make sure it's with a low calorie soda or juice, or even better soda water! Choose a lower calorie beer or a lower calorie wine. And stick to 1-2 glasses. I do enjoy an occasional drink, especially around the holidays. I just cut a snack out to make up for those extra calories, or I do an extra half hour of running or biking.
  • rochey1098
    Yeah of course it's not the best way to spend the calories but I do it anyway because it's my treat. I want to lose the weight but refuse to turn into a robot lol. Best way around it is to avoid beer/lager/cider and go for the shorter stuff. Even a whole bottle of wine is only 500 calories (ish).

    You can do anything in moderation and still lose weight. I drink once a week and have lost 2-3lbs a week since early September. As for the negative side effects of the alcohol, just be careful not to go on an eating binge when your defenses are down lol.

    Even the air you're breathing is slowly killing you :wink:
  • JennATC
    I'll have a glass of wine or a beer every now and then, and just make sure to allow room for it in my daily calories.
  • skydeity
    I'll drink on weekends usually. I account those calories for my daily total so depending on how much I want to drink... I have to balance my food and alcohol to come out with a deficit. Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean that you have to give it up completely. I believe in eating anything I want with moderation. Portion control is the key. Good luck hun :)
  • mmocarr
    mmocarr Posts: 108 Member
    I drink wine when I have the calories. I drink liquor when the occasion calls for it ;) I do find it becomes problematic when I overindulge and I end up super hungry and overeat the day I drank and the day after too.
  • scottberrydsm
    scottberrydsm Posts: 74 Member
    For me its none - but that is because I'm a recovering alchoholic/addict and have been for the last 30 years or so. My "food addiction" is kind of a substitute.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    :drinker: Me!

    Maybe once a week, I'll have a few glasses of wine or a mixed drink or two. And maybe once every month or so, drink entirely too much, if there's an event or holiday.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I don't really drink at all - but I'm not opposed to other people doing so in appropriate moderation. Even getting an occasional good drunk on is okay in my mind. I think the most important things are 1) safety 2) overall health 3) hydration and as already stated 4) moderation in daily living. I'd say log it just so you know where your extra cals came from ona particular weekend or whatnot but other than that, as long as 1-4 are applied, it's all good. Cheers! :)
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I just started adding it back in again, but in reality it is something you should do very rarely (in general, not just for losing weight, but especially when trying to lose). It is called 'liquid fat' because of the calories/gram, and although there have been some studies suggesting otherwise, it has been said to dehydrate you. It also give you an appetite because it causes a decrease in blood sugar. SO- I don't really recommend making it an everyday thing, but to have a glass of wine once a week or to let loose and go a little crazy every once in while is fine too (but so long as you don't feel guilty if the scale says you're heavier the next day). There is also a new study that an occasional glass of wine/drink can keep your stress down which can promote weight loss. So basically the moral of the story is everything in moderation, but less is better than more!
  • Bigalstewart
    One occasionally won't hurt. But alcohol easily converts into sugar and can hinder weight loss.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    None for me - just better for my body. I tend to topple down stairs and get hurt xD
  • ludgerclay
    ludgerclay Posts: 95 Member
    I enjoy my beer and wine, but I run 35 or 40 miles a week and generally burn it off and maintain. However if I want to lose weight, one of the surest ways for me to do it is to give up alcohol. it has more to do with the way it affects your body's ability to handle water than with the calories.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I have cut back so much on alcohol since joining MFP in April, it really opened my eyes to the amount of empty calories in it.

    I've never been much of a midweek or lone drinker though I enjoy my Friday/Saturday night social drink with friends one night of a weekend, I also might enjoy half a bottle of wine with a meal in a restaurant or whilst reading the Sunday papers on lazy Sunday afternoons.

    I am now a total alcohol fuss-pot and stick only to red and (dry) white wine, vodka and diet cokes and gin and slimline tonic. Where possible I always plan ahead when I know I'm going to drinking and put what I expect to drink (with a little wriggle room) in the diary early on in the day.

    It can be hard to find the cals for alcohol so these are the ones I know.....(estimates)

    White wine: 117 (for dry) 125ml
    Red wine: 125-30 125ml
    Gin & Slim: 60-5 25ml of spirit
    Vodka & Diet coke: 56 25ml of Spirit
    Sherry/Vermouth: Approx 65 per 50ml
    Baileys Irish Cream: 80cals per 25ml : (
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I'm a college student that just turned 21, so yes, I drink. Average 3 days a week. I think it's fine as long as I have enough calories for it. Though, I have definitely switched to lower calorie beers, and "skinny" alcoholic drinks. Or shots. That works, too.
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    thanks everyone - glad to see i'm not the only one who indulges in a glass of wine every now and then. And I think we all know that the best thing would be none, but since this is a lifestyle change and not a fad diet, im not going to completely cut out something I enjoy. Like everyone has said, moderation and smart choices are key!
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 623 Member
    There is def a negative though - I had a friend in college who was dieting and said it was saving him money because the "less he eats the less he has to drink to get drunk". He meant it as a joke, but there are definitely people who go by that thought process
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I drink on the weekends and occasionally one during the week. I just workout harder that day to make room for those empty calories. It hasnt hindered my weight loss one bit!