

  • I'd LOVE to help you out :)
  • I'd LOVE to help you out :)
  • I really enjoy this post - there seems to be a lot of hate out there for P90x and other Beachbody products, thank you...we all need a little PUSH every once in a while - lets not be afraid of working hard - and bashing a product that actually works...its just finding another way to make an excuse for youself instead of…
  • I've wondered the same thing myself - I think because a lot more goes into weight training - for example, you continue to burn fat long after you're doing exercising if you do weight training, so I'm not sure how accurate a toold like this would be...hmm...good question. I'd like to be able to enter a rough estimate. lol.
  • I haven't done it, but I've heard it's pretty awesome. Have you done any of the other Beachbody workouts? Like P90x? I'm currently doing TurboFire...WHEW is that TOUGH! Keep up the good work!
  • I think it's bigger than motivation. You need to find your priorities, because nothing is worth doing if it doesn't align with what's important to you. For me, it's family. Knowing that I'm setting a good example for my little sister and my parents is enough to keep me going every day.
  • you're right - just make sure the foods you are eating are healthy foods. also, how often are you eating - don't pack all the calories into one or two big meals, eat throughout the day - I'm a fan of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a couple snacks in between that way I'm always eating, always keeping my metabolism going - it…
  • Hey! It sounds like you're in need of a little motivation. :) Maybe a support system?! I just want to say that I was there once - and first and foremost you need to stop thinking of yourself as "on a diet" because the minute you get off that diet, you're going to gain your weight back, and you're going to be right where…
  • Most always you can order your sauce either on the side or with no sauce, I'm sure they have some bbq'd chicken, but order it without sauce - BE A PICKY ORDERER! That's what I do, my friends laugh, I laugh, but I feel better about myself afterward - and I"m sure YOU will too! Remember, you can treat yourself, don't go…
  • Hello! I am not currently in that position but I was - so if you ever need any tips, let me know, I'd be happy to help :)
  • thanks :) also 21lbs lost...AWESOME! Keep up the hard work! I'm down 65 total and have been here for about 4 years (with a little weight gain and loss in the last year and a half) it's aweosme to feel your best! KEEP IT UP!!!!!! :D:D:D:D
  • HEY! I was just looking at the message boards...and AWESOME JOB GIRL!!!!! I love seeing fellow successes!!!!
  • diet green tea and crystal light would be just as bad as having a diet soda...if you're against artificial sweeteners at all you really have to read labels....sobe 0 is sweetened with stevia - which is all natural - if you're looking for a better option.
  • 1 c. unprocessed wheat bran 3/4 c. oatmeal 1/2 c. blueberries yum!
  • your BMR is how many calories your body needs to simply function - i.e. breathe, have your heart beat, etc. If you did nothing at all, and ate that many calories, your weight would not when you add exercise on top of need more, and I'm guessing you're working, and doing things other than sleeping…
  • I f you are exercising like you are - 1200 calories is NOT enough. When you don't eat enough, your body goes into starvation mode (that's the best way to put it), and you begin to hold on to fat - your body stores it because it feels it's in crisis. figure out your should never, ever eat less than that amount of…
  • I lost 60 pounds and kept it off for 4 years so far. I'm just sick of writing all my calories down, this is easier. You can't go on a "diet" They don't work...if you want lasting changes, you need to change your lifestyle. writing down what you eat is a great step, and ALWAYS eat breakfast! :) Those are the things that i…