P90X... Why so much hate?

YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been browsing around this site and I've encounter countless amount of people who practically hate this system, and if they don't hate it, at least they're doing a perfect job making it look like they do. Why so much hate? Is it because is an extreme workout? Is it because of its crazy diet? Maybe because you don't like how Tony Horton talks? Or even the length of the workouts?

I don't plan to make a 3 pages post trying to explain what needs no explanation, instead I'm going to try be as direct as possible, specially to answer those questions I wrote above.

It seems people have forgotten that hard work is what pays off, and I'm not trying to offend anyone, but when you look at how this country (US) has one of the highest levels of obesity, it makes me realize that people have forgotten what muscles are for, all they do is 4 basic moves... flexion of the elbow to take the food and drinks to their mouths, extension of the jaw to open their mouth to allow the food and drinks in their mouths, extension of the elbow to grab more food and drinks, and constant repetition of contraction and extension of the jaw to chew the food... you know the rest from this moment on.

People, understand that the system is turning you into sloths because the system is putting everything at your hands to avoid you get your butt off the chair to make you comfortable, and the truth is they're not doing it to make you comfortable, they're doing it to get your money, and as a side effect you're getting lazy and therefore fat. If you are lazy you'll hate to move, even if it comes to walk which is the simplest action to do, which brings me to this; if you hate to walk to two blocks to go buy whatever you want from whatever place is only two blocks away, wouldn't it make sense you hate an extreme fitness program that took, if I'm not mistaken, a little over two years of study to be made, that is capable of transforming your body in just 90 days? The answer is yes.

No one ever lies, not the fitness users nor BeachBody, that this is an extreme workout. This is not for beginners. Can it still be done by beginners? Yes, but you need to read the instructions, they have taken in consideration almost all possible aspects that can happen, and what's even better, you get free online coaching from people like you to help you overcome any issues you might encounter. Don't hate it cause is hard, don't hate it cause it really works, don't hate it cause you'll be in pain while doing it and sore the day after, don't hate it because you're lazy and have no motivation.

It is true the diet is crazy, but I'm pretty sure they give you not only the option of comparing different types of food with the same nutrition levels so you can have a variety of things to eat, but also what's important for you is to keep the calorie count, protein, carbs and fat count in order to get results whether you eat what they tell you or not. I never ate a damn thing from their diet guide, and you can see my results in my pictures. And last but not least, BeachBody even has an online tool where you put what foods you eat and it helps you build a diet plan based on it. So don't hate it cause you can't eat all the unhealthy food you use to, or because you can't eat as much as you want, or because you need to eat every three hours.

You don't like Tony Horton talking and making jokes? In case you didn't know, the DVDs come with the option of muting his voice right before you start the program. Leave the music on... What? You don't like the music they have? Put your own damn music and stop complaining. I'm sure when you go to a gym (if you do) and you don't like the music, you don't go to the office and tell them to change they music, probably you don't even pay attention to it cause you're working out. Stop looking for ways to hate the program.

The length of the workouts is the last issue I'm going to talk about. Honestly, if you're planning to drop pounds of body fat, gain muscle, build endurance, etc in just 90 days and you don't expect to at least workout 1 hour a day, you're just living in a Harry Potter world where you move a magic wand and get things done right away. If you start thinking how long it took you to put on that extra weight, I'm sure it didn't take you 90 days for that. Oh wait, did it take you a year? More than a year? Yeah, that's probably right, so after years of bad eating habits and becoming lazy to a point that you run out of breath if you go for a jog... I'm sorry I meant for a walk, do you really expect that you can lose all of that in 90 days just working out 15 minutes a day? Wake the hell up people, go to school, take some anatomy and physiology classes and study your body. The program was design to get the maximum possible results in just 90 days. If you don't think you can do one hour a day for 90 days to get in shape, then forget about quick results and do something else that will take longer. Just stop hating the program just because you rather spend an hour watching a movie, playing video games, being online in Facebook rather than doing something for yourself, for your health, for your fitness, for the people who loves you.

That's all I gotta say. It is my own personal opinion whether you love it or hate it. Things are they way they are no matter how much you try to make it look like something else.


  • baby81girl2003
    baby81girl2003 Posts: 79 Member
    I bought P90X about a month ago. I am just starting 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michaels) and then I am doing P90X. It is an extreme system, but it works! I've seen several people who have used it, and achieved exactly what they wanted too. People hate it because maybe they can't get through it? So by hating it, it gives people an excuse to not do it. That's the only thing I can come up with.
  • I really enjoy this post - there seems to be a lot of hate out there for P90x and other Beachbody products, thank you...we all need a little PUSH every once in a while - lets not be afraid of working hard - and bashing a product that actually works...its just finding another way to make an excuse for youself instead of DOING something about it...that's all. Sorry I get irritated too.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    LOVE this post - People hate what they can't do...! I'm currently doin' P90(Power90) workin' my way up to P90X Lean hopin' to do in early March 2011...I'm on circuit 3&4 and its kickin' my *kitten* - but I love the burn! I even did my workouts while fightin' a Chest cold these past 2 weeks - cause No excuses and I chose this lifestyle for myself. Yes, I'm even on a Strict diet or meal plan - I know what works for my body and what doesn't. I'm not goin' to get into 'fitness bikini' competition otherwise. LOL. Have a great Saturday and enjoy your new lifestyle...'Hit my Haaand' ;) xo
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Exactly, they can't go thru it, they can't do it... then they hate it. Oh wait, I don't want to pay 150 bucks for it, but I'll go spend hundreds or thousands in surgeries to remove the fat from their stomachs and in weight loss pills which sooner or later will affect their hormonal functions no matter how natural this pills are.
  • I have done previous workouts from Tony Horton and he just BUGS ME! Ha Ha I think his workouts are great and they really work but he's not for me. No hate here though. I am definitely going to purchase Jillian's "Shred" when I have lost a few more pounds. I really love her and will respond much better I think to her workouts. :)
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    :) I have nothing but love for P90X and Tony Horton's endearing tendency to say weird things.

    My favorite is from the plyo workout: "We're having fun here. Time for squat jacks. Fun's over!"
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    :) I have nothing but love for P90X and Tony Horton's endearing tendency to say weird things.

    My favorite is from the plyo workout: "We're having fun here. Time for squat jacks. Fun's over!"

    He cracks me up. My mom even laughs when she walked by and heard him saying all the time "get ready, cause it's coming"
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    well, at least you tried it, but some people don't even try it =\
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I pulled this off my blog, it was along the same lines as what you've mentioned.

    So, I just read on one of the threads from someone who works out by Bob Harper’s workout DVD’s (The Biggest Loser) who called the whole “Beachbody thing” a cult. That is pretty funny to me, because obviously there was something about Bob Harper that made her buy that DVD. But you know, that got me thinking… I know a lot of people out there that view the whole P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire workout programs as hogwash (I actually said hogwash). But this is usually coming from people that have 1) never tried the workouts or 2) gave up. What bothers me is that this narrow minded way of thinking is very similar to the idea that people who workout are “gym rats” and people that mind what they put in their bodies are “health nuts”. I embrace these terms, however it annoys me that people see it as a negative. Since when is taking good care of yourself a NEGATIVE?

    Maybe we should look at these as cults:
    · People that congregate outside to smoke their cigarettes and take a 20 minute break.
    · People that spiral into a weekend depression after their favorite sports team lose a game.
    · People that continue to drink hard liquor; regardless of their gout, arthritis, and overall failing health.
    · People that eat over 3,000 calories a day from making a daily pilgrimage to a fast food restaurant.

    Seriously, a healthy habit should not be considered a cult or anything negative. Whether you workout to Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, Exercise TV, the Wii, Beachbody, run, walk, or crawl; as long as you’re working out and challenging yourself daily then it’s a POSITIVE.
  • So I have not personally used P90X but I have used just about every other beachbody system out there. Including Tony's 10 min trainer. I would say most people are haters because it is sold by infomercial(sp). I LOVE Hip Hop Abs with Shaun T and as hard as that 10 min trainer is for me to do I enjoy Tony as well. Love the HHA systems so much I became a BeachBody coach myslef. So I would suggest to ppl that before they hate they try it. If they have tried it try to keep an open mind. You are right about the diet, that seems to be hard for ppl so if you cant do it all at first. Start with one or the other and then do both gradually. It is 3 months of your life we are talking about not 3 years. Just keep pushing play and tell you self that whatever is not on that diet ( or what ever diet you choose to do) is poison, that always helps me from putting it in my mouth!
    Their are so many other great work out videos and nutrition products. Just because you do not care for one do not give up on all. Have a great day
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    Haha Tony's little sayin's just make me LOL when workin' out. I think that is what attracts me to his workouts. You need to be able to laugh and smile when workin' out. 'Hit my Haaand' gets me everytime haha.
    I'm doin' Power90(P90)...and he has some sayin's that make me LOL. 'Anyone turnin' blue?' Looks back at his kids 'NO blue people'...lol.
    Personally I can't stand Jillian Michaels - but that is just me...lol
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    I have done previous workouts from Tony Horton and he just BUGS ME! Ha Ha I think his workouts are great and they really work but he's not for me. No hate here though. I am definitely going to purchase Jillian's "Shred" when I have lost a few more pounds. I really love her and will respond much better I think to her workouts. :)

    don't wait the shred is awesome
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    I pulled this off my blog, it was along the same lines as what you've mentioned.

    So, I just read on one of the threads from someone who works out by Bob Harper’s workout DVD’s (The Biggest Loser) who called the whole “Beachbody thing” a cult. That is pretty funny to me, because obviously there was something about Bob Harper that made her buy that DVD. But you know, that got me thinking… I know a lot of people out there that view the whole P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire workout programs as hogwash (I actually said hogwash). But this is usually coming from people that have 1) never tried the workouts or 2) gave up. What bothers me is that this narrow minded way of thinking is very similar to the idea that people who workout are “gym rats” and people that mind what they put in their bodies are “health nuts”. I embrace these terms, however it annoys me that people see it as a negative. Since when is taking good care of yourself a NEGATIVE?

    Maybe we should look at these as cults:
    · People that congregate outside to smoke their cigarettes and take a 20 minute break.
    · People that spiral into a weekend depression after their favorite sports team lose a game.
    · People that continue to drink hard liquor; regardless of their gout, arthritis, and overall failing health.
    · People that eat over 3,000 calories a day from making a daily pilgrimage to a fast food restaurant.

    Seriously, a healthy habit should not be considered a cult or anything negative. Whether you workout to Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, Exercise TV, the Wii, Beachbody, run, walk, or crawl; as long as you’re working out and challenging yourself daily then it’s a POSITIVE.

    Very true, the more you try to take care of yourself the more people will hate you. Is ok, hate me for doing a program that you hate, but if my calculations are correct, I'll be getting to my 50s as fit as Tony Horton who outmatches people on their 20s when it comes about physical condition.

    And hooray for the cult suggestions you gave XD
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Uh, what? My impression has been that there are TONS of people posting great results from P90X -- nearly all starting out when they're already reasonably fit and within or close to the healthy BMI range. I do see a few who don't have the basic fitness required (just as I wouldn't) or are just getting sucked in by the positive messages and buy it, and then find they can't keep up, or the time investment is too big. Simply more than they bargained for. And given it's not a cheap DVD, that may sting.

    Now as for Beachbody in general, it's massively annoying how some members are trying to make money on the forum by offering to sell meal replacement products. I understand they started out as regular folks and joined that organisation for getting discounts, but their sheer number makes these forums, at times, an advertising-infested place. However, this second point has no bearing on the effectiveness of the organisation's workout programmes.
  • Tell us how you really feel next time. J/k

    I've been on P90x for 5 weeks and it rocks. Works all the muscle in your body. It's tough as hell trying to keep up with them but it feels so good. It is a well rounded - daily fitness routine right in your home.

    For well rounded fitness for anyone - small to big, I would encourage the correct amount of calories, P90X, and running a mile at least once or twice a week. But that's just me - and it's working great. Fat is shredding, muscles are getting stronger.
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    I can't wait until I am able to do p90x. Even if I was at that fitness level right now, I can't even afford it so boooo. lol It's Jillian Michaels for me right now
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    Thank you for posting this... I couldn't agree with you more!! P90X has changed my life and I'm not looking back!! I'm currently almost done with week 3 on my second round of the X. I want to keep working harder and eating better every day! It's given me a new sense of self knowing that I can do this!! It's not too hard... I'm in no way good enough shape, but I keep doing it and every day I keep getting better and stronger, so thank you for saying everything I've been thinking for the past couple weeks or so!!!
  • I did Jillian's workout for almost 2 months and by the end they were just too easy for me and I wanted something harder and more intense. I turned to P90x and it is definitely hard, time consuming, and I can see where Tony could be annoying to some people. That being said, I am in the best shape, not the lowest weight, but the best shape I have ever been in in my life and I am only 60 days in. I don't stick to the diet, just MFP's reccomendations.

    Tony makes the comment on a couple of the videos that hard work is not the fad now, and I agree. We all want a magic bullet that will magically melt fat and make us thin without the work. This magic bullet doesn't exist and anything claiming to will never last long-term. Well, I have been able to put in the work, and this system has transformed not only my body, but the way I view myself and how hard I can push my body. I can do one-armed push-ups, hundreds of squats, countless lunges, and a few unassisted pull-ups.

    I am not saying everyone should do this program, but I think everyone should find what works for them, find your body's limits, and push it as far as you possibly can go. P90X has helped me do that.
  • P90X is a GREAT program...and works...bottom-line. I loved it...completed one round but unfortunately injured my shoulder. If you follow the program...and follow a CLEAN diet you WILL see results. It's pretty hard-core and I love it. I am one of the wierdos that acutally liked the yoga!...what can I say??
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I love Tony Horton! Favorite Quote:

    "Tip of the day: Don't smash your face!" LOL

    I have nothing but love for a product that gets people off their butts and into a lifestyle that is much HEALTHIER! Jillian Michael's annoys the heck out of me personally but I love that she inspires people to change for the better.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I can't wait until I am able to do p90x. Even if I was at that fitness level right now, I can't even afford it so boooo. lol It's Jillian Michaels for me right now
    Some libraries carry P90x.
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    "I've been browsing around this site and I've encounter countless amount of people who practically hate this system, and if they don't hate it, at least they're doing a perfect job making it look like they do. Why so much hate?"

    You asked so don't kill me for giving an answer. I don't think folks hate P90X or Tony or the whole BeachBody franchise. I know I even enjoy the infomercials. What makes me uncomfortable is that it SEEMS like everyone who does a BB program then becomes an "Independent BeachBody Coach" and starts selling. Kinda reminds me of Amway. Anyone who completes a BB program has way outworked me and props to you. However, that doesn't mean that I want you to be my coach or sell me Shakeology or anything like that.

    Also, just because folks don't share your enthusiasm for something doesn't mean they hate it. In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    THANK YOU for this post. i'm starting P90X next month (most likely in conjunction with TF and Insanity), and it's refreshing to have someone lay out my thoughts exactly!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Just to make sure everyone knows that there are tons of people who have done quite a few Beachbody products and are not coaches. My husband & I have completed P90x, CLX, p90x+, Insanity, I'm doing Turbo Fire...& neither of us are coaches or ever plan to become coaches. We do, however, plan to buy Asylum & MC2 (the next p90x & Insanity)! If they keep cranking out awesome products, I'll keep whipping out my credit card! :laugh:

    Just want to make sure everyone knows that not all beachbody supporters/fans are making money off the products. :flowerforyou:
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    anyone who has tried it and hates it please send me a message. I would like to buy it from you.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    "I've been browsing around this site and I've encounter countless amount of people who practically hate this system, and if they don't hate it, at least they're doing a perfect job making it look like they do. Why so much hate?"

    You asked so don't kill me for giving an answer. I don't think folks hate P90X or Tony or the whole BeachBody franchise. I know I even enjoy the infomercials. What makes me uncomfortable is that it SEEMS like everyone who does a BB program then becomes an "Independent BeachBody Coach" and starts selling. Kinda reminds me of Amway. Anyone who completes a BB program has way outworked me and props to you. However, that doesn't mean that I want you to be my coach or sell me Shakeology or anything like that.

    Also, just because folks don't share your enthusiasm for something doesn't mean they hate it. In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"

    <<< getting my gun ready lol jk

    I don't mind if people try it and they say is not right for them, but a lot of people trash talk about P90X mainly, and just because the program is not right for you doesn't mean is a piece of crap, which is my point. I'll rather hear you say, this is too much for me, I'm not ready, I just can't do it, than just hating on the program like lots people do.

    About Independent coaches, I agree up to a certain point. I dislike the coaches that become like some religious people who will knock on your door to try to convert you. I'm a coach myself, and you'll never see me offering you to sell you a product, even if you ask me for advices, why? because I hate when people do that to me. So yeah, hate all you want on BB Coaches, I won't argue you that, some, eve don't know crap about fitness at all. My point was towards the hate towards the program.

    If you ask me about BB products, specially P90X, P90X+, Shakeology and Insanity, I will explain to you what is it about but I won't tell you to buy it, now if you're going to buy it I'll give you the option to refer me as your coach, because no matter what, the system will assign you a random coach whether you want or not, once you buy from their website, so I know I can help but is totally up to you. Just that :)
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Just to make sure everyone knows that there are tons of people who have done quite a few Beachbody products and are not coaches. My husband & I have completed P90x, CLX, p90x+, Insanity, I'm doing Turbo Fire...& neither of us are coaches or ever plan to become coaches. We do, however, plan to buy Asylum & MC2 (the next p90x & Insanity)! If they keep cranking out awesome products, I'll keep whipping out my credit card! :laugh:

    Just want to make sure everyone knows that not all beachbody supporters/fans are making money off the products. :flowerforyou:

    Exactly, and what's even funnier, I'm a coach and I don't even sell products lol but I like helping those that come to me for advice :glasses:
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    THANK YOU for this post. i'm starting P90X next month (most likely in conjunction with TF and Insanity), and it's refreshing to have someone lay out my thoughts exactly!

    you're welcome :)
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    anyone who has tried it and hates it please send me a message. I would like to buy it from you.

This discussion has been closed.