Oh dear Oh dear OH DEAR NOOOO!

Manda1987 Posts: 207
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I'm going out for a friend's birthday today. No biggie, right? I would normally just order a salad, or a sandwich with a salad on the side and eat half.

No dice.

This place does one thing: Southern BBQ. Nary a salad on the menu, except for cole slaw, which I just can't stomach. No veggies in sight. Everything is smothered in sauce or battered and deep-fried. The healthiest thing on the menu is baked chips and salsa. Everyone will be drinking beer and eating wings and pulled pork and the like. I don't want to be sitting there with a diet Coke and nothing else, looking like the dieting fat chick.

What do I do?


  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Spoil your appetite before you go. Order what appeals to you and have some of it. Enjoy your diet coke and maybe a lite beer. FYI: Chicken wings are usually between 70 and 100 calories each. I think that's a pretty good option :)

  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    If you eat well for the rest of the day, then you should be able to order something. I would just get some food and cut it into a proper portion. If your worried about all the sauce, then try scraping what you can of it off and just eat slowely.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Just what I was going to say - eat healthy before you go - order an appetizer (wings is a good option) and your diet coke. Enjoy !
  • mixedproduct
    mixedproduct Posts: 4 Member
    Make sure you eat a snack prior to going so you're not too hungry and eat the whole menu (like I would). Also, instead of ordering a soda, drink water and split a meal with someone. They shold have baked potatos which is a healthier option.
  • I don't think you will be criticized if you look like a "dieting fatty" as you put it, your doing something good for yourself. You are going to lose weight and i'm sure when you do loss weight and get to your goal you will appreciate that you skipped all of that smothered greasy salted food.
  • If you eat well for the rest of the day, then you should be able to order something. I would just get some food and cut it into a proper portion. If your worried about all the sauce, then try scraping what you can of it off and just eat slowely.

    i agree maybe they can put the sauce on the side?
  • Agreed, always have a healthy snack before dining out!
    If at all possible try to split an order with someone, that way you get a better portioned size and don't have to have quite so much will power to only eat half. If it were me I'd have to save treating myself to ONE light beer towards the end of the evening (otherwise more would follow!)
    Good Luck!!
  • Most always you can order your sauce either on the side or with no sauce, I'm sure they have some bbq'd chicken, but order it without sauce - BE A PICKY ORDERER! That's what I do, my friends laugh, I laugh, but I feel better about myself afterward - and I"m sure YOU will too! Remember, you can treat yourself, don't go overboard, and you are NOT dieting, you are making healthy lifestyle choices, in order to be the best person you can be. Saying you are on a diet is not the right attitude to have :)
  • grogers421
    grogers421 Posts: 24 Member
    I would try the pulled pork minus the bread and sauce. If the sauce is vinegar or mustard based you could have a little. Most pulled pork comes from a cut of pork shoulder. It is slow cooked and fairly lean, abt 50 cal per oz. Also try drinking a lot of water before hand.

    If also else fails just enjoy yourself, it's only one meal. If you don't make a habit of it, you will be fine.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I don't know what you look like and even if I did I would never refer to you as a "fat chick" but isn't is better to look like someone who is taking charge and doing something about their weight problem rather than someone who is stuffing their face with fatty foods and not caring about the consequences??
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Eat smart during the day, and have a good, solid workout. Enjoy dinner with LOTS of water & lemon.
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    Stick with the chicken wings and water. It's just one night and tomorrow is another day! :happy:
  • also remember to ask what their leanest protein option is - and get your sauce on the side!
  • Thanks everyone :)

    Pulled pork is a huge weakness of mine, so I think I'll try getting it with sauce on the side and only eating half the sandwich. No beer for me... I'd rather have no beer than light beer (total beer snob here).

    I was starting to get into a panic spiral. I have OCD so I can't have one bad day. If I have one bad day, my entire plan is ruined and I give up. That's why I can't just say "What the hey, I'll eat what I want and make up for it tomorrow!"
  • If I have to eat some where like that I always ask the restaurant staff to have the meal cut in half before serving it to me. That way I know that I can't gorge on the whole meal. Have a good healthy snack before you go and maybe down a glass or wo of water befor you eat, have the diet coke and maybe a beer if you want to. These days happen. Make smart choices and don;t beat yourself up over it! Good luck and above all enjoy. Completely depriving yourself can lead to eating to much of the wrong foods (atleast for me it does)
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Get an appetizer size, with sauce on the side. I'd avoid drinking alcohol just in case!

    Have fun and enjoy yourself! These are your friends, they're not looking to judge you!
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