
khogue07 Posts: 6
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
hello everyone. ive been on this little diet for about a week now. and if jus feels like im going nowhere. my goal is to lose about 60 pounds. i have all the motivation in the world but its these episodes that make feel like im goin in circles. i have been overweight for most of my life. i did lose about 40 pounds at one time but within a few mins it seemed, i was back to where i was. i hope this website helps me lose the weight and keep it off so i can FOR ONCE feel good about myself.


  • You are not about what you weight, first of all! I have fought weight my whole life and, while I am much happier and more attractive when I am thin, I am also still a beautiful person no matter what I weigh...... and you should realize that about yourself, too!

    Second, it comes on a pound at a time... and it will come off a pound at a time. Be patient and persistent! You WILL succeed! Give yourself non-food rewards every 5 pounds that you lose.

    Third, try to enlist a few friends to join you. Any struggle is easier if you have a companion along the way.... who can help you but, who you can encourage, too!

    Last, just this weekend, a fortune cookie that a family member opened said something like: "it is undisputable: those who think it can be done, will succeed; those who think that it cannot be done, will fail."

    Good luck. Keep posting, write down my username if you want to and message me some time. I'll be your pal! You CAN do it... and you are worth it, no? (YES!). Now, get doing! ;-)
  • Hey! It sounds like you're in need of a little motivation. :) Maybe a support system?!

    I just want to say that I was there once - and first and foremost you need to stop thinking of yourself as "on a diet" because the minute you get off that diet, you're going to gain your weight back, and you're going to be right where you are today, lost, no idea what you're doing, struggling. You have to make LIFESTYLE CHANGE You have to commit to being healthy for the rest of your life, you have to make better choices all around, and they will start small, but you will get there.

    Secondly, you're only 1 week in, it takes 20 days (or something like that) to develop a habit - so keep up the healthy eating and exercising, eventually it will just become part of your life! It took me a LONG time (like 2 years +) to loose the 70 lbs i've lost, but I've kept it off for 5 years now, and I know it's because I did it slowly, making small changes I KNEW I could stick too - I think doing that might be something that will help you SO MUCH.

    Looking at 60 lbs is like HOLY CRAP - that's a lot, but if you say, okay I want to lose 4 lbs by christmas, 5lbs by the end of this year, then take it 5lbs a month - seriously any more than that and you're losing weight too fast, and chances are (research has shown) that the faster the weight comes off, the more likely it is to come back on, becuase you really aren't taking the time to actually commit to the healthy choices that are required to be a generally healthier person.

    WOW..this has been long! lol - I just really LOVE to help people with their goals - and it seems like you're exactly where I was 8 years ago (can't believe it's been that long)..if you ever want advice, or just need someone to kick your butt - send me a message, I'd be glad to help!

    And - finally....BELIEVE in yourself. YOU CAN be healthy, fit, active, and happy...I know you can. :)
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