

  • I've never heard of it before...but it sounds like a great way to burn. I really hope you continue to enjoy it and that you see results in the end too.
  • I totally LOVE zumba! There is a class offered at our Y, but I'm so bummed...it's offered at 7pm. that's kinda late for me :( I can't seem to work out and come home then go to bed a couple hrs later. I wake up at 4am for work, so going to the Y for a class from 7pm to 8pm and not getting home till 830pm is a bit much and a…
    in Zumba Comment by WenniL January 2012
  • from what my dietician tells me...I need to drink 8 8oz glasses of water a day. She said I can drink plain tea or plain black coffee in it's place. I am anti-water and I love my french vanilla caps every morning. I think plain water tastes icky. She is really tring to wean me away from the sugary drinks...pop, juice,…
    in Water! Comment by WenniL January 2012
  • Welcome to MFP! I'll be sending you a friend request.
  • I agree...leave your face out of the pictures. Although your face is in other pics that you've posted here. Or as someone else has posted...take pictures in regurlar clothes. But in my opinion, regular clothes can show the change, but prob not as significantly as a swimsuit. Maybe try some more form fitting work out…
  • i'm on the go alot, i work in construction and don't always have access to a microwave or time to run and get anything. my lunch usually consists of healthy snack type foods. hard boiled egg, nuts, easy finger fruits (strawberries, grapes, etc.) maybe a piece of string cheese, water, maybe some pretzels or healthy(er) kind…
  • Welcome to MFP! I've found this site is full of great things. I also use the app. I like the app for logging my food intake, but I find so much more support and motovation from the site itself. Good luck with your wieght loss goals.
    in New Comment by WenniL October 2011
  • Hi Kim, I just friend requested you. I'm not technically in Columbus. I work in Dublin (when I'm not sent out of town) and live in Marion Ohio. The end of the construction season and extra long hours with all the out of town work is what is harming my progress. I eat what i can, when I can. and here lately I'm normally on…
  • Don't give up!!! I just signed up to this sight today. Just change little things at a time...don't overwhelm yourself...it makes it too quit. And make sure you allow yourself to 'cheat' once in a while. I allow myself 2 'cheat' meals a week. Everyone is different and different things work for different people. You can do…
    in Hello Comment by WenniL September 2011
  • I live in central ohio. Spring and fall are my fav seasons. I work in construction so in the summer I'm usually working too much or out of town too much to go work out, but in the winter, I don't like to be cold. I make a deal with myself... 1. Make a calander for yourself. Everyday you make it to the gym give yourself a…