
Age: 22
Looking for a way to start regaining control of my life...weightloss after having my first child seems like a good place to start. Used to use the app for this site on my old phone and really liked it. Maybe by forcing myself to use the website will help me stay on track...already lost 8 lbs so far.


  • ShannaDBowser
    ShannaDBowser Posts: 88 Member
    Welcome! And good luck on your goals. :D
  • amparomondrag
    Hello! Newbie here!!! I have already lost about 12 pounds and trying to make life chaging choices!!! Looking for friends to help and be hepled along the way!!
  • WenniL
    WenniL Posts: 14
    Welcome to MFP! I've found this site is full of great things. I also use the app. I like the app for logging my food intake, but I find so much more support and motovation from the site itself. Good luck with your wieght loss goals.