Saucy_Yoda Member


  • HIIT type workouts with bodyweight exercises and 10-20 minutes jump rope workout 3 days a week, run 3 days a week, and an active rest day which usually involves a hike or yoga.
  • I used to get really frustrated by people's ignorance about the difference between type 1 and 2 diabetes, so I left groups with a mix of type 1, type 2, and family members of either. Sometimes people inquire about my pump or what I'm doing when I'm testing my blood sugar and then comment about how I don't look like a…
  • My boyo is 7 weeks old. I'm exclusively breastfeeding but have about 20 pounds to lose. I lost a lot of strength and endurance while pregnant, so I'm looking forward to getting some of that back!
  • I'm 4 weeks postpartum. Only about 10 pounds from my pre-baby weight, but 25 pounds from my comfortable weight. Want to keep my supply so not dieting right now. Would love othe BF friends!
  • Topamax is somewhat well-known for having the side effect of weight loss. When people come off of it, they can put the weight back on, but it really depends on the person. Your body likely isn't trying to get your weight back to where it was before, but it is probably going to take a little time to relearn hunger/satiety…
  • There's a lot of options for finding alternative ways to cope for depression. People have success with: Medication, exercise, counseling, support groups, distraction, diet, mindfulness meditation, supplements. What helps me personally? 1. Healthy lifestyle (regular exercise, balanced diet, balanced sleep) help a lot! I…
  • I got my HSPUs in about 2 months after starting crossfit, but I was a regular in the weight room before that and practiced handstand holds and arm balanced for a year before that. My shoulder press is nowhere near my body weight, but somehow HSPUs have happened.
  • What's your pick me up tea? Cacao mint black tea from Teavana Bedtime tea? Tazo's Rest tea. It's light tea with a citrus-y and flowery taste. Really calming. Favourite type of tea? I like green teas, usually infused with some other flavoring. Loose leaf? I'm a newbie to loose leaf. I think I may be doing something wrong…
  • My main suggestion is experiment. Test, exercise for 20 mins, test again. See what your blood sugar did, if anything. From there, make adjustments to temp basals or what you eat before exercise. Personally, temp basals have helped me immensely when I exercise. My blood sugar tends to go high when I lift and low when I do…
  • In San Francisco, there's a Lululemon Athletica, See Jane Run, Athleta, REI, Lucy, to name a few. Some of these places are a little pricey, but they have sale/clearance racks. Check out this to find more and search in the LA area:
  • PCOS is linked to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, so going on a low to very low carb diet has worked for many women with PCOS. Do a search for PCOS diet and many paleo diet sites come up. I'm doing 15% carbs, 25% protein, and 60% fat. It has worked well for me in terms of weight-loss, fertility issues related to…
  • Maybe look into the YMCA in Santa Rosa? They have youth fitness programs, so that your kids wouldn't just have to sit around. Plus, they have a decent weight area and usually affordable membership fees.
  • There's different ways to do this. I subtract all fiber from carbs. It works well for me! Other people subtract half to calculate net carbs, or only if over 5 grams of fiber. Sugar alcohol is the same. Some people ignore it. Others subtract it from carbs. Others follow the if sugar alcohol is over 5 g, subtract half of it…
  • You could try something like Lots of teachers, styles, and levels. There's a 15 day free trial, and then a monthly subscription fee. Much cheaper than studio classes! Dice Iida-Klein and Kathryn Budig's practices have helped me a lot in my arm balance/inversion practice, and they're both very fun. I love it.
  • Since all carbohydrates breakdown into sugar anyway, I wouldn't be too concerned about getting below a certain number. It seems that you aren't eating heavily processed junk but rather natural foods.
  • From what I've read, the US Navy, Marine Corp, and Army formula are within 1-4% accurate for most people. When I plugged my measurements in, I got a low of 17% for the YMCA equation and a max of 24% for the Marine Corp equation. The Navy equation gave me 21% which matches the water displacement test I did recently (21.3%).…
  • I just got a compression workout top at Target for $20. I'm sure sports stores such as the Sport Authority would have them, too.
  • I don't like cheat days. I tend to overdo it, feel horrible and sick, and then feel guilty. I would rather indulge myself with a small treat, dessert, or meal a couple times a week, so I don't feel like I'm depriving myself, don't stress my body, and avoid guilt.
  • People go on low carb diets in hopes of weight loss and/or better blood sugar readings/overall health. Some people say they feel more energetic and healthy without a lot of carbs. Some people, however, have bad side effects to eating low carbs. I'm a type 1 diabetic and thought low carb would be good, so I ate about 40 net…
  • 100g of carbohydrates is the "accepted" value, but it can differ person-to-person since everyone's body chemistry is different. They sell Ketostix online and at drug stores. Getting some and experimenting with it would probably be wise if you are thinking about going low carb.
  • You're only on the second day, so it's likely just withdrawal, or your body trying to acclimate to the diet change, but keep an eye on it. I went through that for a couple weeks, and then I got a whole new set of symptoms: muscle aches, frequent headaches, extreme dizziness, massive hair loss. Hello, ketosis ...
  • I like
  • I don't know if you're type 1 or type 2, but I'm type 1. I know for me that once I started logging my foods and keeping a really close eye on my blood sugars, I had a lot of lows. A lot ... so obviously adjusting the insulin changed that. Other than that, I keep my blood sugars pretty stable by eating about the same amount…