

  • I personally drink the Premier Nutrition High Protein Chocolate Shake every day- its the best tasting one I've found that is so full of vitamins, low on carbs and fat, and seriously high in protein. I buy them from Costco and they are my after work out drink every morning. You should definitely give them a try. I also…
  • Self respect is important learn to love yourself first dont do things just to please others take a step back and look at how you act and try to understand how you're going to feel about it later pay attention in class and see how easily those grades come dont short change yourself and take the easy ways out put down the…
  • I find yoga gives me a serious rush of (endorphins??) and I feel AWESOME after. I can see how there are people who are actually addicted to yoga. And a bunch of the serious body trainers at my gym are always in the yoga classes, so no, it doesn't make you a cissy. I do recommend a specific class if you can find it: its…
  • Great idea!
  • I seriously love frozen fruit, even more than fresh. I sit with a bowl of frozen raspberries or strawberries while reading or watching TV and it will last me forever, plus i think the flavor comes out more when frozen.
  • The advice I've had is to only have one serving of starches a day (ie- sweet potato with dinner, no other starches such as bread at any other meals). And my mother in law is on a "flat tummy diet" right now (book purchased at Costco) where she isn't supposed to have any carbs for the first two weeks in order to jump start…
  • I add a side of egg whites to some of my meals to boost my protein. And I've found greek yogurt, Liberte Plain Fat Free to be an excellent source of protein- you just need to add things to it so it tastes good ;) I recommend mixing a tbsp of almond butter into the plain greek yogurt and then add berries- makes for a…
  • last year i averaged 2 lbs weight loss per week and dropped 20 lbs in 10 weeks in a very healthy way: diet and moderate exercise. On that diet, I focused on 40% protien, 30% carbs, 30% fat at 1100 calories per week for the first week, then added a 200 cal snack in going forward (1300 calories per week) After 5 weeks we…
  • ridiculous shipping rates (I'm in Canada) I want to try it but I'm looking at about 18$ per pint :noway: and thats if I do the 3 for 2 price too!
  • I add a tsp of benefibre to my water with breakfast, lunch, and dinner- cant taste it and it helps curb cravings!
  • I'm new too, only been on for 4 days but I'm excited about the site and what it has to offer. One thing I recently started was taking Benefibre Shape Management (I bring this up because you mention you are looking to increase your fibre intake): I read in a Weight Watchers magazine that fibre can help control your cravings…
  • I'm new too, only been on for 4 days but I'm excited about the site and what it has to offer. One thing I recently started was taking Benefibre Shape Management (I bring this up because you mention you are looking to increase your fibre intake): I read in a Weight Watchers magazine that fibre can help control your cravings…
  • Hey! One alternative that I've used and enjoyed is using whole grain tortillas: Preheat oven to 400 F. Brush both sides of tortilla with olive oil (about 1 tsp per 1 medium tortilla needed). Top with your toppings. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes or until cheese is melted. One tip though, be careful of the toppings you put…
  • Part of what motivates me is knowing that my lifestyle changes can motivate others... I appreciate the posts today!