Camsdette Member


  • I'd trust the HRM more than the machine, since the machines are often really far off. If you want to you can find your pulse and check to see if the monitor is reading your heart rate correctly.
  • Get a Heart Rate Monitor so you'll know how much you're really burning. There's not a problem with eating back your exercise calories unless you're overestimating the burn.
  • I actually had a lot of luck with chewing gum. If I was having a serious craving, I popped in a piece of flavored gum (I liked Extra's watermelon flavor, but there are lots of others). It kept my mouth busy and gave me a little something sweet to curb the craving.
  • Pants are not necessarily immodest, but if they're skin tight they could be. I was told once that if someone can tell what kind of coin is in your back pocket, your pants are immodest. :-)
  • As some others have said, a lot of it may be water weight, especially if you're exercising. It will usually slow down after a week or two. Just follow the MFP calories/exercise guidelines and you should be fine.
  • I approve of you sir. And bow ties ARE cool.
  • Looking through your diary, you seem to be under your calorie goal a lot, sometimes by several hundred calories. As I understand it, that can often stall weight loss efforts. However, I don't pretend to be an expert.
  • That's barely anything. Just a few minutes of cardio. Plus, I'm guessing it's quite common to go over at first.
  • Good ideas. Thanks for sharing. ;-)
  • There have been a few studies on diet sodas being linked to declining kidney function. Something to look into. I steer clear of them just because I think the closer to natural, the better. Water is my drink of choice.
  • My husband says a few people at his office sit on those giant exercise balls instead of using their chairs. Sounds like more fun than a chair to me, anyway. :-)
  • Weird question, maybe. Is it on carpet? My scale is always inaccurate on carpet. As far as purchasing a new one, just accept that you'll have a new starting point and work from there.
  • Try a green smoothie maybe? I throw two carrots and two handfuls of spinach in with a bunch of fruit, and all I can taste is the fruit smoothie part. Ideally you should have a good blender for this, and don't let the color throw you.
  • I pretty much equate cous cous with rice or pasta. It's a little higher in protein, but still high carbs and calories. I eat it, but I usually only make half a serving and I budget for it in my food planning. But yeah, you might be thinking of Quinoa.
  • I absolutely felt like that when I tried calorie counting the first time. Which is why I quite counting calories. This time around, it hasn't been as bad. In fact, I've been ending up with lots of extra calories most days that I'm wondering how to fill. Exercise helps a lot because then you're allowed more calories. And of…
  • I have an interesting situation in that my husband is actually under his healthy weight range, so he's trying to gain weight. He also hates half the stuff that I'm trying to eat more of, like whole wheat pasta and brown rice instead of regular pasta and white rice. So, I usually make little tweaks to the meal so that it…
  • Depends on your facial structure, your personal style, and the girl you're trying to impress. :-)
  • ^ That's what I was thinking. I would be starving if all I had was 1400 calories from cake. That's like one slice of cake, depending on the cake.
  • I usually just divide up the recipes that I enter into how many things it makes (like a dozen cookies would be 12 servings) or how many people it feeds. If it's your own recipe, you can kind of make up your own serving size. As long as it's a reasonable amount of calories, I'm sure it doesn't matter.
  • A lot of people will put on weight when they enter a relationship. Not just marriage, but any long term relationship. There are loads of factors. You'd rather go to a movie than go to the gym, or maybe you like to cook special meals for your special someone, etc. In my case, I started eating like my husband eats. My…
  • If you're 5'2'' and you weigh 110, that's already on the low end of your healthy weight range. You don't need to lose weight. You might need to tone, but your weight is fine.
  • If you classified yourself as sedentary, then 1200 might make sense. If you're working out, you'll need more.
  • Haha, nice. I agree, you might be jumping in too quickly. If you feel like you can't handle it, then maybe reset your goals to lose less weight in a week. Liquids are important, and exercise will help quite a bit. It can also take quite a bit of time to find the right kinds of foods so you can stay full and keep with your…
  • If you have fair skin, you might want to look into the skin cancer risks involved with tanning.
  • Just smile and say thanks. They're not trying to be mean. So instead of hearing the things they actually say, like, "You used to be HUGE!" or "Well, you finally ditched the Sumo Suit, eh? Lookin' good!" or other ridiculous failures of compliments, just strap on your translator and hear, "You've worked so hard." and "You…
  • Chewing gum actually helps a lot, unless you're craving the texture of a food. There are some great flavors. Fruit is good, too, if you can find it when it's sweet and ripe. If those don't work for you, then there are lots of ways to take a traditional dessert recipe and make it lower in calories. After that, it's just…
  • Check out There are some great recipes there.
  • I've started and stopped this DVD twice now. Looking forward to actually sticking with it. :-)
  • I have not looked into this research, but you should check out "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" on YouTube. Something to think about if nothing else. For me the main problem with eating sugary things is that it makes me want more sugary things. If I eat one brownie, I can pretty much just as easily eat the whole tray. If I eat a…
  • Excellent point.