

  • thanks... so when do you do the ice? is that for right after you work out? and then after you put heat to it?
  • so, i've been dancing a lot lately, and it's more than my body is used to. the back of my calves KILL; they're extremely sore. What are the best ways to relieve the soreness on muscles???
  • which at home workout videos have had the most success for you? i just got malibu pilates, i have yet to try it out... have any of you tried it? which ones have worked best for you?
  • hey... have any of you heard of the skinny switch secret? my mom is agreeing to do it with me, but i don't want her to waste her money if it's just another scam... what do you guys think?
  • hey guys... so this is pretty much a RE-introduction... i joined towards the end of '08 and i was working on my new year's resolution early. after years of struggling with my weight and going up and down with inconsistent work, i finally thought i was ready to dive into a new and healthy lifestyle. i was successful for…
  • hey everyone.. happy new year!! okay so i've been on here and at it for about 2 weeks now. and i've been quite proud at how determined and consistent i've been, yet i still have to work on my patients. which brings me to this post... so i've been sticking to a 1200 cal diet, i've been going to sleep early, i've gone to the…
  • so i don't know where you guys are from, but if you're in the new york tri-state area... tonight, there is this run around central park at midnight for the new year and it's part of the road runners club. if you sign up by 10:30pm you can register to run and it's a 4 mile run. it starts with music and dancing and then it…
  • wow, that's so cool... is it just for running? or can it be for like running errands and dancing or other stuff like that?
  • so does the hrm tell you exactly how many calories you've burned throughout the day? sorry, clearly i don't know much about this thing lol
  • what is hrm? heart rate monitor?
  • yeah that's what i'm talking about! that muffin top! is it permanent?
  • does anyone else have a line under their tummy? for years my stomach has stuck out and then right where my pants sit is this huge indent like my stomach randomly drops off, if that makes any sense. i was wondering if anyone else has this, and will it go away with weight loss?
  • 3,500 does = 1 lb.... but what is hrm?
  • hey... what do you guys find the best running shoe is? of course there isn't just one and it's different for everyone, but i need some ideas. i have flat feet and the shoes i have hurt me. any ideas?
  • so, i'm sure you've heard about this relatively new weight loss supplement called alli? it's the only FDA approved weight loss supplement. it supposedly latches onto about a 1/4 of your fat intake so that the fat is not absorbed and is just passed through your body. it's supposed to be safe and blah blah. anyway... do you…
  • hmmm... maybe i'm not eating enough?? because i've made sure that i don't go over 1200 which means that there have been a couple days where i have been under, which i'm sure means it's not enough.. but those are days where i know i'm not going to have time to go to the gym so i feel guilty if i eat too much. also, i was…
  • ugh!! okay so this whole week i've been extremely dedicated and motivated to lose weight. everyday i've stuck to a strict 1200 cal. a day diet. i have been staying active. i'm taking my vitamins. and this is all drastic change from what my bad habits were not long ago. within the first 3 days i could feel myself more…
  • ahhh!! okay so i'm back at my mom's house and she always only has crap to eat in the house.... and i'm trying soooo hard not to fall into temptation but it's hard fighting it!! there is this really good pizza in the fridge. it's from my favorite pizza place. and it's just like the devil trying to call my name... ugh! i…
  • yeah... i mean, i'm early in this whole process, and i've been eating well and i plan on doing cardio and strength training. so, with time, i'm sure all of that well help. but i just notice that that area in particular is something that i want to tone up. so i figured perhaps doing some weight lifting or those machines at…
  • what is the best exercise for that under arm fat that always jiggles when you wave hello????
  • hey... i'm new too... i haven't seen this site, but it's very interesting. Very helpful. thanks!!
  • so for whatever reason perhaps stress i have not been able to sleep for the life of me for the past 3 days... i went two days without sleeping and tonight i slept 3 hours and woke up and couldn't fall back asleep... how does your sleeping patterns affect your metabolism? will it slow it down? if i eat a snack before i go…
  • Hi. My name is Arielle. I am new here. I have been looking for some sort of online community like this. I am in desperate need to lose weight. I am in the performing arts and I am about to graduate and head out in the "real world" of show business. I hear constantly from teachers and my peers that I need to lose weight.…