monet13 Member


  • How do I join and find the group after I leave??
  • I have been a polar hrm user in the past but it is broken and so was debating between getting another HRM or going with a fit bit - is the fit bit really accurate?? I am so used to having the chest strap with the hrm it doesn't seem possible that something like the fit bit could be accurate. Has anyone had both? If so, how…
  • Yucky snow here today too!:sad: :sad: So done with winter weather!! Been sick and out of comission - fever, chills, horrific scary cough - husband kicked me out of our room til it's better :cry: Talk later
  • JKM - Hope things are getting better with your husband - how scary! What a blessing you were there when it happened - Just have a moment so I will be quick! My daughter got home last night for spring break - so thrilled to have her home :heart: We are planning to take a small trip while she's home in search of some sun and…
  • Happy weekend :happy: Checked in and lost 3.5 pounds in the past 10 days - Yay, getting back on track :love: Lin thanks for the Kale chips recipe - I've been wanting to try them for awhile! I agree with Michele - Caring Bridge is great - my brother has Lymphoma(now morphed into Leukemia), is currently getting chemo and…
  • Jodios – Glad you are enjoying time with your daughter and that she is getting refreshed being at home – I’m really looking forward to my daughter being home next week. :happy: Honolulu sounds fabulous – I’ve never been :grumble: Jb – The pain free book sounds interesting – my husband has pretty severe arthritis and he…
  • Glad to find out I wasn’t the only one who got ‘lost’ and thank you to Jo for redirecting me :laugh: Barbie – love your post about control – now I have to decide if I’m an abstainer or moderator ☺ Well, I was able to get in around 10 miles this weekend – 3.5 hike Friday in the sun – woo whoo! Almost 4 on the elliptical on…
  • Love reading all the entries - much that I can relate to! Today was a beautiful, sunny day in the mid forties here - so nice after our snowstorm on Tuesday - I left work early and enjoyed a brisk hour long hike with my dog. - one surprise though - silly me I thought the trail would be cleared of snow since all the…
  • Grandmallle - have you ever tried PB2? It is powdered peanut butter! All the oil has been removed and you just add water to the powder to reconstitute it - tastes like peanut butter (it is!) with a lot less calories. Well, I hit the treadmill tonight to get a 5K baseline - I am signed up for a 5K in June but have not…
  • Day 2 of recommitment :smile: Love reading all the posts! Got in 40 minutes on the elliptical last night plus a good 40 - 50 minutes of snow shoveling last night - yes there is a positive side to the storm :laugh: tammy in VA - My DH and I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead - good stuff even if you don't go all out…
  • Hello - I saw this group on a friend's page (Positive power - Judy) and I think this is just what I need! I started on MFP in October 2011 ad had lost about 95 #'s but unfortunately the last 4 months have been very difficult - injured knee +surgery, illness with my Mom and brother, lots of stuff :cry: and I reverted to…
  • Just turned 50 and been at this for the past year and I'm sticking with it for the long haul - 40 more to go - Add me!
  • Thanks for the list :) Not necessarily for working out - but I tend to be a sweathog in general - especially in the 100+ weather we've had and I will def check into some of these items. Myself, I love urban decay eyeliner - my Friday morning application will last me the weekend sometimes - thru workouts, showers, etc...…
  • Love this response!
  • bump :smile: :laugh: :tongue: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • 16. Silence of the Lambs - the 'monster' is a three dimensional person, actually likable - no black and white here! 15. Shawshank Redemption - my all-time favorite movie - it all boils down to hope - if you have it you can survive anything, if you don't, anything can take you down
  • I really like the unsweetened Almond Milk - Target stores now carry it, and it's often on sale. I also have some dairy issues and milk isn't worth the potential of stomach upset - now ice cream , on the other hand....
  • Gotta bump so I can always find my inspiration pics!!
  • Lookin great!!:flowerforyou:
  • Thrift stores are the way to go until you are at the size you want to be! Then you will feel even better to be shopping in a regular store :)
  • Be the change you want to see in the world - Ghandi quote :)
  • Totally agree with this! And letting her know you love her and will do what she needs to support her :)
  • I have arthritis in my hip(left hip only for some odd reason) and lower back and jogging and hiking can really agravate things some days. I find streching for a good 5 - 10 minutes afterward is tremendously beneficial, also I have a Gaiam Therapy roller that works well on releasing the tighness - Take it easy and good luck!
  • You know, I have always wondered about that too - feel like I'm cheating a bit counting all the burn cals :) LabRat - So my machine or HRM shows I burned 700 cals during a workout - but say 150 - 200 is already accounted for in my basic metabolic rate - so I'm actually only burning an additional 500 -550 through extra…
  • LOVE IT !!! Aldi has some geat 80% cocoa bars - maybe I will get one on the way home :)
  • I got the kettleballs on sale at Aldi but haven't got into the habit of using them, however I just got a Bob Harper DVD and I'm looking forward to trying it out!
  • That's really hard :frown: Both physically and emotionally (the hormone rollercoaster) that takes a toll on your body. While it hasn't happened to me yet, I know it's right around the corner, and I feel like I'm rushing to try and lose the weight before it hits. That being said, I agree with LabRat that it is something…
  • REALLY??? Not nice, not helpful, very judgemental with no encouragement or real knowledge of this women's situation - you also jumped to a lot of conclusions - many in error - what are YOUR qualifications???
  • You don't seem to be listening to what's she's saying - she is not looking for a 'magic bullet', she is looking to load her body with super-nutrients with mega doses of vegetables and fruits in a juice form - many would argue it's MUCH healthier than a meat based diet given that most meat proteins in the marketplace are…