Kettlebell - Does anyone use them?

I am thinking of starting to use a Kettlebell program, does anyone do this? Have you been happy with results? Seems to get good reviews on Amazon, was wondering what any MFPers thought. Thanks in advance for any thoughts.


  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    I use kettlebells 2-3 times a week 20-35 pounds, but I have never used a program or DVD. I started using them as part of a fitness class and I pretty much do a lot of the exercises we learned there like swings, push press, windmills, turkish get-ups, cleans, goblet squats, halos and tricep extensions. I set a timer for 1:30 rounds and do each as many as I can do with good form in that time. It will get your lungs working hard.
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    I have a Kettlebell workout dvd I'm starting tomorrow so I can't tell you if I like it yet or not. Thinking I will though :)
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    I love kettebells! I take a kettlebells class at my has really helped to tone my whole body, including my obliques and is one of my favorite exercises!
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    My trainer uses them with me. Mainly squat thrusts, kettle ball in one hand swing between your legs as you squat and as you stand swing the kettle ball out in front of you. We've used it else where as well. Adds weight to normal PT stuff to make it more challenging.
  • daphnegetnfit
    Thanks! I am going to give them a try!
  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    They are a great workout, see if you can get some used locally as they tend to be pricey if you need to get heavier ones due to shipping. Check Craiglist.

    If you need guidance, look for kettlebell tutorials on youtube. Form is important as you don't want to hurt your wrists. Best of luck to you! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    I got the kettleballs on sale at Aldi but haven't got into the habit of using them, however I just got a Bob Harper DVD and I'm looking forward to trying it out!